What wallpaper to choose for wenge color furniture?

Repair is an expensive business, therefore it is customary to take the organization of this process responsibly and seriously. A guaranteed condition for the longevity of the repair is the use of quality materials. This rule applies both for wall decoration and wallpapering, and for the selection of furniture. In addition, it is furniture that has a strong influence on the design and determines the general line of room decoration. Today, exotic furniture made of wenge wood is very popular and in demand. Unusual texture, incredible strength and unique coloring have formed a fashion for the use of wenge in design. However, despite its popularity, this material is difficult to combine with other interior elements. Today we will tell you what photo wallpaper to choose for wenge-colored furniture so that they effectively emphasize the natural colors of African wood.

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Wenge-colored furniture and bleached oak: advantages and disadvantages

Wenge is the English, German, and Italian name for an African tree from the legume family. Another name is African rosewood or rosewood. Wenge is considered one of the best tree species in the world. Furniture manufacturers discerned all the advantages and benefits of wenge, and began to produce not only interior items, but also parquet and African wood doors.


The growing demand for wenge furniture is due to the following advantages:

  • Strength.
  • The hardness and uniqueness of the structure.
  • Durability.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Resistance to various loads.
  • Wear resistance.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Resistance to fungal mold.
  • A wide range of shades.

Important! Raw materials for rosewood furniture are expensive, so veneer has gained wider use than pure wood. The use of veneer in the technology of manufacturing furniture items made it possible to make furniture more affordable.


Wenge disadvantage:

  • The color of the tree contains deep and, at the same time, variable shades, which complicate the selection of other elements and furniture in the interior.


  • In the building materials market and in furniture stores, you can meet a product that imitates wenge. There are a lot of variations of imitations - most often these are dark tones, sometimes almost black. This phenomenon can be used as a good budget option.
  • Wenge furniture looks very aristocratic, so be prepared for the fact that the entire interior of the room will have to be created in the same style.
  • Wenge does not tolerate multi-color, so for the perfect interior you need to choose the optimal colors.
  • Carefully choose furniture from the African rosewood in the children's room. For a teenager, you can buy a table or a wardrobe, and for a kid, you can buy ordinary furniture in delicate halftones (light yellow, beige, light green).
  • If you have a small apartment, then do not purchase large wenge-colored headsets - the space will visually decrease.
  • Veneer furniture will be of lower quality than wenge wood furniture. Therefore, do not install veneers in your sauna or bathroom.
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Wallpaper under wenge furniture

Choosing a wallpaper for wenge-colored furniture is both simple and difficult at the same time.Wenge wood is quite expensive, which corresponds to its origin and appearance. Furniture exudes light exotic, luxury and affluence. Therefore, the use of cheap paper wallpapers will nullify the whole favorable visual effect, and besides, they will look caricature in the interior.

Paper wallpapers are fairly classified as “disposable”, since durability is their weak point. It is necessary to take into account the fact that paper is difficult to stain. Apply paint on the wallpaper only after serious preparatory work.

Important! In this case, we mean paper products of low and medium quality. More expensive multilayer options have a more attractive look and high quality.

Given all the factors, we recommend using the following types of wallpaper for wenge furniture:

  • Non-woven. The decorative coating is made from modified cellulose fibers. Wallpaper has a beautiful appearance and good technical specifications. The coating is more wear-resistant, durable, lends itself to coloring, which is very important in this case, since it is quite difficult to find products that are ideally suited for wood.
  • Vinyl. Wallpaper is durable, amenable to repeated coloring, so you can experiment with color and shade more than once before you find a suitable option.
  • Cullets. On the surface of the material there is patterned embossing, which can effectively decorate the interior. The structure of such wallpapers for wenge furniture makes it possible to create a unique combination of shades and colors through partial staining. Wallpaper has good technical characteristics and can be re-painted.
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Color matching

To decide which wallpaper to choose for wenge furniture, you need to understand what color scheme the material itself refers to. The color of the rosewood is dark and ambiguous - a little lighter than dark chocolate, almost black, with a grayish haze.

Depending on the quality of the material and the processing method, the shades of wood can be as follows:

  • Coffee Shops.
  • Chocolate
  • Dark brown.
  • The blues are black.
  • Dark purple.

Important! To create the perfect interior, choose the optimal colors for the decoration, which will be combined with the color of doors, floors, furnishings and decor in general.

First of all, decide on the style of the interior. To make the wenge furniture look beautiful and effective in the room, you can use three design options:

  1. Bright design. This option provides for a bright background and unusual accessories with which accents are placed.
  2. Contrast combination. The colors of the decorative coating are selected easily: wenge + light or white background.
  3. Soft and simple design. If neither the first option nor the second suits you, then choose a more muted pastel range for decoration. The standard background can be beige and coffee tones in various variations. This color will be combined with furniture and will not spoil the overall impression.
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The combination of wenge with other colors

Before acquiring wenge-colored furniture, think through all the details of the interior to the smallest detail and select the perfect combination. If it does not exist, then there will be no harmony of colors in the room, which means that all efforts will be wasted and the interior will be damaged.

