Which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless?

The desire of each person at the end of the day is to sleep well and gain strength the next day. However, the quality of rest depends on the quality of what we sleep on. The store offers us a huge selection of different orthopedic mattresses, and often the buyer has wide eyes, he can not make the right choice. Let's talk in this article about which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless.

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Where to begin?

In order to understand which mattress to choose - spring or springless, and choose the best model, you need to take into account some features of the human body:

  • Weight of further user;
  • His age;
  • Personal preferences;
  • Contraindications orthopedist.

We propose to draw parallels between the two types proposed above, and to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Springless mattress

Before understanding the good and bad qualities of this type, we will tell you what the presented types of packing are.

Important! It is the filler that determines to a greater extent the qualities of a particular bedding model.

So, in the manufacture of a springless mattress, the following fillers are used:

  • Downy. The padding can also be sintepon, and cotton. This type is the most budget.
  • Latex. This material is the most elastic and soft. It can be both natural and artificial.
  • Based on coconut fiber. This option is ideal for the baby, as it is quite tough.
  • Combined option. Includes latex and coir.

In this line of comparison, we will understand the main advantages and disadvantages of this option, and at the end of the article we will understand which mattress to choose - spring or springless.

Advantages and disadvantages

Take as a basis a latex mattress (is the most used model).

So, the main advantages of using:

  • The mattress is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not harm human health at all.
  • It is elastic. You can really enjoy sleep all night.
  • Great orthopedic assistant.
  • It does not cause allergies.
  • Absolutely silent, which can never be said about the spring.
  • Not afraid of children. Toddlers can safely jump and tumble on it, without harming things.

Important! Service life - more than 15 years.

We can not do without cons. Here they are much smaller:

  • To some people, such a mattress seems stiff.
  • It lacks the effect of “waves”, which allows you to swing up and down.

Who is recommended?

Let's try to understand the main tips of orthopedic surgeons in order to come to the conclusion which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless:

  • Most often, such options are bought for children with an unformed, weak spine.
  • As for adults, this variation is not for everybody. Some people like more elastic options, others like softer ones, it is up to the buyer to decide.
  • For older people, a mattress with springs is more recommended because of its softness.
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Spring mattress

In this section you will learn about the good and bad features of this choice, and you will also see who is recommended for such a model and who is sharply contraindicated.


For many years, soft springy bedding has been the most popular. Of course, because she has many advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • Rich choice.In special stores you will see a huge variety of models from different manufacturers.
  • It has been used for several decades.
  • A budget option. This type is not very expensive, everyone can afford it.
  • Comfort and softness. It’s much nicer to lie on such a material than on a springless one, although the concept of comfort and convenience is very relative.
  • Relatively long life. This type can be used in the order of 10-15 years.kakoy-matras-vyibrat-pruzhinnyiy-ili-bespruzhinnyiy


Of course, in the world there are no ideal things, and in our case, too. This type has several disadvantages:

  • To find out which orthopedic mattress is better - spring or springless, it must be said that this type of orthopedic properties does not and cannot have.
  • No matter what he seems, there is a chance that he will make some squeaks and strange sounds.

Important! This kind is not suitable for the buyer who buys this item to the child. The effect of the so-called “swing” adversely affects the undeveloped spine.

Springs: recommendations and contraindications

Let’s figure out who is suitable for such a soft and comfortable model by age - from newborns to the elderly, because for each orthopedic surgeon recommend an individual type of mattress.


  • We start with the smallest. As mentioned a little above, this type is sharply contraindicated in babies because of the risk of malformation of the spine.

Important! When choosing a mattress for a child under the age of thirteen, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist. He will help you choose the best option.

  • This option is sharply contraindicated for people with heart disease or those who suffer from the problem of being overweight. A doctor should also help you choose the right option.
  • Plus, any types of such mattresses are contraindicated for people with a sick spine.
  • Buying such a variation for children who have already reached about fourteen years of age, you can no longer worry that it can somehow harm his body.
  • As for the elderly, which mattress to choose - spring or springless, for them? Here they are recommended to purchase the second option.

Important! Do not let children jump on the bed, which is based on such a filler. The spring grid can break, as a result - the thing will not last long.

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Overview of some models

Since the mattresses described above are in great demand, let's try to look at some options that will be “Bonnel” and “Pocket Spring”:

  • Bonnel products have been manufactured and have been popular since the beginning of the 20th century, which makes them justifiably quality. Now the filling is a large springs connected between each other, forming a grid.

Important! Their main disadvantage is that after 3-5 years they begin to creak and sag strongly.

  • “Pocket Spring” mattresses are also popular now. They have a block of small springs, independent of each other.

Important! Minus - this type over time forms a lot of turns.

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So, this article helped you understand the differences between mattresses of the two main types. The decision about which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless, remains only to the reader of this article. Therefore, we recommend that you try on yourself some options right in the store - so you will understand which one is yours.

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