Which hob is better - stainless steel or glass?

The hob has become an integral part of the modern kitchen. Such a device allows you to save a lot of space, and in its characteristics it is not inferior to the usual electric or gas stove. The range of hobs in the store is huge, they differ in quality, functionality and, of course, material. So, stainless steel, glass ceramics and enamel for budget models, as well as tempered glass, are most often used. If you decide to choose a hob, it is important to know which hob is better - stainless steel or glass?

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Stainless steel hob

Stainless steel is the most practical and reliable material. It withstands even severe mechanical damage, shock and pressure of a fairly large weight. A big plus of such a panel is the sale of electric or gas options, which allows you to choose the surface depending on the type of energy in the apartment. But to decide which hob is better - stainless steel or glass, is still after reading a complete list of features of each type.

Important! The main characteristic of a stainless steel hob is the composition and quality of the alloy. It is believed that the more chromium is contained in the alloy, the higher its quality.

Modern models come in two versions - matte or mirror. The choice of surface type depends entirely on the design of the kitchen and the preferences of customers.

Features of stainless steel hob:

  • On the working surface is from 2 to 4 rings. As a rule, they are different in power, which allows you to cope with any difficulties in cooking. In addition, the presence of 4 rings will be a big plus for a large family, and also, if you like to cook a lot with different dishes, the rings should be different in area.
  • Stainless steel gas panels are almost always equipped with cast-iron grates, which are quite stable and do not allow dishes to turn over. When choosing a surface, it is advisable to prefer a separate grid - this will help when cleaning the stove.
  • When purchasing a gas panel, be sure to pay attention to the burner switches. So, it is desirable to have a gas control system, as well as an automatic ignition function. In addition, a mechanical option is preferable - this will help to avoid a malfunction of the electronics, and subsequently a gas leak.
  • The electric hob quickly heats up and cools for a long time, which saves energy during cooking.

Important! The stainless steel is unpretentious in leaving. But its cleaning should be regular and systematic. If you do not remove stainless steel for a long time, dirt penetrates the metal so much that it will be practically impossible to get rid of it.

Stainless Steel Surface Care

When choosing which hob is better - stainless steel or glass, the features of care often play an important role, since the stove is constantly dirty with grease, food debris, soot forms on it.

Stainless steel, of course, is less whimsical to care, in addition, this material can withstand quite severe mechanical damage, which allows the use of even the most aggressive products and different sponges. However, if you start the dirt, the stove will lose its attractiveness.images

When washing a stainless steel hob, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • After each cooking, wipe the surface with a detergent, cloth or sponge. Foam residues are easily cleaned with plain water.Only this simple rule will save the surface from accumulated dirt, food debris and soot.
  • It is not recommended to use rough brushes and sponges, especially metal washcloths. This will cause scratches and cracks on the surface.
  • When choosing a cleanser, pay attention to the composition. Stainless steel is very sensitive to chlorides, as well as substances with small particles - soda, sand, granules, etc. It is best to use liquid products or creams for cleaning. If the contamination is very persistent, then pour the detergent on the stove for a few minutes and only then clean it.
  • After cleaning, it is recommended to use a special oil for stainless steel, and after - polish the surface with a clean rag. This will help create a waterproof layer that retains dirt and food debris.
  • Be sure to use gloves when cleaning. This will protect your hands from chemical burns and drying out.
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Vitroceramic hob

This is probably the most stylish and luxurious material for your kitchen. A panel made of such material not only has excellent heat-resistant functions, but also looks stylish. However, such material requires very careful use and constant care.

Important! Glass ceramics are used for gas and electric surfaces, as well as modern induction cookers. A glass ceramic hob will fit into any interior and will last a long time with proper care.

