Which bedding is better - satin or poplin, or calico?

For a modern person, quality sleep is the key to health and good mood. That is why you should always think about what is convenient for you. Bed linen is responsible for the comfort of our sleep and good rest, because it is so nice to soak up our bed after an exhausting working day. But given the abundance and variety of various textures, materials and colors, many are lost in the choice of which bedding is better - satin or poplin, or calico? It is from these materials that all pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets are sewn. Despite the fact that these materials are similar in texture, they still have differences. In order not to get lost in the bowels of the assortment of a particular store and ensure a comfortable rest, you need to know a few points that will help you in the future when choosing home textiles. We will consider them in this article.

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The best material for bedding

When buying a duvet cover, pillowcase or pillow, many factors influence our choice:

  • natural composition;
  • weaving of threads;
  • quality and color fastness after washing;
  • price;
  • tactile sensations.

Therefore, in order not to miss, we will analyze each type of fabric in order to avoid problems with the choice of bed linen in the future.

Important! Always pay attention to the density of the fabric: the higher it is, the bedding set will be more durable. Parameters by which it is possible to determine the density of weaving (per 1 cm2):

  • low - 20-30;
  • below average - 31-40;
  • average - 50-60;
  • above average - 65-80;
  • high - 85-120
  • very high 130-300.

Today absolute cohesion and satin materials are absolutely popular in the textile market. Therefore, before deciding which bedding is best to buy - from calico or satin, we will examine each type of fabric in turn.

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Bedding, which is made of calico, is very popular today, because they are quite cheap in relation to other materials.

Important! Coarse calico is a fabric that is made of thick threads of very dense cruciform weaving. The threads are so thick that weaving can be seen with the naked eye. The density of coarse calico is 50-140 threads per cm2.


There are several varieties of calico:

  • severe;
  • bleached;
  • one-colored;
  • stuffed.

Important! For the manufacture of bedding, they use mostly plain-colored (very cheap) and printed. Bleached calico is used for sewing medical clothes and napkins. Severe is used for upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Consider other features of the material to understand which bedding is better - satin or poplin, or calico.88965

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this material include:

  • The naturalness of the composition. Coarse calico is considered an ecological material, therefore there are no contraindications for allergy sufferers, bedding sets for children are allowed to sew.

Important! Always watch the composition. If the composition indicates that there is an admixture of synthetic fibers, then such a product should not be taken. After a few washings, spools will appear on such material.

  • Strength and wear resistance. Due to its density, sets sewn from calico can withstand more than 300-350 washings. They do not shrink or stretch.
  • Price. Bed linen sewn from calico is considered a budget option.
  • Kits made from it have breathability.

Important! As for the disadvantages, this is roughness. That is why it is not recommended for use for the smallest and infants, as well as for persons with sensitive skin.

Care Features

In order for bed linen made of calico to serve you for a long time, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. It is necessary to wash at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees and an extraction of 600 rpm.
  2. To prevent the pattern from being washed out, turn the linen inside out before each wash.
  3. When washing, coarse calico should not be combined with other materials, since cotton fabrics become “fluffy” due to this.
  4. Wash with detergent designed for colored fabrics.
  5. Do not use bleach.
  6. When drying, try to prevent direct sunlight from entering the laundry.
  7. It is better to iron linen from the inside out.

Important! Always study the information that the manufacturer puts on the tag.

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In order to know if satin bedding is good, you need to understand what kind of material it is.

Features and properties:

  • Satin is a fabric that has an absolutely natural composition.
  • This material perfectly absorbs moisture and lets air through, so it is used for sewing various sets of bed linen.
  • Satin is a very dense material. The density of its weaving is 120 threads per cm.
  • Despite the natural composition, unlike calico, it is very soft. People even compare it with silk. But compared with silk, satin is an order of magnitude cheaper, which causes popularity among consumers.
  • Due to the glossy surface, bed linen takes on an exquisite look. The wrong side, in turn, is matte and rough. Thanks to this, the linen will not slip and pile up.
  • It is very important to know when choosing sateen linen that this material is considered “warm”. It will warm perfectly in the cold season, but in summer it can cause unpleasant sensations.

Important! Over time, after numerous washes, the gloss will disappear, but the quality of the fabric and the color palette will not be washed out.


