What features do the washing machine brushes have

The ordinary owner of household appliances does not think much about what elements and parts the appliance consists of, what problems and malfunctions can arise during improper operation, and what kind of malfunctions arise without the presence of a person. Therefore, having heard the term brushes for a washing machine, many will think about an object intended for the care and cleaning of the unit. But it is this element that is most important for the life and functioning of the machine. In the article we will introduce you to what function the brushes perform, how to find out that the brushes for the electric motors of the washing machines have worn out, and how to replace them.

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What are brushes for and what function do they perform?

The washing machine is a rather complicated device. The heart of the unit is an electric motor, and the brush is a small part that makes the motor rotate.

The composition of the brush includes:

  • Tip, in the form of a parallelepiped or cylinder.
  • Soft long spring.
  • Contact.
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When should they be changed?

The operation of the brushes for the washing machine has a guaranteed service life of 5 years, and with careful use of the device, it can exceed ten years. Since the brushes are adjacent to the axis of the rotor, which rotates, then over time, these parts wear out.

The reasons for the rapid wear of the elements are different, in particular:

  • Excessive laundry.
  • Frequent voltage drops.
  • Constantly setting the maximum spin level.

Such improper operation leads to the erasure of the brushes for several years, and replacing them is simply necessary, since the motor will not work.

To determine if this wear-resistant part needs to be replaced, pay attention to the following symptoms of the malfunction:

  • A sudden drop in engine power or a complete stop of work.
  • Unusual noise during drum rotation.
  • Incorrect operation of some modes.
  • The smell of burning coming from the apparatus.
  • The machine does not gain momentum during the spin cycle, as a result of which the laundry remains wet.
  • The device displays an error code.

Important! In order to determine if brush replacement in the washing machine is necessary, first check for foreign objects in the drum. They can create unusual noise. Check the condition of the drive belt and test the mains voltage. Uncertain noise can also be caused by worn bearings. If after checking all of the above details were in perfect order and there are no foreign objects in the drum, then proceed to replace the brushes.

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How to choose a brush for a washing machine?

It is not difficult to buy brushes for a washing machine, but you need to know some nuances.

There are three types of brushes:

  • Copper-graphite.
  • Coal graphite.
  • Electrographic.

All types of clamping element differ. The spring in all types of brushes is usually steel, and the contact is copper.

Important! In washing machines, carbon brushes are most often used, since they are the cheapest, but at the same time reliable. Such elements are not able to damage the axis of the rotor.

When choosing brushes, you should focus on the following criteria:

  • Home appliance company. Different brands use engines with different characteristics.
  • Electric motor model.
  • What type of graphite part is used in a particular unit.

Important! Remember that there are 2 brushes in the device and they must be the same. Installation of elements with different spring stiffness or the use of parts made of various materials threatens to quickly break the engine. Be sure to buy brushes for the washing machine specifically for your engine model and upon purchase check the elements for defects.

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Replacing the brushes in the washing machine

The replacement process is quite simple, but you should not risk a household appliance. Improper self-repair can lead to even greater troubles, which an inexperienced repairman can not cope with. Therefore, if you have crept in doubts about your competence, then entrust the work to professional specialists.

Important! If you decide to fix the damage yourself, then go to the replacement of the brushes on the washing machine is very responsible, since incorrect operation will not allow the unit to perform its functions efficiently and can lead to engine damage, and such a replacement will cost much more.


To get started, prepare the necessary tools:

  • Phillips screwdrivers.
  • Flat screwdriver.
  • Wrenches and union spanners of the main sizes.
  • Insulation material.

Such a classic set of tools is available in every home, where the owners are accustomed to rely only on their own strength.


Before starting to replace the brushes on the washing machine, the unit must be turned off and disassembled to get to the damaged element.

The main stages of disassembly:

  1. Disconnect the appliance from the mains.
  2. Disconnect the device from the plumbing and sewage system if you cannot get close to the back wall.
  3. Remove the rear panel by unscrewing the screws with a screwdriver.
  4. Remove the drive belt. To do this: pull the belt toward you with one hand, and twist the pulley with the other. The strap will come off the pulley and remain in your hand.
  5. Disconnect engine from power. Pull the connector with wires out of the socket in the motor.
  6. Using a ring spanner, remove the bolts and screws securing the engine.
  7. Remove the engine itself.

Important! An engine that has worn off brushes is always covered with a layer of graphite dust. Therefore, after dismantling the motor, wipe it or vacuum it.

Brush replacement

Replacing brushes consists of the following steps:

  1. Lay the engine on its side.
  2. Twist the brushes off the engine and carefully examine them. The wear of parts is quite striking. The spent element usually has a shank length of less than 1.5 cm. If the length is longer, then the problem is not with the brushes.

Important! Be sure to remember and fix how the brushes were placed and sharpening them. It is better to photograph the location, as if you install new elements incorrectly, this can lead to sparks in the engine.

  1. Check the appearance of the collector. Inspect it for damage. Clean shallow scratches and scuffs with ordinary fine sandpaper.
  2. Replace the new brushes in place of the old ones.
  3. Fasten the elements with mounting material and a screwdriver.
  4. Turn the motor by hand. If all the manipulations are performed correctly, then clicks will be heard during the movement.

Assembling a washing machine

Perform all actions in reverse order:

  1. Reinstall engine.
  2. Secure the motor with bolts (or screws, depending on the model of the device).
  3. Connect the power wires to the motor.
  4. Put the drive belt first on the engine and then on the pulley. Turn the pulley until the belt is in place.
  5. Close the back wall.
  6. Fasten the panel with self-tapping screws.

Test mode

After finishing work, be sure to conduct a test run of the unit. Start the machine in the mode with the shortest cycle and low spin. If the machine works as usual or a little louder, then you did everything right.If rattle, crackling and loud noise are heard, then all the manipulations will have to be carried out again.

Important! Spend the first ten washings with a small load of laundry, so that the new brushes are finally rubbed.

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The cost of brush and wizard

If you decide to entrust the work of replacing the brushes to the master, then note that the following factors can affect the cost of the service:

  • Age of the car.
  • General condition of the unit.
  • Access to the washing machine.
  • The cost of additional supplies.
  • Purchase of original high-quality spare parts.

Important! Many service centers cooperate with manufacturers of household appliances and offer to purchase quality brushes from them. In this case, be sure to check the accompanying documents for spare parts so as not to buy a cheap analogue.

The prices for brushes also vary, the following factors affect the price:

  • The material from which the brush is made.
  • Feature of power and conductivity.
  • Originality of the part.
  • Workmanship.
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As you can see, the procedure for replacing the brushes is simple, the main thing is to identify the malfunction in time and follow the step-by-step instructions. If you doubt the adequacy of skills and knowledge, then contact the service center. Prices for services and spare parts are low, and the quality work of specialists will help extend the life of the equipment for many years.

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