Stone sink - a great alternative to conventional sinks

Along with the classic stainless steel sinks, more and more people are looking for original solutions when decorating their home - both in terms of practical characteristics and design. Stone washing in this regard is a great alternative. Natural stone, of course, will look very worthy, but it will also be expensive, in addition, the weight of such products is very large. But artificial is quite a great option. We will talk more about him in this article.
to contents ↑Artificial stone - production principles
The basis of an artificial stone consists of several components, which, depending on the manufacturer, can be combined in various proportions:
- Basis - a crumb of a natural stone: granite, quartz or marble.
- A binder is often a polymer mixture.
- Coloring pigments - thanks to them, a stone sink can be made in any shade.
Important! There is another option for a fully synthetic material - acrylic stone. It is based on acrylic resins, aluminum hydroxide and a polymer composition, the protective substance is most often gelcoat.
The main technology for manufacturing a stone sink is casting, due to which products of various shapes and sizes are created.
to contents ↑pros
To understand whether such a solution will really be beneficial in your case, you need to know about the pros and cons of a stone sink for the kitchen. Let's start with the good points:
- Artificial material is absolutely impervious to moisture and water, dyes and acids. Not a single substance of any degree of aggressiveness is eaten into a surface with a perfectly smooth texture.
- Homogeneity, synthetic origin and the absence of pores in the material is an excellent protection against any harmful bacteria and microorganisms. This material is an unfavorable environment for their life.
- Ease and simplicity of leaving. Even greasy deposits and stains from highly colored products do not linger on such sinks.
- The strength of such products is without a doubt - a combined stone of synthetic origin is stronger than concrete and even natural stone. Small scratches can occur solely on glossy surfaces, and that requires considerable physical effort, because even if heavy objects fall into the sink, there will be no defects.
- Such a sink is not also threatened by damage from temperature extremes. According to the technical characteristics, an artificial stone can withstand a range of temperature effects in the range from -30 to + 150C.
- High maintainability is another plus of a stone sink for the kitchen. Even if there are any chips or scratches during operation, you can easily remove them. Small damages are repaired by polishing, large ones are simply restored by gluing a piece of similar material. In this case, there are not even visible seams.
- Sound absorption of such a material is at a very high level. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the annoying sound of water pouring or dripping from the tap.
to contents ↑Important! The design of a stone sink can be the most diverse, so choosing a suitable model for any interior is not difficult. As for the color palette, the most popular products are white, beige, black, with an imitation of the natural texture of natural stone.If desired, you can find on sale or order the manufacture of a sink of any other color - yellow, red, green, blue, pink, etc.
Even such seemingly perfect material still has its flaws. The main one is a higher price compared to sinks from other materials.
to contents ↑Important! In the operation of such products, care must be taken with respect to the movement of dishes. So, for example, if you put a frying pan or pan just removed from the fire inside the sink, a stain may remain. But more this applies to acrylic models.
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Stone sink - this is really a great solution when choosing plumbing for the kitchen. And if until now you doubted whether it is worth choosing such a product, now you must be sure that the best option is unlikely to be found. The main thing is that your financial capabilities allow you to purchase such a model.
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