To prevent mistakes, listen to the following tips:

  • Wenge goes well with various shades of green: khaki, swamp shades, olive color. Such colors are ideal as a general background, for example, for a door made of wenge. A universal option is an olive shade, which will be a good background in any case. If you do not know what wallpaper to choose for wenge-colored furniture, then the olive color will be a win-win option.
  • If the room is small, then for the background, select light green, anthracite shades or ivory.
  • Wenge blends well with shades such as blue, pink and turquoise. They complement each other perfectly.
  • If you want to choose a warm combination of colors, then the chocolate shade of wenge will go well with warm green, yellow, orange, pistachio and red.
  • If wenge has a cold shade “with greens”, then pair it with cool colors: gray, blue, raspberry, lilac.
  • If you decide to design a room in the Loft style, where the standard look is not used at all, then use bamboo wallpapers for decorative coating, which have a structure suitable for the style and can be painted in any color. And partial inserts from bamboo elements connect the individual elements into a single whole.

Important! Using a combination of wenge colors with other shades in the “dark + dark” version is very difficult to achieve the perfect result. This option is considered the most unsuccessful, so do not experiment with a combination of dark colors.

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We create an interior in different rooms

When designing rooms, it should be remembered that expensive wenge furniture and appropriate decor can turn a home into an indicator of luxury and prosperity. Listen to the following guidelines for interior decoration.

Living room

The living room is the “mistress” of the house, so it is decorated better than the rest. The wenge furniture set will create a rich, refined and majestic atmosphere. The surface of the living room furniture is most often matte, and the room is decorated in a classic or any modern style.

Room decoration can be done in several colors:

  • Classic white wallpaper with a dark chocolate shade of furniture.
  • Soft multi-functional green areas combined with a brown shade of wenge.
  • Yellow wall decor with dark golden furniture.

Important! Select the living room flooring in light brown. If you use yellow or green decor, then use a dark brown shade for the floor for contrast.


It is necessary to issue a nursery with special care, since visible luxury is not always suitable for a cozy corner of a baby. In addition, you should not fill the entire space with the color of wenge, as this can negatively affect the mood and tone of the child.

Here are just a few decor tips:

  • If the family has a teenager, then brown shades of wood are used in combination with light green flowers of the decor.
  • If you combine a bright orange color with wenge, you can get an African style, turning the nursery into a savannah.



The bedroom with wenge furniture is characterized by austerity and minimalism. So - lush decor in such a room would be inappropriate. The interior is best decorated in pastel, calm colors.


Wenge qualities such as durability and practicality are great for the kitchen. And here you can pick up wallpaper for wenge furniture of a brighter color from those listed above.

Also, the color scheme of the decor for the kitchen depends on its size, for example, for a small room, choose light shades:

  • Cream.
  • Light beige.
  • Mustard.
  • Gray.
  • White.
  • Light green.
  • Silver.


  1. For the effect, add some bright details of more saturated colors to the interior, for example, to beige - orange, to white and cream - red.
  2. Given the specifics of the work in this room, you can choose contrasting shades for the background, for example, white + wenge.
  3. For the floor, use a laminate of the same wood shade or a half tone darker. For example, olive furniture is a dark olive laminate, khaki furniture is a dark swamp floor.
  4. If the kitchen has upholstered furniture, highlight the seats with a bright color, for example, red seats - dark legs.
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Companion Colors

Designers still do not stop at classic color combinations and are constantly striving for something surprising and unusual. But when using wenge, carefully select companion colors.We suggest you use the following colors:

  • White is a contrasting classic combination.
  • Cream - softens the depth of wenge.
  • Pistachio - a natural and natural combination that is appropriate in any room.
  • Blue is an ultra-fashionable combination, applicable in rooms where practicality and beauty are important.
  • Orange - a color tandem with wenge will make the room warm and luxurious.


  1. The classic white color is suitable for interior decoration under wenge furniture for any room. It is called basic, as it is easily transformed into other shades. Pay attention when decorating a classic trio: white-gray-wenge.
  2. Almost all shades of red decor require the addition of creamy or white details. Trio performed by: white + red + wenge emphasizes the respectability of the interior. If the white color in combination is replaced by gray, then this will add romance to the room.
  3. Yellow color and wenge is a win-win option for dining rooms and living rooms of various sizes. The main thing is not to overdo it, as the natural shade of wood includes a dark golden tone. For decor, use yellow to tone lighter or darker.
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It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with wenge-colored furniture, and if such a fate befalls you, then using our tips and tricks, carefully select the decorative finish. Then your apartment will turn into a modern, exotic, comfortable and luxurious home.