We check the quality

Because of their high cost, negligent manufacturers, under the guise of satin, sell impurity fabric. Therefore, in order not to pay a round sum for defective and low-quality goods, you need to correctly determine which satin is better for bedding:

  1. Before buying, you need to study the composition. Real satin is 100% cotton. There should be no impurities.
  2. Density of weaving. In the standard, an ideal option is weaving 120 per cm. But also weaving 118-180 threads per cm.
  3. Satin quality can also be determined using light. Qualitative material can only transmit dimmed daylight or electric light. Outlines of objects will be visible through poor quality satin.
  4. Sometimes manufacturers on the packaging can write about mercerization. This means that the satin gloss will last a very long time.
  5. Touch the laundry. If the front side is slightly rough, then this means that such a satin is short-lived.

Important! On the tags of sets sometimes there is such a name as “mako-sateen”. This means that the material is completely natural and has no impurities. If you are interested in it, then be immediately ready to pay a round sum, since this is a very expensive product.

Pros and cons of satin bedding

To summarize the advantages of this material as a whole, in order to understand which bedding is better - satin or poplin, or calico:

  • This material does not crease. He just needs a little shaking in order to get a pristine look.
  • Glossy surface, which gives extra comfort when in contact with the body.
  • Heat. It retains heat well, due to which it is suitable for the cold season.
  • Does not slip on the mattress.
  • Not electrified.
  • High color fastness.

Negative properties of satin:

  • High cost.
  • If the satin is too smooth, then there is a feeling of discomfort due to excessive slipping.
  • In the summer it is very hot.

How to care for satin linen?

  1. Each time you wash the laundry, you need to turn it inside out, fasten all the zippers and buttons.
  2. It is not recommended to use bleaching agents.
  3. Erases bedding from satin at a temperature of no higher than 60 degrees.
  4. Do not wash with polyester.

Important! Satin linen does not require ironing.

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Sometimes, due to their similarity, consumers confuse poplin with satin. In order to know which bedding is better - from satin or poplin, you need to take into account the difference, which still exists:

  • Poplin, unlike sateen, consists of a natural base, but has various impurities.
  • Also, the difference between the two materials in weaving. Poplin is woven from threads of various thicknesses, due to which some roughness is possible.

Due to the different processing technologies of poplin, there are several types:

  • printed;
  • one-colored;
  • multi-colored.


  • Poplin is a fairly strong material, although very thin. Unfortunately, in comparison with other tissues, it begins to wash out very quickly. Already after 120-200 washings, bed linen will have an unpresentable appearance.
  • The outer side of the poplin also has a little gloss, due to which it is compared with satin. But unlike his named “brother”, poplin preserves the warmth of a person, adapts well to both hot summers and cold winters.
  • It has good breathability.

Important! Due to various impurities, it is not recommended for allergy sufferers, as it can cause skin reactions in the form of a rash, redness.



  • Poplin is a very soft fabric. She is very pleasant to the body.
  • Durability.
  • Suitable for use all year round.
  • It passes air well.
  • Does not create problems in leaving.

Cons of poplin:

  • Poor quality raw materials and dyes are sometimes used.
  • Due to low-quality materials used in processing, it can fade.

How to care for poplin?

  1. Turn inside out before washing.
  2. Do not use bleach.
  3. Do not wash at temperatures above 30 degrees.
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Consider another option that is also in demand. Percale is a very expensive material for making bedding. In Europe, percale is used for the manufacture of luxury kits.

Important! This material is absolutely contraindicated for allergy sufferers, as it can cause severe allergies. This is due to the fact that the threads are treated with a special adhesive. Percale occupies the same price position with silk.

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So what to buy anyway?

  • Let's start with the price positions. The most expensive on the market are satin and percale, followed by calico and satin.
  • Each of the materials has a natural base, but impurities are also possible. This should be considered when buying a bedding set.
  • A huge difference between the types of these materials is the weaving method. Therefore, what is right for you is a purely individual solution.
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Marcel Achard once said: “Success comes to those who get up in a good mood.” And this is absolutely true, because if you were uncomfortably sleeping, then you would not see a good mood. In order to raise and improve the quality of your sleep, to have a rested and healthy appearance, you need to take responsibility for the purchase of bed linen. Be vigilant, attentive, and then success is guaranteed to you, as well as a healthy dream!

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