Which tray is best for a cat?

Cats are characterized by cleanliness and even some squeamishness. It is enough to look at the fluffy “princess”, how carefully she licks her fur, not wanting to allow even the smallest speck on it. The tray in which the kitty is managing its “affairs” should also be clean, without any foreign smells, otherwise the naughty girl will simply ignore it, choosing a secluded corner as a toilet and expressing her “fi” to the owners. Which tray is best for a cat and how to properly teach a pet hygiene - we will consider all the nuances of this direction in animal care in this article.

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General requirements

The main thing to consider when choosing a cat tray is convenience. The animal should freely sit in it, otherwise - part of the excrement and filler will certainly be on the floor.

Important! It is also necessary to consider that cleaning the “toilet” and changing the filler takes a minimum of time. Be sure to determine the installation location, evaluate the dimensions of the structure.

So, the main selection criteria are as follows:

  • Price. The cost of the product should be neither ruinous nor too low. You need to choose a solid and reliable “middle ground”. It is very desirable that the pet has used the tray all his life, since changing the tray for an adult animal is more stress than for a kitten.
  • The size. It is important that the cat fits completely in the toilet and that it is comfortable there. This is especially true of closed structures - "houses".

Important! When choosing a closed tray, be sure to evaluate its height. If you have a small kitten, the dimensions of the tray should be oriented to the dimensions of an adult beast, adjusted for breed. For example, Siamese are much more “compact” than Maine Coons.

  • The material of manufacture. It is necessary that it be durable and have a small mass. Plastic is the best option. At the same time, too light a tray is undesirable so that the pet, hiding the “traces of crime”, does not flip its toilet.
  • Design. A cat's toilet can be open or closed. Which tray is best for a cat - depends on the characteristics of the pet. A closed house is suitable for cats who love privacy. If the fluffy suffers from claustrophobia, the “cat house” will be far from the best option for him.
  • Appearance. Brightly colored designs should be avoided. The new tray should not have a strong “chemical” smell. This indicates a low quality of materials, and the smell can scare away the beast.
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Cat trays: the most common types:

  • The simplest model, well known to all cat owners. Plastic toilet with sides - and nothing more. This is an excellent option for accustoming to the culture of hygiene for babies, because getting into the tray is not difficult even for a crumb. As for adults, this is not the best option, since the cat instinctively buries its excrement.

Important! If you use cheap filler, unpleasant “aromas” cannot be avoided. The advantages include: low cost, ease of cleaning, compactness (you can take with you on a trip.

  • A tray similar in design to the previous one.But the sides of it are of great height and are bent inward. Filler spills out of it less.

Important! The disadvantage is the difficulty with cleaning. When the tray is turned over, part of the filler granules gets stuck under the rim.

  • Plastic toilet with a net. Model with low sides, the smell does not hold. The net is very low, so the legs and tail of the animal get wet. Often, the owners simply throw away the net, because it is almost useless.
  • Model with high sides and a thick edging at the edges. If you choose which tray is best for a cat, this is a good and convenient option. The filler granules do not scatter, the floor near the tray remains clean.

Important! Cleaning is simplified by the fact that the side is made removable. This allows you to use plastic bags: spread polyethylene, and on top of the latch click. You need to wash the tray much less frequently.

  • Model with a grid. The mesh in these models is located at a fairly decent distance from the bottom. The paws of the animal remain dry. This tray can be used without filler (however, a small layer to retain odor will not be superfluous). Much depends on the pet. Some of them fundamentally do not recognize the lattice, because claws cling to it. Other animals relate to this part quite calmly and neatly use the tray.

Important! You can make a mesh structure with your own hands, from two metal or plastic basins. Insert one basin into another. In the top, make many holes. The toilet for the pet is ready.

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Which tray is better for a cat, or “cat house”

This option is for cats that are actively burying “traces of crime”, as well as for shy animals that prefer solitude. There are many models of such "houses".

Consider the most common ones to understand which tray is best for a cat:

  • A house with a simple construction, but having a number of useful options. The door is made of transparent material, so that the purity of the cat's filler can be easily checked. The top is removable, which makes cleaning easier.

Important! The most pleasant option is a carbon filter for air purification. You can completely avoid unpleasant “aromas”.

  • "Snail". This model is very popular in the West. The toilet comes in many modifications: from a tiny “house” for kittens to solid designs, which will fit such a huge thing like Maine Coon. This toilet has enough advantages: steps made of textured material (they collect granules adhered to the legs of the animal), removable top, odor retention inside due to the spiral design.

Important! Only one minus, but significant: the "snail" is not suitable for cramped quarters. The design takes up a lot of space.

  • Corner tray. This is a great option for a small room. This can be a regular or closed container with a door made of transparent material, with a carbon filter for odor retention and a removable top.
  • Detail of the interior. Can a cat toilet decorate a room? It turns out maybe. Such a tray is made in the form of a bedside table of two compartments. At the “entrance” is a rug made of textured material, collecting granules from the paws. Here you can store a scoop for cleaning excrement and a bag with filler. The second room is the toilet itself. There is also a special slot for removing the tray. There are also designs with a removable cover made on runners or hinges.

Important! You can make a “cat house” on your own, from an inverted plastic bucket. Choose a bucket with a lid and a control lock, turn the closed bucket upside down and cut a hole for the animal at a distance of about 10 cm from the floor.

