Which blanket is best for the baby?

You always want to surround your cub with maximum care and comfort. Therefore, children often get all the best. Many parents are worried about the question, what blanket for the child from which filler is better? To answer it, you should know what they are, which is really important to consider when choosing. This article will help you understand the question of which blanket is best for the child, and purchase a good and high-quality product that will improve the life of your child by one more point.

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Criterias of choice

A sound, restful sleep is a guarantee of health and good mood not only of a small child, but also of an adult. First of all, this is facilitated by a comfortable, comfortable bed. If the baby already has one, then you need to take care of bedding. So what should be a baby blanket? What criteria are important when choosing bedding?


When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the time of year when the child will take cover with the purchased product. There are several types of blankets regarding this parameter:

  • Winter. This type has a dense filler. Sleeping under it is comfortable in the cold, while in the warm - it will be hot, uncomfortable.
  • Summertime. This option is made in a lightweight style. Each filler retains heat differently, so it is selected individually.
  • Two way. The product is quilted on both sides with different materials. It can be used in cities with a moderate microclimate year-round.
  • Quilt “four seasons”. An interesting type of product that has a button mechanism. In the warm season, you can easily unfasten the additional insulated part, and use both in cold weather.

Important! For a child, it is better to purchase three blankets: one designed for the cold season, the second for the warm, and the third is a reserve all-weather.

The weight

For children, this criterion is quite important, because under the heavy blanket, the baby will be completely uncomfortable to sleep, and for newborns it is too bulky, dense product does not fit at all.


No less than the previous paragraphs, when choosing which blanket is best for the child, environmental friendliness, harmlessness of the product's fibers are important. Due to the stiffness of the fibers, natural materials are often the causative agents of allergies, while faux fur and synthetics are pleasant, smooth, hypoallergenic.

By the names you can navigate:

  • Natural fillers include: camel, sheep, silk, bamboo wool. Particles of wool can irritate mucous membranes, skin.
  • Among the synthetic: acrylic, hollofiber, vitasan.

Important! When buying goods for children, preference is always given, as a rule, to natural materials.



During sleep, the baby may sweat. Moisture in this case is absorbed by the sheet and blanket. And if the latter does not let moisture and air pass at all, then a microclimate is formed under it with increased humidity and temperature, which is unpleasant and harmful to the child's body.

Important! Children in a dream very often toss and turn, sometimes hide behind a blanket with their heads. Therefore, it is very important that the blanket passes air well.

The size

When choosing a blanket, you must take into account the age of the child, respectively - the size of the bedding:

  • Too large a blanket will get tangled, crumple, crawl to the floor.
  • Small - will not provide the baby with the desired comfort, warmth.

Easy care

It is imperative to keep children's daily use items clean and tidy. Therefore, the blanket should be easy to wash, not deformed during cleaning and dry quickly, because unforeseen situations with babies happen very often.

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Which blanket is best for a child of a certain age?

Manufacturers produce a large number of types of blankets, depending on the age of the child. Consider the main ones.

The envelope

For a newborn, often the first blanket in his life becomes an envelope. Its convenient design allows you to quickly undress and dress the baby, avoiding unpleasant temperature changes. You can choose a suitable envelope based on the season of its use:

  • In winter, products consisting of two layers will be required: water-repellent and fur.
  • Demi-season envelopes are single-layer.

Transformer blanket

Such a product is an excellent choice for a growing child. Its design resembles a bag - this allows the baby to feel free, while not opening up.

Important! The great advantage of this type of blanket is the lack of need for parents to get up at night and shelter the child.


This kind of blanket is used for walks in the open air in a stroller in the cold season. It is also very convenient for use at home during daytime sleep for children under 3 years old.

Important! A blanket that has the usual forms for us in the everyday life of a child can be introduced already from the second half of his life. The filler, as mentioned above, should be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of your baby.

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What is the best blanket for a child?

Before you go to the store for a specific type of blanket, you should study the possible fillers, know all their main advantages and disadvantages. After all, when it comes to the safety and comfort of children, any trifle is important.

Warm models

Suitable options for winter are the following types of fillers.


If the baby will have to sleep in a room with an air temperature of 16-17 degrees, it is recommended to purchase a warm blanket made of high-quality fluff from the loon or white goose. Such a product will be convenient to use on the street:

  • The filler allows air to circulate freely and absorbs moisture quickly.
  • The disadvantages include the complexity of caring for the product, as well as the considerable cost of natural raw materials.

Important! Children prone to allergies, this type of filler is not suitable.


For a child born in winter, such a filler is considered the best option. Most often on sale there are models from wool of merino, llama, camel, cashmere:

  • Such blankets are especially good for use in rooms with wet and dry air.
  • This blanket has excellent hygroscopicity and heat saving characteristics.
  • Caring for such products does not cause any difficulties.

Important! For the winter season, it is better to choose a quilted woolen blanket. For ease of use, there are button models on the street.


Bamboo blankets began to be popular relatively recently:

  • Such products do not cause allergies, warm well, are soft and light.
  • It is convenient to use a blanket during winter walks and to wrap a child in the summer while sleeping.

Important! The disadvantage of this product is only its high cost. However, it is fully justified by the quality and properties of the blanket.


Synthetic winterizer

This is not to say that this filler is better for a baby blanket. However, he has his own merits.

Among its features, it should be noted such:

  • It is suitable for use in an apartment with dry and warm air.
  • The filler is worse permeable to air and not as warm as options from natural raw materials.

Hollofiber or silicone filler

If the family budget is limited, then such a blanket would be an ideal option:

  • The filler is hypoallergenic.
  • It warms well and does not interfere with the free circulation of air.

Which blanket is better to choose for a child in the warm season?

The requirements for summer blankets are almost the same: it should perfectly absorb moisture and let air through. But there is another important nuance - summer bedding should also provide protection from overheating, because it is very dangerous for the health of young children.

Cotton blankets are considered the best products for summer use. They are divided into several types.

Bike blanket

  • Breathable, light, soft.
  • Pleasant to the touch and convenient to use on a cool day.
  • Differs in simplicity in leaving and durability.

Important! Bike products can be confidently attributed to the best of demi-season blankets.

Bedspread from fleece and calico:

  • Pretty pleasant to the touch, comfortable and light. Good for sleeping in summer.
  • For the off-season, you can choose the option with a synthetic winterizer.

Terry bedspread:

  • Breathable, light and soft.
  • A great option for walking in warm weather and sleeping on summer nights.
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Want to choose the best blanket for your child? Then you should first take into account his age and state of health. Using the information from the article, you can easily purchase your child the best option that will last for many years, the baby will like and ensure his comfort during sleep. A good blanket plays a big role in the quality of rest, so you should not spare money and effort to buy really high-quality and safe things.


