Which keyboard is better - mechanical or membrane?

Today, most of human life is occupied by the use of new technologies. A person spends a lot of time on computer games, social networks and watching videos. Usually, all this can be done while sitting at computers. It is very difficult to use such a technique without a keyboard and mouse. With their help, you can type messages, enter search queries, solve technical problems. In order to understand which keyboard is better - mechanical or membrane, you should familiarize yourself with the features of each type and type. Then the selection process does not take much time.

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Keyboard Views

Current keyboards are very different from the very first models. Now every manufacturer is trying to improve the components for the computer and is trying to make as many innovations as possible for the convenience of the user.

Types by device

Consider the types of design features to understand which keyboard is better to buy:

  • Flexible - very flexible and comfortable. If necessary, they can be rolled up. It is very convenient to use complete with a tablet. However, pressing keys is quite difficult, so such models are hard to compare with desktop ones.
  • Classic - such models are very convenient to use and do not take up much space. The buttons are symmetrically close to each other. There are separate blocks for numbers and arrows. The data view has a rectangular shape.
  • Full-size - the length of such models is 50 cm and 20 cm wide. The peripheral device is quite large, so it is very convenient for home or office. Equipped with convenient keys, you can use ten-finger typing.
  • Ergonomic - the button panels are divided into two parts, at an angle of 120 degrees. Alphabetical buttons are slightly convex - this provides a convenient typing. Typically, these models have a built-in palm rest, which greatly increases the comfort of use.
  • Compact - all buttons on such devices are located very close to each other. Missing block with numbers. These keyboards are suitable for saving space and transferring with gadgets (tablet or phone).
  • Island - buttons are separated by narrow “tracks”, which allows you to type text “blindly”. In addition, less garbage gets under the keys and these models look quite modern.

Differences in Button Type

All keyboards are designed to perform the same function - typing. However, there are many parameters by which they can be divided into groups. They differ in speed of pressing, response, characteristic sound when pressed and the mechanism of pressing the keys.

According to the type of keystroke, peripheral devices are divided into two groups:

  1. Membrane - are the most common type of input device. Under each key there is a special rubber pad, which, when pressed, gives a signal for entering text, and when it is straightened, the key returns to its original position. It is very convenient and simple.

Important! There are also minor disadvantages in using these types of keyboards. Over time, the rubber pad wears out and the operability of the input device becomes no longer as good. By clicking on the desired button, the letter or number does not appear on the monitor, as a result, you have to spend time correcting the text.

  1. Mechanical - this option is perfect for entering “blindly”, since the device is equipped with many metal parts that respond more clearly to keystrokes. The button is reset using the built-in spring.1-6

Important! Such keyboards have one significant minus - a characteristic click after pressing a button. Near people sitting, this can be very annoying. Despite this drawback, such a device is much more reliable and better than a membrane one.

Which keyboard is better - mechanical or membrane, this is the subjective opinion of each computer user. When choosing a large role is played by the personal preferences of the buyer, which should definitely be considered when acquiring peripherals.


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The best mechanical keyboards

Nowadays, mechanical input devices are very much in demand and popular, as they have an excellent design and a high level of comfort.

Consider the ranking of the best mechanical keyboards:

  • Das Keyboard Prime 13 - equipped with a backlight and 104 keys. The case is made of aluminum, so when using it there are no fingerprints left. Buttons have a protective function against ultraviolet rays, as a result of which they do not fade or wear out.
  • Leopold FC750R - equipped with multimedia buttons that allow you to quickly launch the desired application or program. There is no digital block on it and key designations are printed on the edge of the button. The keys are convex, so your hands will not get tired quickly with prolonged use. There is a soundproofing substrate that provides silent typing.
  • Kinesis Advantage Pro Metallic - there is no digital block, but each block of buttons is located separately from each other. There are keys that are designed for thumbs. Thanks to them, the load on the little fingers and cysts as a whole is reduced. Complete with the device there are special soft pads for hands.
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Keyboard Tips

Since electronics stores are full of a wide range of peripheral equipment, there are several useful recommendations that will greatly facilitate the purchase process. Here you need to decide not only which keyboard is better - mechanical or membrane, but also pay attention to other factors:

    1. Design. Carefully inspect the proposed models and remember that design is not only beauty, but also convenience.
    2. Number of keys. This criterion should be attributed to the purpose for which you want to purchase this or that equipment. If for games, then there should be a few extra keys. And if for work, then the standard option is suitable.
    3. Altitude and dive keys. For keyboards designed for a personal computer, the step of pressing is much longer than for laptops. It is worth considering that the deeper the immersion of the key into the body, the more convenient it is to enter text.
    4. Additional functions. You should pay attention to them if you purchase peripherals for games.
    5. Soundproofing. An individual parameter, as some people like it when the keyboard makes clicks when pressed, while others, on the contrary, are annoying.
    6. Backlight Not the most important criterion, however, there is a place to be. With the backlight in the dark, you can do without light.
    7. Cost. The more diverse features and functions, the more expensive the keyboard.
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By following these simple rules, you will very quickly find the right model for yourself and will not experience any discomfort when using your PC. So - you can quickly solve tasks at work and enjoy virtual communication when you need it.

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