What a good ergo backpack?

Were you trying to do a thousand things at the same time with the child in your arms and decided to buy an ergo backpack? The first natural question that you have is: what is a good ergo backpack, and which one is exactly the opposite. A huge number of offers in stores does not help, but only introduces young mothers into a stupor. Let's try to understand the ocean of proposals, systematize them and formulate more or less useful tips.

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When is a backpack objectively necessary?

On the Internet you can find quite conflicting information about this accessory. Here are the arguments for buying a product:

  • The child does not want to lie in a crib or stroller. Calms down only "on handles". And the pens, frankly, are already falling off. Back, by the way, too.
  • You can carry your child and do household chores at the same time.
  • The sling looks nice, but many people are stuck in a stupor, so a backpack is the best option.
  • A backpack gives you the opportunity to breastfeed (you can and on the go).
  • The ability to "harness" dad. Forcing a man to wrap himself in a sling is problematic, but with a backpack everything is much simpler.
  • Ease of use.
  • Mobility of mom or dad. Such “horror stories” as escalators, subways, underpasses and stairs are overcome without problems.
  • The rapprochement of mother and baby, which is very important up to a year. After all, you want to grow up a successful, fearless and self-confident person. Then this is yours!
  • This item could be put in the first place, but it does not apply to the practical side of the purchase, therefore it remains in its place. As Odessa aunt Sonya said, “Firstly, it’s beautiful.” You will feel this when you want to buy a backpack for a dress, cloak or other piece of clothing. Or just liked the model with a pussy or elephant - it looks just awesome!
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What determines the choice of a backpack?

The following parameters affect the choice of a particular model:

  • Baby's age, body weight and height. Depending on these parameters, choose one or another design.
  • The frequency of use of the device will determine which model the best ergo backpack will be for you.
  • The time of year you are going to use your backpack. The materials from which it is made play a role here.

In order not to disperse and not “spread thought through the tree”, we focus on the very first and most important parameter: the age of the child.

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At what age can an ergo backpack be used?

Manufacturers are trying to make universal products, but this is completely in vain. Judge for yourself: it is unlikely that you need the same backpack design for a six-month-old baby and for a grown-up baby of 2-3 years. The child’s position will be physiologically correct in a certain age period, but not all the time when you drag your child in a backpack. Therefore, the best ergo backpack, the only one of all time, is fantastic. Now let’s figure out which position can be considered physiologically correct.

The correct position in the backpack:

  • The hips of the child are divorced at a right angle. The knees are located above the pelvis. The provision is called the “letter M”.
  • The butt is as if tucked down, and the back is rounded.

Important! In approximately this position, you hold the child so that it does its “deeds."The only difference is that the child is facing you.

What to look for when choosing a good ergo backpack:

  • With a very wide back of the backpack, the extreme part of the back goes below the knees of the baby, so the position of the legs will be incorrect.
  • If the back is too narrow, the baby's legs will not have support. For very young children, this is not critical, and older children experience discomfort.
  • Sometimes the baby is naughty, although you are sure that everything is in order with the position of the legs. The reason is that the child’s handles are located inside the backpack, and he can’t simplify them.

Important! If you buy a backpack for a child up to a year, you need to choose a model with an adjustable back. For children after six months of age, freedom of hands is important, and you can adjust the product exactly according to the parameters of the child only if the back is adjustable.

  • An equally important point is the depth of the back. Simply put, does it form a “pocket” for the children's “fifth point”. With a flat back, it is impossible to achieve a physiologically correct position (legs with the letter “M”). Most likely, they will resemble the letter P. To achieve additional depth, you can use a special cut, tucks and seams.boba_product_page_web

Backpacks for the smallest

In any case, you cannot carry newborn children in ergo backpacks. Neither the backpack itself, nor the sling-scarf, nor the sling with rings can support the fragile back of the baby.

Important! An exception to this rule is the Comfort backpack, which can carry children from 2-3 months. The secret here is in back support. It does not go in the middle of the structure, but along the entire back of the child. So - for a two-month crumb, such a product will be safe.

But in general, a backpack for a newborn child is contraindicated:

  • As already mentioned, there is no support for the spine. Due to the relatively large size of the backpack, the load on the spine is too high, which is fraught with problems at an older age.
  • Extra load on the woman. Women often complain of abdominal and lower back pain.
  • Too early lumbar deflection in a child. Lumbar deflection is formed when the child begins to sit.
  • Too big breeding of legs.

Important! The question arises: from what age is it possible to carry a child in a backpack? The answer is one: starting from 4 months. This is an absolute minimum and that extreme case when a mother cannot carry a baby in any other way.

The optimal age for traveling in an ergo backpack is from 6-8 months. Now mom will be able to do household chores, without much strain on her back.

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Ergo backpack: how to use?

There are 3 options in total. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. Face to face. If you choose this position, use a special insert for the neck, otherwise - the baby will quickly get tired. As a rule, products are equipped with them.

Important! This method is good in that the child will always feel safe. And mom will be able to easily track his mood.

  1. Face forward. In this situation, it is much easier to learn about the world. In any case, the baby will not get bored. And you can snuggle up to mom at any moment.
  2. Mom or Dad's behind. The principle of putting on a sling is the same as a regular backpack. You can’t call this method convenient, but it is optimal if mom’s hands are busy.

Important! The choice of position also depends on the age of the baby. You need to start accustoming to a backpack from a “face to face” position. The position “face forward”, as well as “behind”, is permissible only after six months.

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Rules for choosing a good sling backpack

A truly comfortable and physiological backpack should meet the following requirements:

  • Belt made of thick durable fabric. He takes on most of the load, distributing the body weight of the child to the hips and waist of the mother.
  • Straps. A great option if you can arrange them crosswise. A product with excessively thin straps should not be purchased.
  • A wide soft back, on which the baby can lean. So - he will not get tired so soon.
  • Hood. It will help protect your child from rain and wind.

Important! Bows, ryushechki and other nonsense are obviously useless here. In any case, they do not add functionality to the product.

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Ergo backpack, rating of the best:

  • I love mum light, love and Carry. Pognae. Products are lightweight, of mesh material with good ventilation.
  • I love mum (Premium). The item is made of scarf fabric. It is well ventilated, suitable for not very large kids.
  • Manduca. Universal model for any time of the year. Production material - softened linen.
  • Guslenok. Made of mixed fabric (linen with cotton). The model is comfortable, with good ventilation. The same advantages as “Manduka”, but the price is much lower.
  • I love mum (Smart). Lightweight cross-strap straps. It features an ideal load distribution from the child.
  • I love mum (Classic). A backpack with wide straps and a two-layer back. A good option for restless and active kids.
  • Ergobaby. Known comfortable model for the cool season. The back is inside the quilted, complete with a fixed hood.
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Now you know how to choose an ergo backpack. Go shopping!

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