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Self-cleaning models

This is an option for constantly busy people who have no time to monitor the cleanliness of a cat's toilet. Consider several options for this technical miracle, and you can decide which tray is best for a cat:

  1. Toilet equipped with a cleaning system. A sensor is mounted in the side of the structure, fixing the approach of the animal. After the cat has done its “tricks”, special “rakes” leave the side of the device, which collect solid waste and sticky granules. All waste is collected in a special compartment, which must be periodically cleaned.

Important! The product is also equipped with a rug made of textured material so that the lumps of the filler do not stick to the wool.

  1. This option is a real miracle of technology, but takes up a lot of space. This is a real autonomous construction, connected to electric and sewer networks. Washable granules are used as filler, which are thoroughly cleaned after the cat has visited the toilet. The owner only needs to periodically change the cartridges filled with detergent composition.
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Toilet for a cat on a stationary toilet - a myth?

If you want to avoid unnecessary fuss with cat trays, there are special devices that are installed on a regular toilet. Experts recommend that in order to accustom the cat to the cultural way of doing their job, first install a toilet tray.

Important! If you install an ordinary tray, then it may fall, the cat will get scared. In this case, you can safely forget about training.

The device for the toilet includes an oval tray and several rings:

  1. First, put a tray without a hole on the toilet, pouring filler into the bottom. You teach the animal to climb up.
  2. After the cat learns this “science”, the tray is replaced with a ring with a small diameter, then with a large one.
  3. Gradually, the beast will understand that it can stay on the side of the toilet, and the device can be removed completely.

The toilet problem has been completely resolved.

Important! Such a “training” device can be made independently from a plastic lid from a bucket:

  • In the beginning, you just need to put the lid on the toilet rim, having previously cut off the part that adjoins the back wall.
  • A week later, when “going to the tray” will become commonplace, you need to cut a hole in the center of the lid.
  • A further principle of operation is the same as with the factory-made tray: the hole must be gradually increased.
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How to place the tray in the apartment?

Solving the issue of which tray is best for the cat is not enough. It is important to properly place it indoors. The tray is placed in such a way as to provide free access to it for the cat. Usually:

  1. Install the design in the toilet.
  2. The bathroom door is left ajar or a special manhole is equipped.

Important! You can’t hide the tray in the farthest corner, since the beast needs space for a normal “solution to its problems”. Cats reflexively scratch their paws in the filler, and there is nothing to be done about it.


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Hygiene issues

Impeccable cleanliness and tidiness of the toilet for the cat is a prerequisite. Cat excrement is not just a source of bad smell. This is a hotbed of bacteria, they contain eggs of parasites, which can provoke a disease of both humans and animals. This is especially dangerous for babies weakened by the disease of people, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

How to provide proper care:

  • Every day, using special devices, clean cat products.
  • Change the filler and wash the tray at least 2 times a week.
  • It is advisable to disinfect not only the tray itself, but also the place on which it is located.

Important! Pick up a mild detergent so that the unfamiliar “aroma” does not scare away the beast.

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Rules for accustoming a cat to a tray

Purchasing a cat tray is half the battle. It is important not only to know which tray is best for a cat, but also to properly accustom the animal to it. The matter is complicated by the fact that cats are independent animals, forcing them to do something is forcibly useless.The easiest way to accustom the animal to the tray from childhood.

To do this, follow these rules:

  • Do not forget to watch the pet.
  • It is necessary to regularly plant the animal in the tray if it is “looking for a place”.
  • Do not forget to praise the pet if he did everything right.
  • If "it didn’t work out", you can’t raise your voice at the beast, and even more so, raise your hand at it.

Important! Of course, you can intimidate the animal and, in the end, achieve your goal. But is it worth it? You will forever lose the trust and love of the pet. So it’s better to be patient and wise.

It is much more difficult to instill cultural skills in a mature animal. Perhaps the cat has already formed its own ideas about what a toilet is and how to properly visit it. However, patient and rigorous training is paying off.

Important! If the animal stubbornly continues to walk to a prohibited place, it makes sense to put a toilet there. Naturally, as far as possible.


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Why does the cat ignore the tray?

It happens that a cat or a cat who has never had problems with cleanliness stops going to the right place for this. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Urolithiasis disease. One of the signs of it is frequent urination, so the cat just does not have time to reach the tray.
  • Badly washed tray. If you are too lazy to properly disinfect it, then a fluffy cleanlie will simply ignore such a “dirty place”. And of course, in protest, he will leave heaps and puddles where he sees fit.
  • The cat does not like the toilet. It may not suit the shape of the product or the smell of synthetics that comes from low-quality products.
  • The filler does not suit. Moreover, it is almost impossible to guess here. Sometimes a pedigree beast with a pedigree “from the Rurikovich” calmly walks into torn newsprint, and the “dvorterrier” turns its nose from expensive pellets. Therefore, if a cat appears in the house, it is advisable to try several types of fillers.
  • Incorrect installation location. Not the best option - to put the toilet in a crowded, well-walkable place.
  • Too high sides (this is true for kittens and elderly animals).
  • Instinct of reproduction. The desire to mark the territory (this may not necessarily be the secret of the glands, but also urine and even feces). Nature takes its toll, and the pet temporarily completely forgets about the rules of good form.
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The knowledge gained will help you correctly answer the question of which tray is best for the cat, and not have any problems with accustoming the animal to cleanliness.

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