How to fix the sheet on the mattress?

Good sleep is the key to a good mood the next day. However, many are uncomfortable sleeping because of the ever-sliding sheet or mattress, and they can not do anything about it. The solution, of course, is. From this article you will learn how to fix the sheet on the mattress, as well as the mattress itself on the bed. Such information will be very useful so as not to waste a lot of time in not always justified attempts to choose bedding that is more suitable in size and fabric, and once and for all to solve the problem of uncomfortable sleep.

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Hold the sheet

There are three main ways in which you can keep the sheet. These include:

  • Acquisition of crocodiles for curtains.
  • Making a stretch sheet.
  • The purchase of special clips.

We will consider each of them separately and decide which one is right for you.

Using improvised tools

For the most lazy, but at the same time, the most resourceful housewives, there are so-called crocodiles. Usually they are used to fasten curtains, however, in this case, such fasteners will serve well for fastening bedding. Curtain crocodiles, as a rule, are made of iron, which means they are quite high-quality helpers in all areas of their application.

Important! These mounts are usually sold with curtain rings, but don’t worry - it’s pretty easy to unhook them.

To use crocodiles, you need:

  1. Unhook the rings that come with the kit - they are needed in order to fix the curtains on the curtain. Now they definitely will not be needed - on the contrary, they will interfere with work and cling to the fabric.
  2. Attach one crocodile to the sheet and fix it on the bed.
  3. Do the same with other clips. In the end, you will consume about 7-9 pieces.

Do-it-yourself sheet sheets

A sheet that can be pulled over a mattress can easily be sewn on its own without buying ready-made stretchable bedding.

Important! For sewing such a mattress cover it is better to take natural fabrics, namely:

  • Linen.
  • Cotton calico.
  • Satin

In order to fix the sheet on the mattress in this way, you must follow this algorithm:

  • Cut a 30 * 30 square at the ends of a regular purchase sheet.
  • Sew the sides together using an overlock. Thread the rest of the thread into the resulting seam.
  • Sew a circular stitch by placing a thin elastic band under it. So that it does not lose its elastic properties, it is not recommended to flash it.

Important! The elastic tape can only be sewn along the edge of the future product, it is easy to do, but it is possible to stick it around the perimeter of the side that is narrow.

  • Fill the stitched places under the mattress or pull them on its ends.

The elastic sheet is ready!

The mattress slides, what to do? Stretch sheets keep their shape well and do not tighten throughout the night. And this means that you will not have questions like: “How to fix the cover on the sofa so that it does not slip?”.


Clips for bed linen

Holders for linen (they are also clamps), as a rule, are available with these types of fasteners. Some hold the sheet at two points, while others at three. Here are two basic mounting types:

  • Plastic.
  • Chromium-plated.

They look like wide elastic bands with holders on the edges. The latches, in turn, are very strong and look like loops. This design can even be compared with a stocking holder or suspenders.

Important! Clips are not only used to hold sheets. With their help, blankets or bedspreads are pulled on furniture.

To correctly establish such holders, you must follow this procedure:

  1. Bend the corners of this element of bedding under the mattress. You can just lower them down.
  2. Fasten the holder and fix it under the mattress or from its ends.
  3. See if the sheet is flat, if there are any unnecessary folds on it. If everything is in order, then you correctly fixed the element of bed linen.
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We fix the mattress

Many do not know how to fix the mattress so that it does not slip. This problem remains relevant for a long time, because few people cope with this task - most consider it impossible. For this reason, it is recommended that you first carefully consider the mattress, think well before buying it, and only then buy it - you will always have time to do the latter.

Consider two options for attaching this accessory to a bedroom place:

  1. Try to sew the loops on the mattress cover, which, in turn, will be attached to the bed itself. This method is the most popular.
  2. Also very original is the way where you need to use a contact Velcro to attach the mattress to the bed itself.
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Bad, unhealthy sleep very negatively affects the well-being and mood of a sleepy person the whole next day. Causes of poor sleep can be anything, but more often it is the inconvenience created by a crumpled sheet or a sliding mattress. From this article, you learned how to fix a mattress on a sofa so that it does not slip, and do the same with a sheet. Now you can relax comfortably!

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