Features of glass-ceramic plates:

  • The main advantage of glass ceramics is the ability to conduct heat purposefully. So, not the entire surface is heated, but only the zone necessary for cooking, which is better than stainless steel or enamel. Glass ceramics for this reason are much more economical. Food heats faster, while the energy consumption is much less.
  • A big plus is the modal cooking zones. If you cook in a small saucepan, only the area below it is turned on. But if you put the ducklings on this burner, the whole zone will fully work. The management of such a system is manual and intelligent - the autofocus function (AF).
  • Not every dish is suitable for glass-ceramic surfaces. For example, aluminum or enamel pans may simply not be “readable” by the device. Therefore, the purchase of a stove is most often accompanied by the acquisition of new dishes.
  • A huge drawback of the glass ceramic surface is the high price. As a rule, even the simplest models are significantly higher in price than even the best stainless steel plates. In addition, you will have to give a lot of money for related products to care for the hob - special brushes, detergents.
  • The glass surface cannot boast of strength and reliability. This material is very sensitive to mechanical damage. A hit of the pan or a fallen knife with its tip down can damage the heating element.
  • Temperature extremes also damage surfaces. For example, if you put dishes from the refrigerator on the stove, and then turn it on, cracks may appear on the surface.

Glass ceramic hob care

Comparing which is better - stainless steel or glass ceramics, it must be understood that a glass ceramic plate requires very careful and accurate cleaning. In addition, the surface itself is incredibly easily soiled - fingerprints, drops of water, small particles of dust are very noticeable on a matte black surface.

You should adhere to some points when caring for glass ceramics:

  • Never use sponges, rags or brushes made of coarse materials. It is advisable to get a special rag for cleaning glass. The glass surface must be handled with care! The remnants of food and solid dirt are most conveniently removed using a special scraper.
  • Choose a detergent exclusively for such a surface, and, of course, you cannot use dry compositions - this will leave severe scuffs and marks on the surface.
  • It is not recommended to hang utensils directly above the stove. If even a light object falls, cracks may form, which will subsequently lead to expensive repairs or surface replacements.

Important! Often, having not decided which hob is better - stainless steel or glass, they choose the so-called “gas on glass”. This is a glass ceramic stove that uses gas for heating. Without a doubt, cooking on such a surface is a pleasure, because the flame creates a very beautiful effect, and the food cooks quickly and efficiently. But such a surface is the most whimsical. Care for it should be extremely careful - any crack will lead to a gas leak into the apartment.

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Tempered glass - an alternative to glass ceramics

Progress does not stand still and tempered glass has replaced the recently appeared glass-ceramic hob. Today it is one of the most reliable and beautiful materials for a gas stove.

Its properties and characteristics:

  • It has excellent heat resistance characteristics, and is also resistant to sudden changes in temperature. If you put a saucepan on the surface from the refrigerator to heat food, cracks do not form.
  • Although the installation of a tempered glass plate is more complicated, this material is flexible and perfectly adapts to surface irregularities.
  • The material is extremely resistant to mechanical stress, so you no longer need to be afraid of the formation of chips and cracks after hitting dishes and kitchen utensils.
  • Tempered glass is easier to clean - it does not require great care, unlike glass ceramics. In fact, it is not inferior to metal in its characteristics.

Important! Today it is extremely difficult to find a fully electric tempered glass stove. Typically, this material is used for gas models. At the same time, a big plus of this material is that it does not heat up, so the stove can be washed immediately after cooking.

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Which surface is better - stainless steel or glass ceramic?

So, when choosing which surface to choose, it is important to consider two main points:

  1. If you have gas to your apartment, then a stainless steel surface will be more practical and reliable. Modern models of gas stoves are very convenient and practical, so they can cope with any culinary tasks and fit into any interior. In addition, stainless steel is less whimsical in terms of care. But when using electricity, both glass ceramic and metal are suitable.
  2. The second important point is the cleaning of the stove. If you do not have the desire and time to constantly take care of the appearance of the surface, then glass ceramics will not suit you. In addition, intensive use of the stove involves frequent cleaning. Therefore, such a surface is not the best option for a large family.

In other respects, stainless steel and glass ceramics are almost equivalent materials.

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If you decide to update the stove, it is very important to competently approach the choice of new equipment. It is difficult to say unequivocally that it is better - stainless steel or glass ceramics, because it all depends on the characteristics of the kitchen, customer preferences, as well as design features. Both options have their pros and cons, which allows you to rationally approach the purchase and choose a good model within your budget. Perhaps you will also be helped in choosing reviews on the Internet. Good luck

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