What wallpaper is better to glue on uneven walls?

Not every apartment can boast of absolutely flat walls. And given the fact that most of the houses in the housing stock were built many decades ago, it becomes clear that the problem of uneven surfaces in houses is quite significant and widespread. Of course, you can level the walls, but this process is long-term, expensive, requiring qualified assistance. If the overhaul was not in your plans, and only cosmetic was required, then wallpaper will help to cope with defects and irregularities. Thus, we need to find out which wallpaper to choose for uneven walls, how to glue them.

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Rugged walls: hide flaws behind the wallpaper

When renovating a home, the largest amount of work falls on the walls. They form our premises and are always in sight. But the presence of imperfections, irregularities spoils the whole appearance of the rooms. Not all finishing materials can hide defects. For example, the usual painting of walls will not only not hide the problems, but on the contrary, will emphasize them.

If the walls are uneven, which wallpaper to choose? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Do not use glossy, smooth wallpapers, as they only focus on irregularities and imperfections.
  • Thin paper sheets for gluing have the same property. They will not be able to hide defects, but only will cover the problem areas.
  • Do not choose geometric ornaments, in particular stripes. Distorted lines are immediately visible to the eye.
  • The color of the wallpaper is better to choose not light shades, as they shine through.

The best solution is pasting the walls with special materials. In addition to properly selected wallpapers, due attention should be paid to glue, it should be suitable specifically for a particular type of canvas.

Important! Unfortunately, often with curved walls and the ceiling has such a defect. After pasting the wallpaper, you will immediately notice this by their uneven edge. It remains only to advise the installation of a ceiling plinth in order to hide unpresentable edges. In construction stores a rich assortment of this finishing material is presented, it remains to make the right choice.

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What wallpaper to choose for uneven walls?

What wallpaper is better to glue on uneven walls and what to look for in the first place? The most popular are vinyl and non-woven types. They are always offered to be used by specialists.

Why exactly them, what are the features of such wallpapers? What other options exist to fix and level the surface of the walls? Next, we dwell on each method in more detail.

Duplex - Thick Paper

Regular paper wallpapers, unfortunately, are not able to cope with defects on the surface of the walls. Most often, the opposite effect is achieved, and all the flaws become apparent. But this does not apply to a special type of wallpaper - duplex.

This material is a web of two layers of paper pressed together. It feels like a thick cardboard.

Important! Duplex has excellent quality, plus a fairly affordable price.

The advantages of such wallpaper is:

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • ease of use;
  • excellent masking effect.

Important! Due to the ability to snugly fit to curved planes, they hide various flaws and at the same time keep their shape perfectly. On sale, this type of wallpaper is presented in various colors, patterns and embossments.

Vinyl wallpapers - durable and vibrant

Vinyl coatings also have a dense structure, but at the same time belong to a more expensive price category than duplex. Various versions of this type allow them to be universally suitable for a wide variety of rooms in the house.

Vinyl canvases can be divided into several main types:

  • Foamed Vinyl. It is produced in large quantities at foreign and domestic factories. Why is it better to glue such wallpaper on uneven walls? Thick and dense base copes with surface imperfections. In addition, this option is an inexpensive and easy solution. A wide range of colors and patterns is presented on store shelves. According to many experts, foamed vinyl looks prettier and better than duplex.
  • Washable vinyl. This type is ideal for the kitchen, as the surface of such materials is easy and convenient to clean.

Important! The glossy canvas of washable vinyl is not able to hide volumetric bulges. If there are any on the walls, it is better to remove them first. But small dents or troughs of such wallpaper will hide easily.

  • Vinyl hot stamping. The thickest and thickest version of all types of vinyl wallpaper. It is distinguished by its strength and massiveness, as well as the deep texture of the material. The price of such a finish is quite significant, but the quality is impeccable! Such a canvas is subject to hide the uneven surface of the walls completely. Hot stamping material is moisture resistant, they can be washed.

Important! When deciding which ornament to choose on the wallpaper, give preference to matte, as the gloss on an uneven plane will flicker, give out problem areas.

The density and texture of vinyl wallpaper can perfectly cope with irregularities. Due to their texture, they easily manage to imitate natural finishing materials, which are not always affordable.

