DIY bead paintings

Today, various types of needlework and handicrafts are very popular. Techniques such as beadwork and beadwork occupy a special place among the most popular handicrafts. This type of embroidery and beadwork closely intersects with the technique of “counting cross”. Therefore, many bead paintings are embroidered according to patterns for cross-stitch. The main feature in this embroidery is its bulk and a beautiful glow. Let’s take a look at how do-it-yourself bead paintings are performed, consider all the features and subtleties of the techniques.

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The main stages of embroidery with beads

The technology for creating a picture embroidered with beads, in its technological essence, resembles the usual cross-stitch.

The main stages of the manufacture of such crafts are as follows:

  • The first thing to do is pick up the circuit. Beadwork for beginners has special, ready-made sets that are very convenient to use.

Important! As a scheme, you can also take any picture you like and process it in a special computer program that creates patterns for embroidery with beads.

  • After the preparatory work has been completed and the equipped workplace where there are already: canvas, pattern, nylon or monofilament, a special needle for embroidery, scissors, a small spoon, multi-colored beads, containers for it, you can begin to work.
  • To get started, pull the canvas over the hoop. Canvas can also be replaced with any other linen or cotton fabric with a dense structure and a flat surface. The main thing here is that the material does not have any patterns.

Important! You must immediately decide on the size of the picture, as well as on which side it will be more convenient to start embroidery.

  • Work on the edges of the canvas. Sort beads according to small containers, from where it will be convenient to get them when working, designate them by numbers for convenience.
  • Choose comfortable needles and threads for embroidery.

Important! It is better to use a special bead thread, which will be invisible during weaving.

  • After all preparations, embroidery can begin. Fasten the thread by inserting the needle from the wrong side. Then bring it to the front side and leave a small tip. A small piece of thread should remain on the wrong side. Next, pull the needle into another corner and bring it inside out. So repeat several times.
  • When embroidering, try to use the counted embroidery method. At its core, it is similar to cross-stitch. But with this technique, incomplete stitches (half cross) are used.
  • Select the first bead matching the color of the pattern. Into the presented visual cell, enter the needle from the inside into the lower left corner. Now pass the bead and pull the needle from the upper right corner. Then insert the needle into the lower left corner of the next box. String another bead and insert the needle into the right corner. So embroider a whole series according to the pattern.

Important! Constantly monitor the color of the required beads.

  • When moving to the next row, enter the needle from the inside of the upper right corner to the front side. Each bead will now be fixed from top to bottom.
  • Fasten the tip of the thread by weaving between the fibers of the fabric itself, but always from the wrong side.

Important! The tip should be no more than one centimeter.

  • Do it yourself with your own hands, before you frame it, gently wash it in soapy water, dry it with a towel and iron it.
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Beadwork on the machine

A fairly common and uncomplicated option for creating bead paintings is weaving on a machine tool or without a canvas. This technique is quite simple and fun.

Important! If you do not have a special machine, then you can use a simple wooden frame with hammered carnations, which should be located at the top and bottom parallel to each other, at a distance of 5 mm (preferably in the size of a bead).

This weaving is quite laborious, but the result will surely please you. For this type of beadwork, the threads should be pulled as tightly as possible.

Stages of weaving:

  • On the working thread, dial the required amount of beads that matches the color scheme of your pattern.
  • When the row is dialed, place it under the stretched threads and straighten each bead so that they are separated by these threads.
  • Turn the needle in the opposite direction and pull the threads into all the beads.

Important! If your picture of beads with your own hands is quite large, then you need to have a special needle for tapestry weaving.

  • Gently pull and straighten the resulting row. Perform each subsequent row in the same way.

Important! This weaving is convenient to perform if you use the usual patterns for cross-stitching. The resulting bead panel can be glued to cardboard or framed by hanging on the wall.

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Glue based bead picture

It is possible to make pictures from beads not only in the technique of embroidery or weaving - you can also use glue technique.

The stages of work when creating a picture of beads in adhesive technology are as follows:

  • Find a suitable pattern. To do this, it is better to choose a simple, with smooth transitions and lines, motive.

Important! A wonderful option will be images of people silhouettes, mosaic or stained glass variations.

  • Print the picture on a color printer with a scale of one to one, stick it on a solid base.
  • Make the borders of the picture. To do this, take a beautiful finishing cord or just threads, glue them to the base.

Important! When choosing glue, it is better to give preference to one that will have a transparent appearance and hold beads well. With such tasks, “Moment Crystal” copes well. However, it has one drawback - an unpleasant, pungent smell. Therefore, working with him, you should properly ventilate the room.

  • When the circuit dries, you can begin to glue the beads in small areas. In this case, try to apply glue in small layers so that its excess does not flow out over the beads.
  • Beads that are not too flat or “crawled out” of their area should be carefully adjusted with a toothpick.

Important! You can put oppression on the glued areas - thanks to it the beads will look smoother.

  • After the glue in the picture is completely dry, you can put the product vertically. If some beads fall off, glue them again by applying glue to an empty area.

Decorate the finished panel in a beautiful frame and hang it on the wall. A picture of beads with their own hands in the adhesive technique will have an original look and delight everyone around.

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The process of creating a picture of beads with your own hands is a laborious, but very interesting and fascinating work, which will appeal to many beginner needlewomen.

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