How to fix the bath on the legs, if it stands on the tiled floor?

At present, it is impossible to imagine a modern bathroom, which would not be equipped with a bath. Mostly builders install and fix the bath, but over time, plumbing fails, loses its attractiveness or undergoes deformation. In this case, there is a need for independent installation of the bathtub to replace the old product. In our article, we will consider how to fix the bathtub on its legs, if it stands on the tiled floor, and other options for its installation.

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Bath selection

The bath is a large-capacity sanitary tank used for washing, washing and other household needs. More recently, showers tried to displace this device, but because of less functionality, they were defeated.

There are 3 types of bathtubs:

  • Cast iron. This is a classic version that perfectly retains heat and has high strength. The disadvantage of this product is the large weight, since a bath of such material weighs about 80-150 kg. With a large mass, transportation and installation of the product is difficult. Also, cast-iron containers have a high price and they are limited by a set of standard sizes and shapes.
  • Steel. A steel product is able to retain heat significantly less time, but at the same time, their weight is 3-5 times less than cast iron. Basically, steel baths weigh up to 30 kg. The main disadvantage of these models is the large noise that occurs when a jet of water falls. It is very difficult to install a steel bath on the floor so that it does not stagger and does not play. However, these models are widely used because of the affordable price, which is 3 times lower than for cast iron products.
  • Acrylic Acrylic, from which modern bathtubs are made, is a durable polymer material. Products from it can satisfactorily retain heat, and you can purchase them at a very affordable price. In addition, such products have a beautiful appearance. Acrylic containers are easy to install because they are not heavy. A significant drawback is the low strength, which is inferior to cast iron and steel. Therefore, a solid weight of a person can break an acrylic product.

Important! So that after installation the bath does not swing and stands level, you should correctly select the size of the product. The length of the container corresponds to the distance between the walls minus 4-5 cm. When you purchase a bath, you need to choose the models that are as close as possible to the calculated dimensions. This requirement helps prevent possible gaps between the bathroom and walls, which may appear after installation is complete. In addition, with the right choice of capacity, the process of fixing the product to the wall and floor of the room is much easier.

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Features of mounting various bathtubs

Many people ask themselves: how to fix the bath on your own so that it does not stagger and does not play? When installing a sanitary container, you need to remember some nuances, given which you can independently cope with the task.

For this, one should take into account the particularities of fixing various types of bathtubs:

  • The most difficult moment of fixing a cast-iron bath is the skidding of this product with a weight of about 100 kg and its installation on the floor. To install this capacity, 4 supports are required that are supplied with the selected product.A bath of cast iron is installed on the floor of the room with the help of legs, which are attached to the bottom of the product with special bolts or wedges. To distribute the load from the weight of the bathroom, a metal sheet is laid on the floor of the room.
  • It is much more difficult to install a steel tank than a cast iron product. Since it has a lower weight, illiterate installation very often leads to its staggering and sliding. To securely fix the steel product, it is required that the bath adjoin 3 walls as close as possible. You can install the container on a brick podium or brick supports that come with a bathtub.
  • Acrylic products are fixed to the podium or adjustable supports so that the tank does not swing, sway or slip. There must be an adjacency of the container to 3 walls of the room. Since acrylic models have low mechanical strength, it is recommended to build a frame around them, which allows to add additional rigidity to the product and hide communication elements.

Important! For repairs in the bathroom, only after laying ceramic tiles can the product be installed. In order to ensure access to the floor under the container, the product must be raised, and then installed on wooden blocks or bricks.

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Basic rules for installing a bath

When buying a bathroom, it is imperative to pay attention to the fastening system with which it will be equipped. After purchasing the product, you must carefully read the instructions, familiarize yourself with the installation method, which is recommended for this model.

