How to sew a bath with drywall?

Drywall, due to its high performance, affordable price and ease of use, has gained immense popularity among apartment owners and professionals. The material is widely used in the decoration of living quarters for leveling walls and ceilings, niches and arches are built from drywall, built-in wardrobes and shelves are made. Many owners, while repairing a bathroom, are wondering if plasterboard bathing is possible. It turns out that this available material can be used not only in dry rooms, but also in the bathroom. Today we will try to figure out how to sew a bath with plasterboard. You must admit that dry plaster is an ideal basis for many types of decorative finishes and has no competitors in terms of simplicity and speed of installation.

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How to choose a drywall for the bathroom?

Standard drywall is afraid of moisture, so many owners doubt the appropriateness of its use in the bathroom. Often, homeowners ask the question: is it possible to sheathe a bath with drywall?

Based on the experience of professional builders and home craftsmen, we can safely answer that this finishing option is possible, since vulnerability to high humidity is characteristic only of standard sheets (GCR). And for the modern decoration of rooms with high humidity, a special material is used - moisture-proof drywall (GKLV), which is not afraid of dampness. In addition, manufacturers add hydrophobic substances and special components to the core of the moisture-resistant material that prevent the appearance and development of fungus and mold. GKLV is able to transfer even moisture in the steam room, since moisture-resistant cardboard, additionally treated with antiseptics, is used as the shell of the material.

Important! Moisture-resistant drywall (GKLV) manufacturers are painted in green. Remember that the color of drywall is its marking, which allows you to distinguish simple sheets from moisture resistant.

High-quality GKLV does not lose its properties even in conditions of high humidity (90%) and regular temperature drops. If the room requires not only protection against moisture, but also insurance against possible fire, then experts recommend choosing a fire-resistant type of material - GLVO.

Important! In order to prevent excess moisture from accumulating on the walls in the bathroom, install a special fan that will provide forced ventilation of the room. Turn on the fan as soon as you enter the bathroom to completely remove the moist air even at the stage of its occurrence.

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How to sheathe a bath with drywall? Decide on technology

Perfect smooth walls, obtained as a result of leveling with drywall, are an excellent basis for further decorative finishes. To align the walls, sheets with a thickness of at least 12.5 cm are used. However, before you purchase the material, you should decide on the “finish" finish, because the more the finishing material weighs, the thicker the GKLV sheets should be.

Important! If you are going to cover gypsum plasterboard with paint, then pay attention to the coating of sheets, since, as practice shows, some coatings of gypsum board do not accept water-repellent paint.


There are two ways to sew a bath with drywall:

  • Using the frame.
  • Using special glue.

If you are a happy owner of an apartment with even walls, then you can use a simple and quick method of installation - fastening sheets with a special moisture-resistant glue.This method is more suitable for further painting, wallpapering and other options for decorating walls with lightweight materials.

Important! If you decide to fix the gypsum plasterboard sheets with glue, then do not forget to treat the finished plasterboard structure with a waterproofing composition, especially seams. This is necessary so that moisture does not leak into inconspicuous cracks and does not weaken the effect of glue.

If you plan to sheathe the bathroom with plasterboard for tiles, it is better to choose the wireframe method. About how to sheathe the bath with drywall under the tile, we will describe below.

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Adhesive Wall Cladding Method

The use of glue has several advantages:

  • Space saving.
  • There is no need to install a double layer of sheets.
  • Saving money and time.
  • The simplicity of the method.


For work you will need the following materials:

  • GKLV sheets.
  • Glue.
  • Primer. It will prevent the development of the fungus.
  • Sealant. All seams between the sheets must be treated with sealant.
  • Corrugation. Use the corrugation to hide communications and protect them from moisture.
  • Building level.
  • Putty knife.


