Which plaster is better for a tile bathroom?

The bathroom is the wettest room in the house. During design and construction, special requirements are made for waterproofing, but still the finishing materials must withstand moisture. The most popular finish is tile. Many people stick it on their own without resorting to the help of repair companies, but the wall must be prepared - plastered. We will tell about what stucco is better for a bathroom under a tile.
to contents ↑Why plaster?
The wall of a house is almost never straight. For example, during the construction of a brick building, standards allow a deviation from the vertical of 15 mm per 2 square meters. m. Now imagine that you have to stick a tile on such a wall. She doesn’t have any deviations in thickness, the surface adjacent to the wall is almost flat. Accordingly - if the wall is skewed, voids form under the tile. It is almost never possible to fill them with glue, in addition, an additional large portion of glue can significantly increase the cost of repairs.
In addition, even the most skillful finisher will not be able to lay several rows of tiles so that the seams come together.
to contents ↑Important! On the unplastered wall, the tiles will go awry. So the wall will have to be leveled using a special composition.
Tile Features
Why is tile used for fine finishing of bathrooms, and partly of kitchens? For several reasons, which include:
- strength;
- moisture resistance;
- resistance to temperature extremes;
- convenience of leaving;
- the ability to stick on their own.
Important! In addition, manufacturers of construction products offer a lot of options for designing bathrooms - tiles can be of different colors, with a shiny or matte surface, a varied texture. Tiled panels with landscapes or genre scenes are very popular.
But the tile has some features that must be considered when working:
- heavy weight;
- fragility.
to contents ↑Important! Poorly executed preparation strengthens these features - under its own weight, the tile begins to fall off. Places where there are voids are more sensitive to mechanical stress.
Other finishes
In addition to tiles, decorative plaster is used to decorate the bathrooms. Its most important plus is the ability to show creativity. Modern materials make waterproofing very reliable.
However, there is one significant drawback - if you have never done finishing work, it is hardly worth starting with such work. So to the question which plaster is better for the bathroom, the beginner finisher will most likely give a definite answer - the one on which it will be possible to stick the tiles.
to contents ↑What do you want to achieve?
Before deciding which plaster to choose for the bathroom, think about what tasks the rough finish is designed to solve.
- leveling the surface under the tile;
- finishing plaster.
By leveling the surface we mean preparing the base for lining or painting. The choice of mixtures is not so big.Among other things, the rough finish should improve the waterproofing properties of the walls. There are three options:
- plastering with a cement mixture with the addition of hardeners;
- plastering with standard mixtures with preliminary impregnation with water-resistant substances;
- plastering with a standard mixture followed by a waterproofing layer.
What is plaster for tiles?
There are specific requirements for stucco. She must be:
- moisture resistant;
- durable;
- resistant to temperature extremes.
The frozen mixture should not collapse under the influence of water, which is always in the bathroom. As for strength, the composition must withstand the weight of the tile. In addition, the adhesive with which the tile is glued has the property of shrinking, which again can lead not only to peeling of a particular fragment, but also to the destruction of the rough finish layer. Therefore, we must carefully consider the issue of which plaster is better for the bathroom under the tile.
to contents ↑Ready-made or home-made mixes?
Regardless of what the mixture is made of, it is sold in the store in one of two options:
- finished;
- dry.
In the first case, the manufacturer has already made sure that you do not have any trouble with the preparation. The mixture is already diluted with liquid and has the desired consistency. The dry mixture is diluted with water, and you must do this strictly according to the instructions:
- Too thick composition is not plastic enough, you will have a lot of trouble with the alignment.
- If the mixture is too liquid, it will drain and solidify.
What are the mixtures?
In construction stores you will be offered several types of building mixtures that seem to correspond to your goals. But still - which plaster to choose for the bathroom under the tile? All formulations can be divided into two classes:
- on a cement basis;
- on a gypsum basis.
The most popular material for roughing a bathroom is, of course, cement. He has a lot of advantages:
- strength;
- ability to provide good waterproofing;
- resistance to mold;
- good vapor barrier properties.