How to fix a steel bath so that it does not swing? Basically, the product installation process is as follows:

  1. Before fixing the steel bath, we prepare the site for installation. If it is supposed to carry out finishing work with ceramic tiles, then we lay the tiles on the walls and on the floor of the room.
  2. We install the bath on its side, then carefully set it on the floor, since this position facilitates the convenient connection of an overflow and drain pipe.
  3. Using a sealant or sealant, as well as changing the position of the product, we connect the floor siphon with plastic pipes.
  4. We fasten or glue the legs to the bottom of the sanitary container, while adjusting the supports in height.
  5. We place the product in such a way that it is possible to connect the siphon to the sewer system.
  6. Under the bottom we build a podium of bricks or some other materials. We install a frame that would allow us to hide the pipes behind the decorative screen.
  7. We tightly process the joints between the walls and the product, using sealant, a moisture-resistant solution or a plastic corner.
  8. After the installation is completed, experienced specialists check the reliability and quality of the mount. To do this, fill the product with water and control the correct operation of the drain. We observe that the product does not swing and does not wobble.
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Mounting with foam

Polyurethane foam is used to strengthen the product and simultaneously fix it on the floor and walls of the room. Mounting for the bathtub to the wall using mounting foam is performed in this way:

  1. We set the sanitary capacity in place and in height with the help of adjustable legs so that a gap of about 0.5-1.5 cm remains near the walls.
  2. After that, we fill the bathtub to the brim with water.
  3. Using mounting foam, we close the gaps between the sanitary container body and the walls of the room, as well as between the legs of the product and the floor.

Important! Sealing foam has the property of expansion when dried, so it should be used in a strictly dosed order. Otherwise, unwanted deformations of the structure occur, which reduce the reliability of its fixation.

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Brick Frame Application

As a rule, a brick frame is used in situations where you fix the product without using legs, while ensuring an even distribution of the load along the entire perimeter of the support. This installation method allows you to apply the option of laying out the frame both across the bathroom and along the room.

Important! With a transverse arrangement, the product should directly rest on the brick, which implies additional fastening of the frame to the walls using corners of metal - aluminum or steel. We fix the pre-prepared corners with dowels on the wall. With this option, the free edges of the container have additional support, and when pressed, it does not swing.

How to fix a steel bath with a brick frame:

  • Unpack the purchased product and conduct a thorough analysis of the dimensions of the product and the room.
  • We install the bath on the strut brackets, set right next to the wrong side of the sides.

Important! When installing the bowl in a niche, it is necessary to observe the required distance between the sides of the plumbing and the wall on each side, which corresponds to 2.5 cm. This requirement does not apply when installing corner products.

  • Using the spirit level, check the position of the product relative to the horizon. If necessary, change the installation angle of the spacers, thus aligning the installation of the bowl.
  • In the proposed installation locations of the legs we lay out the brickwork.
  • The last row of masonry is installed close to the wall of the tank, using pieces of brick.
  • When the masonry has dried, take out the spacers, and then check the stability of the bowl, using its own weight.
  • Applying a brick, along the perimeter of all plumbing, we lay out the screen under the very edge.

Attention! In this case, the creation of the screen serves not only as a decorative decoration, but also provides additional rigidity to this design. With insufficient strength of the lower supports, laying out the brickwork to the lower segment of the side along the entire perimeter of the bowl does not allow plumbing distortions.

Performing such work, without fail, provide a small inspection hole, which would allow free access to the siphon. As a finish to cover the holes, a small piece of drywall is used or a small plastic door is installed. If you are going to use ceramic tiles for wall decoration, then you can use the finished screen, which serves as the front panel of such a base.

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Installation on a metal frame

The specified installation method is mainly used in the installation of acrylic bowls, which are already equipped with a finished steel frame. In the absence of such an accessory, the steel frame can be purchased separately or created independently.

How to mount an acrylic bathtub to a wall using a metal frame:

  • When installing such a product, we attach the guide rails of the frame to the bottom of the product, using self-tapping screws.

Important! Mounting should be done in special places that have a thickening.

  • On the fixed guides we install the legs that come with the kit, using a bolted connection.
  • Lower the bowl into place.
  • We outline the points of contact of the product with the walls of the bath room.
  • In these places we mount special strips that provide additional support.

Important! Between the plank and the side, a small gap should be left - about 2-4 mm, which is taken into account when expanding the product after the bowl was filled with hot water.

