What picture hang in the bedroom above the bed?

If you are planning to repair the bedroom or follow the desire to diversify the interior, make new bright accents and give the room a personal touch, it is important to pay close attention to the question of what painting to hang in the bedroom above the bed.
In order to determine which creation of famous or novice artists will take pride of place in your bedroom, it is not at all necessary to turn to a professional art critic or designer for help. Our experts in this article will offer possible options for the design of free space in the bedroom, from which you can choose the most attractive for yourself.
to contents ↑Classification of paintings as a genre of fine art
To begin with, suppose that you are not an expert on traditional or contemporary styles in art and such concepts as “impressionism”, “avant-garde”, “pop art” or “underground” cause you complete bewilderment and confusion.
Moreover, we do not intend to present a detailed lecture on the features of various trends in painting, because you only have to decide what to hang on the wall in the bedroom. However, in order not to be mistaken in the choice, you should have a clear idea of what types of paintings exist in principle.
Specialists in this field have developed their modern classification, based on which any canvases are divided into the following groups:
- Genre - represent the image of various scenes and plots from everyday life.
- Historical - dedicated to outstanding events of the past.
- Mythological - in the center of the composition are mythical creatures.
- Battle - reflect the theme of war and military life, most often - major battles.
- Allegorical - embody the principle of comparing ideas using images.
- Landscape - in this category, the subject of painting is nature in all its manifestations.
- Portrait - the image of a specific person, as a rule - close-up.
- Still life - inanimate objects are shown in the paintings.
- Tapestry - author's handmade carpet painting.
- Diptych - oil painting on two canvases.
- Triptych - an image made on three canvases.
- Polyptych - a picturesque creation on four or more canvases.
- Embroidery is a technique of depicting various plots on fabric, made manually or by machine using floss, beads, sequins, pearls and other materials.
- Application - cutting, gluing on cardboard, wood or stitching on fabric patterns, shapes and other decorative elements from paper, leather, fabric, plant materials.
- Art photographs - a type of work with a different plot focus, reflecting the individual creative vision of the photographer as an artist.
to contents ↑Important! If you have certain artistic talents, the question of which paintings are best to hang at home will not cause difficulties. The answer to it is unequivocal - these are handmade works. Try to bring an element of personality to the interior to make your bedroom look truly comfortable. Decorate it with canvases embroidered with a cross or stitch, bead paintings, appliqués or works done using the patchwork technique or your own drawings or photographs decorated in beautiful frames.
What types of paintings do designers highlight?
In contrast to professional connoisseurs of painting and art historians, designers in their quest to classify various paintings take criteria such as theme and color scheme as a basis. Depending on this, they distinguish the following types of paintings:
- Painting accent. This is an image in which one single color clearly dominates. Its main functions are to emphasize the general composition of the room and at the same time stand out from it. When deciding which painting is best to hang in the bedroom, do not choose too bright canvases, otherwise saturated, rich colors will sooner or later begin to bore you. To pay attention to the value of artwork will help the original design of the frame.
- Picture rhyme. It supports the stylistic design of the bedroom, but differs from it in certain color nuances. A popular technique is to choose a picture with predominantly pale pink or lilac shades for a room in white tones. Designers also recommend experimenting in a different direction - try using an art canvas to focus on the color of the curtains, choose a picture with a pattern to match the bedspread on the bed, etc.
- Painting style. In this case, the canvas is selected not only by color, but also in accordance with the general style and interior design. For example, if you are deciding which painting to hang in a high-tech bedroom, consider the urban landscape is the best option. Provence style requires images with a romantic plot or pastoral scenes made in soft, pastel colors.
- The mood picture. The most important thing here is a good mood and positive impressions that the canvas should cause. When deciding which picture to hang in the bedroom above the bed, choose everything that you like - various landscapes depicting a forest glade, mountains, sea surf, flowers, the street after the rain. At the same time, it is not necessary to maintain a style.
- Painting theme. Its main purpose is to emphasize the general theme of the room and match the selected color scheme. The interior, decorated in blue and blue tones, will successfully complement the paintings depicting a lake, sea, pebbles, dolphins. For a bedroom in juicy light green and green shades, select paintings where you can see a forest or a green lawn.
Tips for choosing paintings for the bedroom
There are many options for placing artistic images in the bedroom, but the most common way is to use the free space above the bed for this purpose.
Decide which picture to hang in the bedroom above the bed, what can and should not be placed in this place, both the recommendations of professional designers and the individual principles of Feng Shui teaching will help you:
- Choosing a picture, listen to your feelings and the emotions that it causes you. If when you look at the canvas you feel joy, emotional lift, or a sense of harmony, peace and tranquility - that means you have made the right choice and you must buy it.
- Refuse paintings depicting battle scenes and gloomy mythical characters. The bedroom is a place for relaxation and restoration of strength, and a canvas with an aggressive plot, located above your head, is unlikely to give you the opportunity to fully relax and even less will cause positive emotions.
- In no case should portraits of dead people be hung over the bed, as they carry negative energy. The same goes for photographs.
- Inappropriate for the bedroom and paintings made in an abstract style. Feng Shui masters claim that such paintings do not carry any energy whatsoever, which can negatively affect your personal development.
- When deciding which painting is best to hang in the bedroom, remember that the canvas should also not be too dynamic.The image of erupting volcanoes, although it looks beautiful, but carries additional activity, inspires alarm and anxiety and will not let you relax calmly.
- Be careful when choosing images with water landscapes. It is believed that the canvases on which you can see a beautiful lake or pond will bring peace and tranquility and even attract money to you. However, they can also lead to stagnation in a career or relationship, especially if the image is too static. Therefore, the picture at the head of the bed, in addition to the elements of the water element, should contain floral motifs. For example, the canvas looks great on which the pond is surrounded by trees or on the surface of it snow-white lilies grow.
- At the same time, it is not recommended to hang images of waterfalls, flowing water and ships in the bedroom. According to popular belief, they can introduce an element of instability into your daily affairs. Especially undesirable such stories in the bedroom of a married couple. According to the principles of Feng Shui, this will inevitably lead to a cooling of relations, serious problems in personal life and even to separation.
- When considering what painting to hang in the bedroom where the spouses live, remember the simple principle - the more paired elements in the paintings, the better. A good option would be a pair of pigeons in the picture, an image of two lovers and other similar subjects. Hanging single images is highly undesirable.
- And one more piece of advice for newlyweds: if you want to keep your marriage for many years, place a picture of peonies over the bed - these flowers symbolize love, loyalty and constancy and will surely help you find harmony in personal relationships.
to contents ↑Important! When deciding which picture to hang in the bedroom above the bed, one must also take into account the following simple rule: the larger the room and the larger the bed, the larger the art canvas. Agree that in a small bedroom with a compact bed, a huge picture in the headboard will look inappropriate and even ridiculous.
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We hope that our recommendations on what painting to hang in the bedroom will help you make the final choice. As a result, your artwork will successfully complement the interior, as well as give many pleasant moments to true connoisseurs of aesthetics.
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