Important! The disadvantage that must be considered when planning repairs is that the cement composition hardens for a very long time. Tiles can be applied no earlier than a month after plastering.
Such mixtures are inexpensive, if you wish, you can buy separately cement and sand, and not necessarily in the store - you can go, for example, to the dry construction mixes factory, where the purchase will cost much cheaper.
Important! Make sure that there is no lime in the composition - it, of course, will make life easier for the builder, but worsen the waterproofing properties of the material.
Pay attention to the size of the fraction:
- For a rough stone or brick wall, a composition of cement and coarse sand is suitable.
- For a smooth panel it is better to use fine-grained quartz sand.
After plastering with cement mixture, only tiling is possible - other options will not work.
Gypsum compositions differ from cement. They can provide good waterproofing, although they are more sensitive to moisture and temperature. In addition, before sticking the tiles, the wall must be primed. But before applying the soil, the surface can not be cleaned.
The stores will offer you several mixtures, presenting them as moisture resistant. But keep in mind that gypsum itself, regardless of what to add to it, absorbs moisture perfectly and from this loses strength. So you should only buy compositions from trusted manufacturers, where the contents with a guarantee correspond to the data on the package.
Important! Plasticizers or antibacterial additives are added to modern stucco mixtures, which makes them more durable and resistant to fungus.
Dry putty
This is a modern material, which is often called simply “Cerezit” or “Knauf” by the name of the manufacturer.In addition to the base, a plasticizer is added, as well as glue.
Dry plaster has certain advantages over a simple cement mixture:
- when dried, no cracks form;
- even a beginner will cope with finishing work;
- dries quickly;
- does not shrink when dried.
to contents ↑Important! For apartment renovation this is an ideal option. The material has a high resistance to moisture, while it is not much more expensive than cement or gypsum. This type of finish is called conditionally decorative - you can stick tiles on dry putty, but nothing prevents it from being used as the final finish.
There are many companies in the building materials market - both well-known and not so well. It is always better to give preference to brands that have proven themselves well - they guarantee that the materials in their building mixes are of high quality.
Which plaster is better for a tile bathroom, which brand?
- Profit
- Ceresit;
- Remstream;
- Manma
- Knauf.
We perform plastering work
The whole process of plastering involves several stages of work. We will deal with them in more detail.
How much mixture do you need?
Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary not only to decide which plaster is better for the bathroom under the tile, but also to determine the quantity. First you need to calculate the thickness of the layer. This is done with the help of lighthouses.
Important! Lighthouses are installed along the entire wall - there should be at least three per square meter.
Put the beacons
To install the beacons you need:
Take the mixture on the same basis as the one with which you intend to finish the walls. At the same time, it should harden quickly enough. You can use a repair composition with a plasticizer:
- Designate places for beacons strictly in level.
- Lighthouses are lotions about 5x5 cm in size, with a thickness equal to the thickness of the future layer.
- Place the second row of lighthouses, also in level.
Important! Mixing gypsum and cement is undesirable.
Count the number
Then proceed as follows:
- Accurately measure the thickness of the beacons.
- Find the arithmetic average of the thickness of the lighthouse - add all the thickness values and divide by the number of lighthouses.
- Calculate the area of the wall by multiplying the length by height.
- Multiply the result by the average thickness of the beacon - you get the total volume of the layer.
- Find the density of the mixture on the packaging.
- Multiply it by volume.
How to apply rough plaster?
Before plastering the wall, the surface must be carefully prepared:
- Remove all shattered fragments.
- Seal the cracks with a repair compound.
- Shoot down the bulges.
- Apply a layer of reinforcing primer.
- Apply a layer of plaster - it should not be thicker than 3 cm.
Important! If you need a thicker layer, apply it in two stages, laying a reinforcing steel mesh between the layers.
- As a result, you will get a flat, but not necessarily perfectly smooth surface.
Important! The wall should be strictly vertical with an error of not more than 2 mm.
