What color is best for the bedroom wallpaper?

The situation in the bedroom should correspond to the main purpose of this room. Here everything disposes to rest - furniture, draperies, decorations. To create a feeling of peace, comfort and security helps to choose the right color scheme. What color is best for the bedroom wallpaper? This will be discussed in this article.

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General considerations

You will spend much less time on the choice of materials for repair, if you determine in advance what exactly you need. Before re-sticking wallpaper in the bedroom, try to answer a few questions:

  1. Who exactly will live in this room?
  2. Spacious room or cramped?
  3. What are his personal preferences?
  4. Which side do the windows face?
  5. What style is the room decorated in?
  6. Is it necessary or not to allocate zones for different types of activities?

Important! The bedroom of the young man is different from the bedroom of his parents and sister. The color, and maybe the look of the wallpaper will be different depending on the tastes of the inhabitant. Personal preferences are the main thing in this story, because a person should relax, and nothing should interfere with this.

Room size

Be sure to consider the size of the room:

  • In the spacious bedroom you can make walls of any color.
  • If the room is cramped, it is better to take the light color of the wallpaper for the bedroom, which will visually increase the volume.
  • In a room that is too large, dark wallpapers are preferable - they will make the bedroom smaller and more comfortable.

Important! In a very spacious bedroom, you can highlight a corner for your beloved, but not very noisy and dirty business. In this case, it is recommended to use several types of coatings - one for the sleeping area, the other for the “workshop”, “mini-living room”, etc. Wallpaper can differ not only in color, but in appearance or texture.

Which side do the windows face?

This is a very important question if you want to choose the best color for your bedroom wallpaper! If to the south - any color is suitable, to the north - pastel tones of the warm zone of the spectrum:

  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • lilac with a predominance of pink.


The choice of a particular style depends, again, on personal preferences. Popular styles for bedrooms:

  • Classic;
  • Minimalism;
  • Ethno
  • Provence
  • Romantic;
  • Retro;
  • Loft.

Of course, the design of the walls should match the color of the furniture:

  • Classics are characterized by strict outlines, light neutral tones, low-key, but clearly expensive upholstery. Durability and good taste in everything.
  • Minimalism - walls in cold colors, light simple furniture without any curls, forged or cast ornaments in very small quantities.
  • Ethno - walls “under a tree” or “under an unprocessed stone”, wooden furniture, a cover from shreds, unpainted linen curtains.
  • Provence - light walls with a cheerful pattern, elegant curtains, fancy furniture.
  • The romantic style is characterized by walls with a pattern suggesting the delights of rural life, curtains with ruffles, landscapes on the walls, ruffles and ruffles on bedspreads and decorative pillowcases.
  • Retro bedroom reminds a room of the 60s. Paper wallpapers with floral patterns, tulle curtains and pillow covers, wardrobe with a mirror.
  • The Loft style gives the impression that all objects got here by accident. It seems that they do not fit together, but this is not so at all.Combined wallpapers can emphasize this, and the more they differ from each other, the better.

Important! Combined wallpapers can visually enlarge a room - for example, make it taller.

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Characteristics of colors

The color of the walls should be liked first of all. However, to know what this or that shade symbolizes and what mood it evokes will not be out of place if you want to choose the best color of wallpaper for your bedroom, which will allow you to have a good rest every day.


Any shade of this color greatly affects the feeling of temperature. It seems that the room is one to two degrees warmer than it actually is. In addition, yellow, if only the occupant of the room for some reason only led him to not have a negative attitude towards him, cheers up and helps to look into the future with optimism.


Ideal color for a bedroom. The most neutral in the range, it makes it possible not to think about difficulties and generally abandon day cares.

Pink and peach

A great option for a young couple. It affects sensuality, creates a feeling of well-being, love and goodwill.

Blue and steel

Suitable for those who like to think intensively before going to bed. These colors stimulate the brain. In addition, they calm, quench violent negative emotions.

Important! Keep in mind that blue refers to the cold part of the spectrum, so it is not recommended to use it in rooms with windows to the north, as well as in cold rooms. In such cases, purple is more suitable with a predominance of blue.


