How to seal a hole in the pool at home

What could be better than swimming in the pool on a hot summer day? Easy to install and use frame and inflatable products, a large selection of sizes, colors and shapes makes such entertainment not only fun, but also affordable. Most pools are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a material that is easy to pierce. However, do not rush and consider the fun spoiled, and write off the product in junk. You can seal the pool yourself using effective methods.

How to seal a hole in the pool

Ways of gluing

First you need to find a puncture, which is often more difficult than eliminating it. To speed up the search, you should bleed air and determine the location of a specific sound in the area of ​​damage. Then lower alternately the parts of the inflated pool into the water. The air leaving the hole will create bubbles, which will tell the problem place.

Next, it is necessary to apply a soap solution to the entire surface: the resulting bubbles will indicate a puncture. After successfully locating the punctured zone, circle it with a marker. Now you can begin to solve the problem. For this, in practice there are several ways:

Pool repair kit.

Sealing the pool with cold vulcanization

  1. The first method is suitable for someone who has firmly decided that nothing will interfere with his fun. From the pluses - the necessary materials can be found in every home. However, such a repair is unreliable, it will not replace a real fix and is effective only in emergency cases. For resuscitation, use tape, an ordinary patch or adhesive tape for the pool. Such products can last from several hours to several days, but inevitably come off due to high humidity. The service life of such a patch can be extended by treating the surface with fine sandpaper and degreasing with alcohol. Such an urgent way of salvation is suitable if you need to buy time.
  2. Some caring manufacturers pre-pack the pool repair kit. It may include several patches with an adhesive side or a separate tube of glue with patches. With this set, it remains to follow a few simple steps. First you need to bleed air and dry the surface. Then prepare the damaged area with fine sandpaper, wipe with alcohol and dry. Then stick the patch on the hole, fix it with a heavy object and allow to dry. Repair materials do not always come with the product, but you can buy them in specialized stores. Consultants will help you choose the right kit and talk about the features.
  3. If there is no way to buy special materials, but do not want to give up your favorite entertainment? Any waterproof superglue, for example, the well-known “Moment” and its analogues, will cope well with the task. A patch made of a material identical to the surface of the product can be cut out of a swimming circle, vest, children's toys or thin rubber of similar quality. Then the surface should be prepared according to the algorithm described in method No. 2. After applying the glue to the hole, wait a few minutes until the glue reacts with the surface, then stick the patch. Under it should not remain air bubbles, it should fit snugly against the material. After that, the patch is placed under the press and left for a day for a reliable result. If you find a very small puncture, you can seal it without a patch.In this case, waterproof glue should be applied to the damaged area and allowed to dry. For reliability, you can apply another layer over the existing one.
  4. The pool can be saved in a car service with the help of a kit for cold vulcanization of chambers. The patch with the sticky side is applied to the prepared surface and held under the press. Such repairs can be performed independently, but there are some important tips. For reliability, it is necessary to withstand the patch under the press during the day. Then check the quality of the patch. Before use, ventilate the product in fresh air to eliminate unpleasant odors and allergic reactions.
  5. The holes can be so large that they cannot be glued on their own. In this case, specialized workshops for the repair of swimming pools and other PVC products will come to the rescue. Experts will share tips on the operation and prevention of troubles.

There are a lot of ways to seal pools both at home and with the help of specialists. It all depends on what you need to get in the end and how much the owner is willing to spend on repairs.

Damage Prevention

The longevity of Intex pools depends on compliance with simple rules. Damage prevention is always easier than repairing them. A few tips for the proper use of inflatable pools:

Proper inflating pool

  1. Keep away from pets, prickly plants that may pierce the surface.
  2. Carefully open the packaging: it’s a shame to damage the pool without even unpacking it.
  3. Install it on a flat, cleaned surface, away from stones and bumps.
  4. Better to use a lining.
  5. Do not pump the product. This reduces the internal pressure, reduces the likelihood of pressure on the seams that can open up and the pool burst.
  6. Clean dirt regularly.
  7. Abandon jumps and tricks in the inflatable pool.

Careful and accurate handling of the product will extend its life, and tips for repairing damage will not come in handy for a very long time.

Frame pool repair

With the help of the frame, the pool remains stable, strong and holds its shape, while the bowl consists of polymeric materials. Before repair, the location of the damage must be precisely determined. For this purpose, a coloring pigment is used, the movement of water is determined by it. Around the holes at the bottom of the bowl, debris and dirt often begin to accumulate. To accurately determine the punctured area and repair the bowl, the water will have to be drained completely.

No special repair kit is indispensable here. More often the damage is not in the frame, but in the bowl. To repair such a pool, you will need vinyl patches, waterproof and heat-resistant sealant and vinyl glue. The process consists of several stages:

All water is drained from the pool

  1. All water is drained from the pool.
  2. Accurately determine the location of the damage and mark it.
  3. The surface is degreased with alcohol, treated with fine sandpaper to enhance adhesion.
  4. A vinyl patch is lubricated with special glue and close the punctured place. If necessary, use several fragments.
  5. Press down the place with the patch pasted with a heavy object or put it under the press.
  6. They leave the product for two days, do not fill it with water, wait for complete drying.
  7. Check the strength of the patch, ventilate the repaired product in the fresh air to avoid allergic reactions and a specific smell.

Repair of the frame pool under water only possible with special glue from the repair kit. In this case, it is necessary to impose patches on both sides. However, even in this case, the repair remains unreliable. It is recommended to drain the water, treat the surface and repair the damage for an effective and durable result.

To avoid this, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of operation. In addition, it is necessary to prevent damage to the frame pool.

Stick vinyl patches

Sticking vinyl patches is a tedious task, and flushing water is long and expensive. To avoid holes, you should constantly monitor its condition, maintain cleanliness and control the level of contamination of the liquid.

The pool is a favorite activity of adults and children during the summer season. Following some simple advice, You can extend the life of the product for many years. However, even if the puncture could not be avoided, you can take advantage of the numerous repair options and maintain pleasure and vivid emotions.

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