Pictures for the kitchen on the wall

Every housewife strives to create a relaxed and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. Spectacular decor is one of the important components of a stylish kitchen. Kitchen souvenirs, textiles and paintings bring harmony to the room. Pictures for the kitchen on the wall, panels, photos in frames will diversify the space of the room. If you do not follow some rules of art, the picture will cause boredom and will become inappropriate in the interior. How to choose and place such a wall decor, as well as do it yourself - we will consider in this article.

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Painting choice

Exquisitely and refined with the help of the panel, you can emphasize any kitchen.

Beautiful pictures for the kitchen on the wall are not only artistic canvases, you can also give preference:

  • Printing images.
  • To photographs.
  • Prints.
  • Tapestries.
  • Pictures that are embroidered with beads.
  • Reproductions.

In order for the picture to please the residents and give the impression of a stylish decoration, it is necessary to observe the harmony of the room style and the theme of the picture. Even a simple drawing is able to revive the interior of the room, if it is appropriate:

  • Painted with acrylic or oil paints, large, spectacular canvases turn even an ordinary dining room into a comfortable corner.
  • In rooms with low ceilings, vertical paintings must be hung. They will visually stretch the room.
  • And on wide walls and large areas of the kitchen, it is best to place horizontal images.

Important! If you are a creative person or like to do needlework in ready-made master classes, you can not buy panels to decorate your home, but do it yourself. To help you, we offer the following workshops:

Choosing a picture for different styles:

  • Pictures of yellow shades perfectly emphasize the Provencal style.
  • Canvases in black and white are suitable for the interior of the kitchen, which is dominated by cold and metallic shades.
  • For an avant-garde interior, you can use paintings in watercolor or pastel.
  • Picturesque and vibrant paintings fit into a minimalist design.
  • Futuristic paintings and abstract motifs emphasize the modernity of the kitchen.
  • Want to create a classic kitchen - use landscapes and still lifes.
  • Feel free to decorate pop art with drawings of the Scandinavian interior.

To choose the right shade of the picture in the kitchen on the wall, you need to analyze the color palette of the room. Sometimes it is necessary to create a bright accent with the help of paintings, and sometimes it is better to use painting to create a calm atmosphere.

Important! If the wall and the picture are the same in color, then you need to highlight the picture with a contrasting frame.


Thematic Images

Most often, the pictures correspond to the taste theme:

  • It can be images of vegetables, fruits, drinks.
  • Macro images of juicy and vibrant fruits of light green, lime and pink colors are characteristic of the Art Nouveau style.
  • Pictures with a beautiful landscape are suitable for the dining area, and for the working area, you can use paintings that depict culinary delights or the moment of cooking.

Important! When decorating the walls of the kitchen linen should be appropriate, fit into the atmosphere and cause only positive emotions.

Which images are absolutely not suitable?

There are such pictures that are completely inappropriate for use in the kitchen, because they will discourage any desire to eat.

You should not hang pictures in the kitchen which depict:

  • Disasters.
  • Violence.
  • Predators
  • The destroyed buildings.

Important! No less interesting, especially in the styles of Country, Provence, will look on the walls homemade decorative plates.

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Placement Recommendations

If you correctly place modern paintings for the kitchen on the wall, you can visually expand it, change the emphasis and proportions of the entire room, and also hide the effect of high ceilings.

Features of accommodation:

  • Pictures in the kitchen should be placed a little lower than in other rooms. Midway between eye level when a person sits and stands.
  • In kitchens with low ceilings, use vertical canvases that visually stretch the room.
  • Narrow walls will expand horizontal products.
  • Do not decorate all the walls in the kitchen with paintings.
  • Do not hang canvases on the walls where flowers, watches, calendars are placed.
  • Hang images so that they are not exposed to sunlight so that the quality of the picture is preserved.
  • The wallpaper with which the walls are pasted should be more neutral when compared with the paintings.
  • To give the picture a solidity, place a spotlight above it.

Important! The most popular arrangement of paintings are places above the table and the width of the corner.

Not recommended placement of paintings:

  • If the walls are pasted with wallpaper with a large pattern, for example, photo wallpaper.
  • If the wallpaper on the wall consists of small parts.

Important! Looks great on the walls pasted with a monotonous pattern or the same type of ornament, as well as textured wallpaper for painting.

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DIY paintings

You can create beautiful pictures for the kitchen on the wall with your own hands. You do not need special artistic talents to complete this work. Simple improvised materials, desire, imagination and time - this is all that is necessary to implement your idea.

You can create masterpieces from natural coffee beans or other products:

  • Peas, rice, millet.
  • Beans
  • Colored curly pasta.
  • Tea leaves.
  • Cinnamon sticks.
  • Nuts.
  • Eggshells.
  • Flour.


Panel of cereals and coffee beans:

  1. To make panels using various cereals or coffee beans, you must first prepare the base. Cover the thick cardboard with cloth, insert into the frame.
  2. Apply any pattern on the canvas with a marker or pencil.
  3. Spread glue on the spots one at a time and lay on them groats or grains that you can pre-paint with different colors.
  4. Complete the composition with decorative elements - beads, buttons, ribbons, rags, shells, bottle caps, spoons, forks, magnets.

Important! The kitchen differs from other rooms in terms of humidity and temperature differences. The main requirement in this room is cleanliness. When creating crafts, consider the fact that such products should be easy to clean. To do this, they can be varnished or put in a frame under glass, which will be the best option.

Flour products

From flour, you can make both voluminous panels, and all kinds of figurines and figures, which are called “flour mallets”.

For this:

  1. Mix the salt and flour in equal proportions. Dilute with water, knead the dough.
  2. Blind figures that you like, paint in different colors.
  3. Dry your crafts in a warm oven.
  4. Stick on the previously prepared base.

Important! “Flour” during drying becomes hard, like clay, salt protects the craft from disappearing. Such panels will please the owners for many years.

Show your imagination and create masterpieces with your own hands!

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Modular pictures

It has become very popular to use modular paintings for the kitchen on the wall. This is due to their sophistication and style.

Such images are called modular, as they are not a single unit, but consist of several segments. They can consist of two or more elements, of the same or different sizes, located randomly or at the same level.

Important! Panels with images look holistic, despite the fact that they are located at a certain distance from each other. Exquisitely look glass modules on which images are applied by the method of two-color painting or photo printing. A special film is glued on the back of the glass to create a background.

The advantage of modular paintings is the ability to choose them for any interior. Drawings that depict natural landscapes, flowers, still lifes are perfect.

Important! Pay special attention to shades when choosing this element of decor - they should be in harmony with the interior of the entire room.

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Stock footage

Beautiful pictures for the kitchen on the wall - this is an effective way with which you can dilute the atmosphere and enliven the room. Correctly selected by the thematic direction and color gamut pictures will help to make a cozy kitchen. Take into account all the recommendations described above to create a harmonious, holistic image with a bright originality and individuality.

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