The wonderful color of life and peace. A person has a feeling of security. Green also belongs to the cold part of the spectrum, but this color has many shades, including the predominance of yellow.vybor-oboev-dlya-spalni16

Bright colors

With energetic nature, light colors can cause boredom. Well, then it makes sense to experiment with bright colors. The only thing you should refuse is acid shades. Bright orange, piercing green or lemon-cutting eyes will not contribute to a good rest. As, however, and neon shades of any other colors on the wallpaper in the bedroom.

Important! Red should be used very carefully, although the combination of black, red and white is now in great fashion.

Can black be used?

Thinking what color to choose wallpaper in the bedroom, apartment owners often ask the question - is it acceptable to use black? There is no ban on such decisions, however, this issue must be approached very carefully.

Important! The black color causes a lot of negative emotions in many people, so we need to find out whether the one who will live in such a room will not mind.

For a lover of gothic art this option is definitely suitable. In all other cases, it is better to use combinations with white, purple, pale yellow, pink and other colors.

Important! Another option is possible to combine black and other dark tones with other objects in the room. If the walls are black and the furniture is light, the room will not look gloomy. Just the opposite - you can make a luxurious interior.

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What are the wallpapers?

Bedroom - a room where there are no conditions that introduce any restrictions on the use of certain materials. There is no increased humidity, no sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, you can use any wallpaper:

  • paper:
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • textile;
  • cullets;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • the liquid wallpaper.


Despite the fact that the range of finishing materials in stores is huge, many still prefer paper wallpapers. This is no accident, because this material is cheap, and manufacturers offer a variety of colors, textures and patterns. So paper wallpaper can be chosen for any style.

Their most significant drawback is wet fear. There are, of course, species that can be wiped, but nothing more.You definitely don’t have to wash the walls. In addition, the paper burns out, so for sunny rooms it is better to choose a different material.


Vinyl wallpapers are more durable than paper, although more expensive. They can be wiped, and sometimes washed. There are a lot of species.

Important! This type of coating should be chosen very carefully, because plastic does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a very good organization of ventilation in the room.

Silk and velvet

Since ancient times, wealthy people have been covering the walls of their homes with cloth. Despite the fact that recently a lot of new finishing materials have appeared, the fabric is still popular.maxresdefault

The main advantages of such wallpapers:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • elegant appearance.

Important! The obvious disadvantages include the price. Textile wallpapers are more expensive than paper and vinyl. But they do not fade so intensely, although to say that such a coating never fades will not be entirely true.


Great modern stuff. Ideal for painting - the wall can be painted before gluing, or you can put the painting already on the wallpaper. Burnout depends on what paint you use. But there are already painted wallpapers from this material.

Important! The wall will be very pleasant to the touch, and the room will be warm, and the noise protection will become quite reliable.


This finish looks very impressive. In addition, it is practical - it does not tear, is not scratched, and is not afraid of water. You can wash even with a washing vacuum cleaner. True, the assortment is still small, but this is offset by transparency - cullet can be applied to a painted wall.

The liquid wallpaper

This type of coating has recently gained immense popularity. The material is still pretty cheap, and the assortment, frankly, is not striking in variety.

But then you can add your own fillers - and then you get a new type of material. It is superimposed, like regular plaster, for a long time.

Important! The undoubted bonus is that you can use the second, third, and tenth times - until you get bored. It is only necessary to remove the old coating, soak, if desired, add new components and apply again.

Can I use photo wallpaper?

High-quality wallpapers are always good, including in the bedroom. The seashore, forest edge, a garden with fruit trees, a rural landscape will calm, besides, visually increase the room. Just abuse this type of finish is not worth it. It is enough to place the panel on one wall or even a piece of the wall.

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Who will live in the room?

What color of wallpaper is better for a bedroom largely depends on who will live in this room:

  • child;
  • teenager;
  • a young man;
  • girl;
  • a young married couple;
  • a couple with experience;
  • single woman;
  • lonely man.

What color wallpaper to choose in the bedroom for the child?

Simple paper wallpapers in bright colors with a discreet pattern or without it at all are ideal for a preschooler and younger schoolchild. There are not many families who have the opportunity to allocate two rooms to the child - under the playroom and under the bedroom. Usually there is only a nursery, so zoning is simply necessary.

Great option:

  • the bottom of the room to paste over with paper wallpaper for painting, on which the child can draw;
  • the top is non-woven or vinyl, sustained in warm light colors.

Important! You can select a separate corner for creative activities and games, and there you can give the opportunity to independently paint the wallpaper, and in another part of the room to make a berth. But in any case, the finish should be light.

