Which roller is better to paint the ceiling with emulsion paint?

When the repair begins, you have to think about the question of which roller is better to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, since it is most people who prefer it when decorating the ceiling or walls. The key to the success of the entire repair depends on the right tool and material. Therefore, today we will tell you how to choose the right roller, and discover some secrets of perfect painting.

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Properties and advantages of rollers

Sometimes it happens that out of a desire to save money, they buy the first roller that comes across or the cheapest. If you are not afraid of influxes, smudges of paint, its uneconomical consumption, unpainted areas, stains, splattered drops of paint on the surface, then you can safely do the same. However, most often the quality of the result matters, and people choose the tool consciously, based on their goals and materials. That is why it is necessary to determine in advance which roller it is better to paint the ceiling with water-based paint in order to go to a construction store with its own set of specific criteria and requirements.

Rollers have serious advantages over brushes:

  • convenience, practicality - the rollers are more convenient in themselves, they paint over more extensive areas;
  • distribute the paint on the surface evenly;
  • absorb much better, allowing to reduce work time.

Important! It is believed that, along with advantages, they also have drawbacks, but these are more likely signs of low-quality specimens:

  • some plastic handles do not withstand much pressure;
  • a loose drum may slip off during painting.
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Roller Selection Options

The range of rollers sold is huge. Before you learn how to paint the ceiling with acrylic or water-based paint, familiarize yourself with their basic characteristics.


Models of domestic and foreign manufacturers have almost the same indicators, differ mainly in size - the rollers of foreign production are often smaller.

Handle length

The handle, or clasp, has a length of about 15-50 cm, it’s optimal to choose 30-50 cm for work. Rollers with handles of 15-20 cm, usually from a foreign manufacturer, are used not so much for painting as for creating a decorative component.

Important! The longer the handle, the more convenient it is to reach the high ceiling.

Drum size

The standard sizes of the roller, designed for independent work, fluctuate in the range of 20-40 cm.


There is a division into 4 groups:

  • based material polyester (foam rubber, faux fur);
  • fur and velor (felt, animal furs, rubber, mohair);
  • polyacrylic;
  • polyamide (nylon and perlon).3-03-malyarnyie-valiki-dlya-vodoemulsionnoy-kraski-825x550

If you ask people who have done this for advice, most will answer in favor of natural hair. Why, in the question, with which roller to paint the walls with water-based paint, does she make such a choice? Because:

  • Natural fiber absorbs as much paint as needed, and holds it very well - you are not threatened with excess paint on the surface to be painted.
  • This material is easy to wring and wash (especially after water-based paint).
  • Rollers with a similar type of fur coat evenly apply paint and leave no residue due to its softness.

Important! The scope of their application is wide - they will fit, including for varnish.

In turn, fur rollers have a pile of different lengths:

  • short;
  • average;
  • long;
  • velours.

Important! It is necessary to clean the rollers immediately after use, otherwise - then it will be much more difficult to do this and the tool runs the risk of being damaged.

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Velor and polyamide tools

Polyamide rollers are very loved by painting professionals, their durability and versatility are appreciated - they can easily be used for any varnishes and paints.

Important! If you are interested in how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, or how to decorate the ceiling in an original way, for example, paint it in a heterogeneous shade, give textures or apply a pattern, use polyamide structural rollers.

In interaction even with aggressive varnishes, paints and solvents, velor shows itself worthily. When making a decision, purchase this tool and you will not lose.

Important! Even if saturated with paint, it will not become heavy, but it will also have to be dipped into the paint more often.

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Pile or foam?

Years of practice have shown how to paint the ceiling and walls with a roller: natural with pile. A foam tool will quickly absorb a lot of paint, which will flow generously and drip on top of you, and bubbles will remain on the ceiling. In addition, the pile roller will last longer.

Important! To qualitatively paint with water-based paint using a roller, use a medium-piled tool. Foam tools are designed for glue or a thicker paint - for example, acrylic.

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General guidelines for purchasing a roller

Whatever type of rollers you choose, carefully examine the tool before buying:

  • The handle should be intact, without cracks.
  • Pile should not puff up in different directions.
  • The fur coat is supposed to be even and uniform.
  • Good quality seams will be almost invisible.

Now you know exactly which roller is better to paint the ceiling with water-based paint. Finally, we will reveal a couple of professional secrets.

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Features of painting the ceiling and walls:

  • Before painting, prepare the surface: it should be even, clean and preferably primed - this will allow the paint to better grasp the surface.

Important! Wash and dry the surface if necessary.

  • Dipping the roller in the paint, roll it on a flat surface - a sheet of linoleum, cardboard. It is most convenient to do this in a paint tray. The most important thing is not on the ceiling or wall, otherwise - there will be unwanted stains of paint.

Important! It is worth choosing a water-based paint if only because it is non-toxic, does not emit harmful elements and a pungent odor at any of the stages of painting. In addition, it is diluted with plain water, it is easily washed from furniture and dries quickly.

  • To protect furniture and adjacent planes from paint, masking tape will help.

Important! Apply the paint in at least two layers - so you get a deep uniform color.

  • Apply the layer in one step, it is not worth painting over the dried up areas - stains will be visible.

Important! If you move in the direction from the window, small irregularities will be almost invisible.

  • Wait until the coat has completely dried before applying the next one.

Important! All inaccessible places, for example, paint corners in advance with a brush.

  • At the end of the procedure, be sure to clean the roller. If the paint is water-based, it will be enough to hold it for 15-20 minutes in plain water, otherwise in a solvent.
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Use tips on which roller it is better to paint the ceiling and walls with water-based paint, in practice, make your home even more comfortable and beautiful. Good luck!

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