Before sheathe the bath with drywall with glue, carry out preparatory measures:

  1. Make sure the plaster layer is strong. Better, of course, to completely remove the old plaster.
  2. The surface of the walls is waterproofed and primed.
  3. For ease of installation, cut the sheets into pieces. This is especially necessary if you work without assistants.



The wall cladding by the adhesive method is as follows:

  1. Clean the surface of the walls from dust and dirt, treat with a primer.
  2. Prepare the glue mixture. Glue preparation instructions are supplied by the manufacturer.
  3. Apply glue to the sheets with small cakes. Apply glue at the ends with wider strips, as there is a higher probability of deformation at the joints.
  4. Attach the drywall to the wall using a level.
  5. Squeeze sheets across the entire area.
  6. Glue the seams with bandage tape and seal with putty.
  7. Seams near the floor and at the places where the bathroom adjoins the wall are additionally glued with waterproofing tape to protect against water leakage.
  8. After completion of installation work, treat the surface of the sheets with mastic. Additional protection will extend the life of the material.

Pipeline construction

So that after repair there are no problems with the pipeline, it is necessary to lay it correctly under the GKLV sheets. Special processing will significantly increase the life of not only pipes, but also the drywall construction itself.

To properly lay pipes under drywall, use the following recommendations of specialists:

  • Metal pipes must be primed and painted in several layers.
  • To prevent condensation from forming on the pipes, insulate the steel pipes. To insulate pipes, you can use mineral wool winding or a membrane with or without foil coating.
  • Since the pipes will be inside the box, and the noise of the water in the plastic products is quite loud, the hum can only intensify due to the drywall of the box. To ensure sound insulation, we recommend wrapping the pipes with mineral wool in several layers and fixing the insulation.
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Frame method of wall cladding

Sewing a bath with drywall using the skeleton method is much more difficult, but this method has several advantages:

  • There is no need to level the walls and remove the plaster.
  • Aesthetic look. All irregularities, unsightly communications and wiring will reliably hide in the gap between the partition and the finish.
  • Voids can be filled with sound-absorbing or heat-insulating material.
  • The ability to create a more advanced design.
  • The ability to decorate the walls with tiles.

Important! The frame method can also be used for partial decoration, for example, you can cover one wall with sheets, providing for it modern niches for storing small items, or build a decorative screen for the bath.


Sheathe GKLV bathroom does not work without a special tool. Therefore, prepare for work:

  • Roulette (at least 3 meters).
  • Scissors for cutting aluminum profiles.
  • Water level.
  • Hammer or drill.
  • Construction knife for cutting drywall sheets.
  • Hammer.
  • Drywall screws.
  • Marker.

Important! The installation of the frame for the subsequent sheathing of the walls of GKLV in the bathroom is practically no different from the order of work in other rooms.


Work sequence:

  • Start work by marking the location of the future box. On the floor and wall, mark the lines along which the profile will be attached. On the wall, draw lines for the guide profiles with a level and a ruler, and on the floor, lines for the support profile.
  • Prepare the GKLV sheets and remove the exact thickness dimensions from them. This thickness must be taken into account when marking.

Important! If you plan to clad the box with tiles, the work will go much faster, if you take into account the size of the cladding tiles during the initial layout. Ideally, the width of the box should not exceed, or - on the contrary, be less than the width of the tile.

  • Assemble the metal frame to secure the sheets. If necessary, make niches and openings.

Important! It is recommended to reduce the distance between parallel profiles to 40 cm, and the number of fasteners - on the contrary, to increase. Such reinforcing measures will allow you to get a durable frame that can withstand temperature extremes and the destructive effect of moisture. Another point - indents from 0.5 to 2 cm should be made from the floor and ceiling.

  • Attach the guide profiles to the walls using a hammer drill and driven dowels.
  • Fix the support profiles on the floor and ceiling by connecting them to the rails.
  • Install the last support that forms the protruding corner of the box.
  • If the height of the structure exceeds 1.5 m and the width is more than 25 cm, then install additional jumpers between the guide profiles. This will increase the stability of the structure and the drywall sheet will not bend under physical impact. As a result, a crate for mounting sheets should be obtained.
  • Attach pre-measured and cut details of the drywall structure to the frame.
  • Fix the GKLV parts to the metal with special self-tapping screws every 15-20 cm.