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Installation of an acrylic corner bathtub on standard supports

To fix the corner acrylic bathtub on the legs, if it is standing on the tiled floor with the help of standard supports:

  • We free the acquired acrylic container from packaging.
  • To prevent scratches on the bathroom floor, we spread out the bedspread and turn the sanitary container on it.
  • We measure the sides of the product and correlate them with the dimensions of the installation location.

Important! For quick and high-quality installation of the corner product, it is necessary to check the converging walls of the seat, the angle between which should be straight. Otherwise, a gap appears, which is very difficult to cover.

  • Unpack the components necessary for the manufacture of the frame.
  • We use plugs for the ends of the legs.
  • We screw the studs onto which we lock the locknuts.
  • We assemble a profile to create a frame.
  • We fasten the pin of the adjusting leg into the profile hole. We tighten one locknut closely to the profile, and the other - screw it to the leg for stability and structural strength.
  • We install prepared profiles on the product and fasten them with the screws included in the kit.
  • To assemble the second profile, we prepare a shorter and longer hairpin. Using a locknut, screw a short hairpin.
  • From the protruding side of the side of the product, we screw a long hairpin.
  • On two sides of a long stud screwed in, we install plastic legs so that one leg can rest on the acrylic board of the product, and the other, respectively, on the floor.
  • The fixed legs are fixed with nuts.

Important! After installing the support legs on the profile, it is necessary to check that the plugs are located at the same level. With a ruler, you can check the location of the extreme points of the support legs, while measuring the distance from the profile plane to the surface of the plugs.

  • We turn over the assembled structure and install it in the required place.
  • Applying the level to the sides, we check the position of the sanitary container.
  • If necessary, align the legs and tighten the locknuts again.
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Reinforced acrylic bathtubs

The strengthening of the acrylic bathtub on the support legs has one significant drawback, which is that in the area formed between the fixed profiles, the bowl crunches under the weight of a person.

To make reinforced fasteners for acrylic bathtubs:

  • We select standard brick blocks with a length of 625 mm and a thickness of 250 mm.
  • With the help of adjusting supports we raise the capacity to the maximum height.
  • Along the perimeter of the product we blow foam, on the surface of which we install blocks.

Important! In order for the foam to interact better with the blocks and the floor screed, it is necessary to moisten the mounting surfaces with spray water.

  • Lower the bowl onto the foam and, using nuts, fix the supports.
  • After a day, the plumbing stops crunching and becomes motionless.

This method is very simple, because for it you need to purchase only a foam cylinder and a few bricks.

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Insertion of a bathtub into a niche

Small-sized apartments very often create difficulties for installing a sanitary product in a designated place. As a result, the installation of the bowl is complicated, but on the other hand, it is possible to rigidly and reliably fix the container in the niche of the room.

How to fix a cast-iron bathtub to the floor? For rigid fastening of the product on each side of the wall, it is necessary to prepare grooves having a bowl edge thickness. For this purpose, a rotary hammer or grinder is used. Bowls are inserted into the prepared grooves with a slight “tightness”. The absence of full play guarantees the most rigid fixation.

Important! In the absence of the required stiffness of the legs, it is possible to further strengthen the bowl by using special transverse profiles that serve as supports for the tops of the product.

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How to close up a large gap near the wall?

Sometimes during the installation of the tank there is a large gap between the wall and the end, which does not allow for rigid fixation of the bowl. In this case, you can turn this disadvantage into an advantage, while creating a frame.As a result, a shelf appears between the wall and the bathroom, which can be used to store shampoos, powder and other accessories.

Consider some ways to eliminate a large gap:

  • We make a frame from profiles that can be sheathed with a moisture-resistant material, such as drywall.
  • We create a hatch to have access to plumbing.
  • We fasten the bar to the wall and build a shelf, one side of which is located on the bar, the second is on the product or frame.

Important! When designing a shelf, it is necessary to create it with a slope so that there is no accumulation of water. To avoid stagnation of water, plumbing should be mounted with a slope towards the drain.

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In principle, any installation work is within the power of the home master, if he responsibly and scrupulously treats the upcoming work. In this article, we have offered you several options on how to fix the bathtub on its legs so that it does not stagger for different models of plumbing. We hope that using our step-by-step instructions, you managed to do everything efficiently and reliably.


