How to close the pipes in the toilet?

During the repair in the bathroom, the owners strive to ensure that it is beautiful, practical and functional. If, as a rule, there are no problems with the ceiling, side walls and floor, then the rear wall, in which the pipes are placed, makes us think both builders and owners. How to close the pipes in the toilet so that they are not visible, but at the same time easily accessible? In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to compare the disadvantages and advantages of building materials, and also take into account the fact of how quickly structures from them are installed.

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Material selection

Solving the problem of how to hide sewer pipes in the toilet, first you need to decide which material is best suited for these purposes.

At the same time, it is not recommended to focus on only one appearance, because all materials for finishing bathrooms must necessarily meet certain requirements:

  • It is necessary that from them it is possible to make the most compact and lightweight design that will not clutter the already small toilet space.
  • Materials should not be susceptible to corrosion and chemically attack with an adjoining finish.
  • At elevated temperature and humidity, materials should not emit harmful substances and change their shape.

Despite the apparent severity of these requirements, building and finishing materials with similar characteristics can be found a great many. Great fit:

  • moisture resistant grades of drywall and plywood;
  • plastic panels;
  • simple or enriched MDF.

Important! All materials with which you are going to close the pipes in the toilet should be in harmony with the already existing interior of the bathroom both in color and shape.

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Plastic panels

It is very convenient to sew pipes in the toilet with plastic panels. This method has the following advantages:

  1. The frame is easy to install.
  2. Plastic panels are safe for health.
  3. They have a long service life.
  4. Provide access to pipes in emergency situations without the need for complete dismantling of the wall.
  5. Hygienic and not afraid of moisture.
  6. They are quickly dismantled in case of urgent need, for example, during a new repair.

Important! The disadvantage of plastic panels is that they stand out against the background of the side walls. Because of this, they will have to be carefully selected to match the color of the wallpaper or tile.

Direct installation is as follows:

  • Around the pipes mounted frame made of metal profile.
  • Next, plastic panels are hung on it along with additional elements.

Important! For the frame, it is best to use a galvanized profile that is not exposed to moisture.

  • Near the wall to the frame with the help of self-tapping screws, a starting F-bar is inserted, into which the panels cut in advance along the length are inserted sequentially. In this case, each subsequent panel is connected to the already mounted by means of an existing lock on the edge.

Important! If the structure comes out quite large in area, then the panels must be additionally screwed to the frame in the middle part using self-tapping screws. For this, the frame must be equipped with intermediate strips of the same profile.

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Another easy way to close the pipes in the toilet is to hide them behind a drywall box. This material has the following advantages:

  • Drywall construction is easy to install.
  • Easily dismantled if necessary.
  • It does not emit harmful substances, even with strong heating.
  • Drywall is suitable for subsequent finishing. It can be tiled, painted or glued.

Important! The disadvantage of drywall is that if there is a need to repair or change pipes, then the box will need to be completely dismantled and then re-built from new materials.

The installation process of drywall differs little from the previous method, that is, the installation of plastic panels. The only difference is that:

  • The frame must be very durable.
  • Drywall sheets at the edges do not have locks, which entails the need to grout the resulting seams.
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Blinds are perfect for small bathrooms. This is the cheapest option to close the pipes in the toilet. Blinds give the chance:

  • Quickly and easily close the back wall.
  • Save space.
  • Close the back wall partially or completely.
  • Place shelves for storing cleaning products and household equipment in a niche.
  • Provide quick access to pipes or meters.

Important! The disadvantage of blinds is that they can quickly darken or turn yellow. Therefore, they should be installed so that at any time it is possible to replace them with new ones, without having to do the repair again.

Installation of blinds is more complicated than previous methods for the following reasons:

  • Anyway, you will have to build either a box of drywall or plastic, or a false wall, which will become the basis of the structure.
  • In the false wall, it will be necessary to cut out a window of the required size for installing blinds or roller shutters in it.

Important! In this case, it is necessary to install blinds or roller shutters of exclusively plumbing modifications that use aluminum that is not subject to corrosion.

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The choice of method and materials to close the pipes in the toilet always remains with the owner. None of the above options have any strict contraindications or recommendations. Even in a small room, as a rule, it is possible to install a design to mask unattractive plumbing pipes.

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