Important! Drywall sheets should not protrude beyond the guide profile, it is better if they are slightly smaller.

  • Treat all joints with putty and a special water-repellent solution.
  • After completing installation work, proceed to the decorative decoration of the room.

Important! When installing drywall on a metal profile, a continuous horizontal gap should not occur. Use the sheets to be staggered, and remember that sheets cannot be placed too tightly, but the distance between them should not exceed 2-3 mm.

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Laying tiles on drywall

For the decor of the surface, you can choose any material, but the most practical for the bathroom is tile. Applying tiles to drywall is practically no different from gluing tiles to ordinary walls. The only condition for the quality of the finish is a good grout of the tile joints.

Important! Before starting work, check the quality of the waterproofing coating.

A few recommendations of specialists for the successful decoration of drywall walls with tiles:

  1. Before gluing the tiles, ground the walls of drywall and allow the primer to dry.
  2. There are two ways to lay tiles on drywall:
    • Glue application on a tile. Using this method, it is necessary to constantly transform the adhesive into a relief form for its better distribution.
    • Apply adhesive to the wall.When applying glue to the surface, there is a high probability of an overdose of the mixture, which, in turn, can affect the quality of work.
  3. Apply tile on special glue row by row. To prevent the first row from sliding, mount a metal profile, and at the end of work, remove it.
  4. To get a stiffer tile base, use two layers of drywall.

Important! When using tiles for finishing, get moisture-resistant glue for fixing it and high-quality moisture-resistant grout, otherwise, moisture will slowly but destroy the base.

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Partial plasterboard bathroom

If the walls of the room do not need a fundamental leveling, then in many cases partial finishing will be enough, for example, GKLV can cover only one wall, providing on it fashionable and modern niches. You can use drywall for such techniques:

  • Disguise a sewer riser.
  • Decorative screen for the bathroom.
  • Window closing between the bathroom and the kitchen.
  • Making a niche for a washing machine or washbasin cabinet.

The most common method of using drywall in the bathroom is the manufacture of a decorative screen. It is easy to build it if you perform the following operations in sequence:

  1. Make a markup for the future box.
  2. From a galvanized profile or bar, make a frame.
  3. In the drywall sheet, cut a hole for the hatch. It will allow you to use the place that is behind the screen for storing household chemicals and other small things.
  4. Fix the GKLV sheet to the frame.
  5. Seal all joints and holes with sealant.
  6. Decorate the screen to your liking.
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We trim the ceiling competently

To qualitatively sheathe the ceiling with drywall, use the following rules:

  • The ceiling is sheathed only by GKLV and processed according to a special scheme.
  • Paint and putty for the ceiling should be designed exclusively for rooms with high humidity.
  • Do not integrate ordinary room lights into the ceiling. Use only special lighting fixtures with a high level of vapor barrier.
  • Be sure to use the corrugation when laying the wiring. This pipe will protect the cable from moisture, and the room from a short circuit.
  • In order to properly mount the suspended ceiling, find the lowest angle in the room and take measurements from it. The guide profile must be at least 10 cm from the ceiling. This distance is necessary for laying electrical wiring lines.
  • After installation, be sure to treat all joints with a special water-repellent mortar and putty.
  • Since even moisture-resistant drywall still remains a vulnerable material, apply a waterproofing solution on both sides of the gypsum board before installation.
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We hope that our information helped you with the repair in the bathroom, and in order not to expose the drywall to excessive moisture and extend the life of the repair, install a forced ventilation system and eliminate any malfunctions in the bathroom (dripping faucet, faulty toilet bowl, lack of heated towel rail) that May cause high humidity. Good luck

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