Schoolboy room

In this case, beige, light green or cream is also preferable. On one of the walls you can stick murals. Seascape with ships for the boy, a cozy garden for the girl, pictures from sports or scientific life - of course, if the owner or hostess likes this.interier-yarko-fioletoiy-720x321

The student’s room can have any quality wallpaper.Vinyl is better than paper - even very neat school-age children are not always willing to keep order in their room. There may be a variant with liquid wallpaper - the owner will almost certainly like the opportunity to tidy up the damaged area on their own.

Children grew up

Did your son or daughter grow up, but still live with you? Well, only the interior in the room will have to be changed. And here you can not do without discussion. Let the room owner choose their own style. It will be either similar to the general style of your apartment, or just the opposite. Without wanting it, you will learn a lot about yourself.

Wallpaper is possible any:

  • Girls often prefer non-woven fabric or textiles; boys value cullet and liquid for their practicality.
  • A variety of colors are possible. Do not be surprised if young people choose dark tones. This does not mean that they grew up with gloomy misanthropes. They are just looking for a color that allows them not to be distracted by secondary things, but to focus on the main thing.

Important! It is possible that even a girl in the room will have a minimum of jewelry.

Do not be surprised if there are photo wallpapers on the wall that you don’t really want to see. Favorite music groups, large portraits of people unknown to you - actors, pop stars, athletes. All this is part of the world in which your grown-up child lives. If you nevertheless choose materials for repair, try to buy wallpaper in neutral tones.

Women's bedroom

As a rule, the walls in the women's bedroom are painted in warm colors. Floral or fantasy ornament. Classic or Provencal style, delicate curtains, comfortable, but elegant furniture - in short, everything that tells any visitor that the Beautiful Lady lives here.

Even a modern business woman sometimes needs to relax, and where is it best to do it if not in her own bedroom? Wall mural with a favorite look, lovely heart-shaped trinkets. Nothing gloomy and repulsive. Pink, beige, cream, peach tones - depending on whether you want to find peace or arouse sensuality.

Men's bedroom

The modern men's bedroom is not at all the abode of an inveterate bachelor, where chaos reigns constantly. This is a stylishly designed room, designed in dark or muted colors:

  • Suitable wallpaper brown, blue, green.
  • Black and white and black and red solutions are popular.

Important! It is best to choose a geometric pattern, or choose a coating without a pattern at all.


In the matrimonial bedroom, both husband and wife should be fine. Therefore, it is best to choose a neutral wall color - beige or grayish. Drawing can be any.

As for the type of wallpaper, here is a complete expanse for imagination. In a room where two adults live, everything is permissible. It is only necessary to follow the general rules.

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Feng Shui Bedroom Decor

Proponents of this now-popular Eastern philosophy seek to equip their homes in accordance with strict rules. Feng Shui is just trying to take into account the characteristics of different people, so why not use the elements of this teaching and everyone else? Moreover, very interesting aesthetic decisions can turn out.


The color of wallpaper for the bedroom should be selected depending on the location. If the bedroom is located on the north or north-west side, it is under the sign of water, that is, you need to choose water shades:

  • blue;
  • blue gray;
  • aquamarine.

Important! These colors can be combined with “coastal” - brown or sand.


The room located on the west side should be decorated in twilight colors:

  • purple
  • lilac;
  • gray.

Important! Pistachio, lavender - in a word, sunset colors are suitable as additions. Individual elements painted in silver are welcome.


The southern room is under the auspices of the fire. Accordingly, the best colors of wallpaper for the bedroom:

  • red;
  • Orange;
  • purple;
  • cherry;
  • terracotta.

Important! But such colors are exciting, so supporters of this philosophy have found a way out: the main background is made neutral, and individual elements are painted in fiery tones.

Southwest and northeast

The room located in this way is under the protection of trees. Accordingly, all shades of brown and green are acceptable. Black is also suitable.

Important! The ceiling in the bedrooms decorated according to Feng Shui is always white or beige, and the floor is most often dark, although sand is also acceptable.

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That's all you need to know about which color of wallpaper is best for the bedroom. Do not rush to make a hasty decision - consider each option, try experimenting with the probes for several days, noting if they cause irritation in you. If you do everything carefully and carefully, then there will be no problems with further comfort in the bedroom.

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