Paintable non-woven wallpaper

What is it and how to glue non-woven wallpaper on uneven walls?

Flizelin is a modern material consisting of tissue fibers and cellulose. Thanks to these components, it has excellent quality and durability. In addition, his price is very pleasant.

Important! Sometimes the non-woven backing serves as a backing for vinyl coatings. But with a full-fledged finishing material, it acts as wallpaper for painting.

Non-woven wallpaper can fix uneven walls, thanks to two of its features:

  1. First of all, it is a dense foundation that retains its shape perfectly.
  2. After pasting, a layer of paint is applied, which further helps to hide defects. A plus is its dullness.

This material is sold in wide meter rolls, 25 meters long. Always white with a variety of textural ornaments.

Important! The best types of paint for this kind of wallpaper is water-based or acrylic.

Non-woven materials are considered one of the most leveling, so it is such wallpapers that are best glued to uneven walls.


Liquid wallpaper or decorative plaster

In case you do not want to glue wallpaper on uneven walls, you can use this alternative.

What are the benefits of liquid wallpaper?

  • They are practical to apply on large surfaces with a large number of minor flaws and flaws.
  • The liquid consistency perfectly fills cavities or cavities, cracks on the walls.
  • Give an original decorative look to the walls of the room.
  • They have excellent quality, long service life and wear resistance.

Important! With large and deep defects, this type of wallpaper is not able to cope.

After you have decided which wallpaper to choose for uneven walls, let's move on to the next step - selecting the color and pattern on the canvas.

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Rules for choosing the color and texture of the picture

An uneven surface most often does not accept white color and light shades. They are able to shine through and all unpleasant wall defects will be noticeable. Lines and stripes also indicate the presence of curvature.

Why give preference?

  • Pay attention to the wallpaper with frequent small elements: flowers or patterns, abstract ornaments.
  • The color of the canvas can be bright and saturated, on which bumps are difficult to guess. Dark colors are also suitable, but the interior of the room and its lighting are important here.
  • The textured basis of the finishing material remarkably helps to hide various defects on the plane of the walls.

Important! Choose wallpapers whose drawings do not require docking, because on an imperfect surface, this will not work absolutely imperceptibly. And uneven joints will prettyly spoil the look.

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Glue wallpaper on uneven walls: we make it easy and right

Above, we examined in detail which wallpapers are best for gluing on uneven walls. After the choice is made, it remains only to cover the walls of your home with them.

What are the nuances and features of this stage?

The technology for gluing vinyl or non-woven wallpaper consists of the following steps:

  • Preliminary preparation of the surface. It is advisable to walk along the walls with a wire brush to remove fine litter and dirt.

Important! The resulting relief will improve the adhesion of wallpaper to the walls.

  • Apply a coat of primer to them and let it dry.
  • Glue for such wallpaper is applied directly to the wall itself. Do it gradually, there is no need to smear the entire area at once.
  • Pre-cut strips of cloth are glued one after the other.
  • First, the upper end of the segment is attached to the wall, and then, with gentle movements from the center to the edges, smooth with a dry soft cloth.

Important! An important advantage of these finishing materials is their synthetic base. Such wallpapers do not peel off and do not fall off, as sometimes happens with paper ones.

And these tips will help you achieve an even more effective result:

  • It is best to start wallpapering from the corner. Lay the strip so that a small portion of it overlaps the corner.
  • Use only the glue that matches the type of wallpaper. This information is always indicated on the packaging. Please note that for heavy canvases that can hide all wall defects, high adhesion glue is suitable, which can hold coatings on vertical surfaces for a long time.
  • Carefully read the manufacturer's instructions for glue and wallpaper.
  • After the glue dries, the vinyl and non-woven wallpapers do not reduce their size.
  • Prepare a clean rag or rag to remove excess glue from the surface of the wallpaper.
  • If the wallpaper is painted, do not apply too much of it.
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As it turned out, it is quite possible to hide the unpleasant irregularities and defects of your walls with the help of wallpaper. Quick and inexpensive cosmetic repairs are the best solution in such a situation. Of course, you will have to make some efforts: choose the most suitable type of wallpaper, color and pattern, then stick them on the wall. However, the reward for your efforts will be beautiful and even walls in the house that will delight you for a long time.

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