What is the best knife sharpener, what materials?

A sharp knife is an important accessory in the kitchen. Cooking different dishes with it is a pleasure. Correctly sharpening kitchen tools is an art that any home craftsman should own. The market has a huge number of grinding tools - from the simplest bars to complex fixtures. We'll figure out what the best knife sharpener is, which one to choose.

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How to choose the right tool grinding angle?

The most important point when sharpening the blade is the choice of the angle between the working surface and the blade. This parameter is selected depending on the variety and hardness of the metal, as well as on the purposes for which the knife is used. The angle of sharpening for different types of tools is:

  • Scalpels and razor blades - from 10 to 15 degrees.
  • Cutting meat, vegetables and bread - from 15 to 20 degrees.
  • Professional cook tools - 20-25 degrees.
  • Hunting - 25-30 degrees.
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Which knife sharpener to choose: classification

It is not easy to choose the right tool among the huge number of offers. All devices for sharpening blades are divided into the following classes:

  • The stones.
  • Machine tools
  • Sharpeners (mechanical or electrical).
  • Musat.

To sharpen a knife correctly, you need to know what features a particular device has. This is very important, otherwise - the blade can be hopelessly damaged.

A rock

For sharpening kitchen appliances, natural or artificial stones are used. Proper use of the grindstone allows you to sharpen the knife efficiently and quickly. Devices differ in grain size:

  • Large abrasive surface - in order to properly align the configuration of the cutting edge.
  • Medium grain is suitable for blade repair.
  • Fine grain perfectly copes with fine-tuning sharpness.

Important! If you are thinking how to choose a sharpener for kitchen knives, it is advisable to buy stones with different grain sizes. In this case, it will be possible to process the knives in several ways.

The algorithm for correct sharpening using a stone is as follows:

  1. Wash the knife blade with cold water. Chilled metal is sharpened better.
  2. Place the knife above the stone at an angle of 30 degrees.
  3. Drive the blade over the stone, in the direction from the handle to the tip.
  4. Sharpen each side - for this it is enough to make from 30 to 50 movements for each side.
  5. Finishing - sharpen the knife with a fine-grained stone (approximately 15 movements).

Important! Finishing up on a fine-grained bar is replaced by sharpening on a special leather belt, lubricated with abrasive paste.


It is made from different materials, but diamond-coated stone is considered the best. Such a product makes it possible to handle knives not only efficiently, but also quickly.

A good result is given by products with silicon carbide and electrocorundum sputtering. Despite the simplicity, this device occupies a worthy place in our rating of the best sharpeners for kitchen knives.

Machine tools

A circular grinding machine with abrasive discs is one of the best ways to quickly and efficiently make kitchen appliances sharp. The disadvantage of machines is that they are bulky, take up a lot of space and require certain skills during operation.Often used in cutting tool factories.

Important! When sharpening on machines, the blades become very hot, so it is necessary that the speed of the machine is minimal.

Grinding procedure on the machine:

  1. Press the blade against the grinding wheel. Make sure that the sharpening is uniform.
  2. The angle of sharpening is 25-30 degrees. The smaller the angle, the thinner and more brittle the blade will be.
  3. Work on the machine does not endure haste. Attempting to sharpen a blade quickly leads to damage.

Important! If you do not have experience with the machine, experimenting with it at home is undesirable.

Electric sharpener

These appliances are becoming increasingly popular. They are very simple to use, do not require any handling skills, and the knife blade acquires the necessary sharpness within a few minutes. In general, for beginners, these are the best sharpeners for kitchen knives.

Important! The advantage of these sharpeners is that they themselves choose the angle of sharpening. In addition, they are universal, suitable for different types of blades - scissors, screwdrivers, etc.

Electrical devices do an excellent job at sharpening ceramic blades. All other options, as a rule, end in failure. Pottery is a brittle material, and movements along a bar or musat damage the blade. Sharpening a ceramic knife is quite simple. Set the desired mode, place the blade in the hole and press gently. The device will do the rest on its own. In general, the best knife sharpener is an option for the lazy. And the efficiency is quite on the level.

Important! Electric sharpener copes with the most stupid knives. Therefore, experts advise this particular option. If before such devices were very expensive, today they are available to everyone.


This is a metal rod with a handle. Outwardly, it very much resembles a file. Use waste for sharpened tools, with a curvature of the cutting edge. Editing allows you to save cutting properties for a long time. Sharpen on both sides, 4-5 times, no more. The editing angle is 20-25 degrees.

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Are there any tools that do not need to be sharpened?

It turns out there is. Moreover, it is impossible to sharpen individual products at all. These include:

  • Magnetic or diamond coated tools. These are high-quality devices with which you can cut high-density substances. However, when you try to sharpen the blade, the effect is exactly the opposite.
  • Ceramic products. They can only be sharpened with an electric grinder or in a factory.
  • Products with serrated blades. Sharpening leads to damage and violation of the uniform arrangement of the teeth. Result - the knife completely fails.
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Sharpening a knife at home is not very difficult. However, if you are not confident in yourself, it is better to contact a master who will quickly help solve this problem. Now, given our advice, choosing the best knife sharpener is easy.