- On too smooth places, apply a notch.
Important! In the right places, make additional waterproofing with a cement-polymer mixture, applying it where there will be a bath or shower.
Waterproofing Compounds
They are of two types:
- rolled;
- smear.
The second option is more convenient and durable, so it is better to choose it.
Important! In old houses, bathroom walls were very often painted with oil paint. If possible, it should be removed. If it is on drying oil, the layer just needs to be knocked down or treated with a special primer for smooth walls.
Specialist advice
So, you have decided which stucco is best for the bathroom under the tile, and even prepared the wall. The time has come to do the composition. Of course, you will find all the necessary information on the packaging. But there are some subtleties that must be taken into account:
- To dilute the mixture, take clean water that is free of impurities.
- The water temperature should be at room temperature, unless otherwise specified in the instructions.
- Pour the mixture into water, constantly mixing the composition until you reach the desired consistency.
- Prepare so much mixture that you can use up all of it in half an hour.
- When plastering brick walls, do not forget about filling the seams.
Apply plaster
Plastering is, of course, not the easiest thing, but not as difficult as it might seem at first glance:
- With a brush, roller or spray, lightly dampen the wall with water.
- Throw the composition onto the wall.
- Level with a trowel to make a 5 mm layer.
- If the wall is wooden, the layer should be at least 9 mm.
Important! At this stage, you do not need to achieve a perfectly smooth surface - it is enough just to level the layer.
- The main layer can be applied both to the newly prepared surface and to the old one that meets your requirements. It is applied in the same way as the first. The thickness should not be less than 5 mm.
- The finish layer is applied in the same way as the first two, but just before the tile is glued. The surface must be moistened with water, a layer is applied and leveled with a spatula at an angle of about 20 °. The layer should not be more than 2 mm. After complete drying, you can proceed to the cladding.
Decorative plaster
Despite the fact that for a beginner finisher, working with decorative plaster is somewhat difficult, it’s still worth talking about this type of finish.
The main advantages of decorative plaster:
- universality;
- strength;
- moisture resistance;
- ease of preparation of mixtures;
- simplicity in work.
Important! Decorative plaster can be used in all types of rooms, including kitchens and bathrooms. The composition is plastic, which makes it possible to obtain smooth surfaces using the most ordinary spatula. Modern mixtures when dried become very durable, they do not crack from temperature extremes. Among other things, this finish gives a very good antifungal and antibacterial protection.
Types of decorative coating for bathrooms
A decorative mixture with a smooth or fine-grained structure can help create a unique interior in the bathroom. They are of two types:
- textured;
- venetian.
Textured plaster
One of the most practical types of wall coverings. The composition of such mixtures includes an astringent base and various fillers:
- cotton fibers:
- wood fibers;
- mineral chips;
- small pebbles.
Important! After the plaster is applied and dried, the walls take on their original appearance, as if they were covered with silk or original wood panels.
The composition of the mixture resembles liquid wallpaper, it is made on the same principle, but a moisture resistant base is used for manufacturing (for liquid wallpaper, on the contrary, a base is used that is easy to soak to use the material several times).
Important! If you are tired of the color of the walls in the bathroom - the surface covered with textured plaster can be safely painted with any waterproof paint. This material is sold in plastic cans of 15 or 20 kg. The instructions say which tool is best to apply it - roller or grater.
A special type of textured plaster with enhanced water-repellent properties is Venetian. It is used not only for wall treatment, but even for pool decoration. Of course, the font itself should not be covered, and the sections of the walls directly adjacent to it are better to be glued with tiles or glass panels.
Important! The texture of the wall, finished with Venetian plaster, resembles a natural stone - marble or granite.
Apply this mixture in several stages, and each layer is made thin, almost transparent. The last layer must be made perfectly smooth.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In this article, we examined all the subtleties of choosing stucco for tiles in the bathroom, and not only for tiles, but also as a separate decorative solution.We hope that now you have finally decided on the design of your bathroom, and the embodied idea has exceeded in reality all your expectations in all respects.
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