DIY felt paintings

Do you like working with various materials to create hand-made crafts? Have you thought about whether it is possible to make paintings from felt with your own hands? If so, then we will be happy to help. Creating a picture using felt is quite easy, fast and simple. To do this, you need to prepare the necessary materials and follow our step-by-step instructions, and, of course, the idea and your creative imagination.
to contents ↑What is felt?
Felt is a material obtained by felting fluff of various animals: rabbit, hare, goat, waste fur from furry animals and from sheep’s wool. For the manufacture of felt, various technical processes are used, such as: heating, moistening and friction. This is necessary for the complete connection of all wool fibers together to create a dense non-woven material - felt.
Types of material:
- There are varieties of felt in which felt is attached to a thin fabric to create a single fabric with a soft surface.
- Glue-based felt is very common - you just need to attach the material to the desired surface and remove the protective layer.
Agree, it is very easy!
to contents ↑Important! To create felt use not only natural pile of animals, but also synthetic materials. Basically, craftsmen use synthetic or semi-synthetic felt. Synthetic felt is very inexpensive, soft and pleasant to the touch.
How convenient is felt for crafts?
If you have not worked with felt, then be sure to try. It is a pleasure to work with such material:
- It cuts well and does not crumble at all.
- The variety of colors is so great that just your eyes run up.
- From felt, you can make many different fakes - paintings, soft and Christmas toys, a mobile bed, phone covers, slippers, bags, dolls, needle beds, educational books for the smallest.
- The felt cloth may be different in density and thickness.
- It can be bought without any problems in stores for needlework.
And this is not the whole list! Most importantly, such an activity is interesting not only to needlewomen, but also to children.
to contents ↑Important! Natural felt is quite expensive material that has softness and warmth. The only negative is that the mole adores him.
We create paintings from felt
The sequence of actions for creating a picture of felt with your own hands includes the following steps:
- Preparation of necessary materials and tools.
- Creating a pattern on paper and transferring it to felt.
- Cutting out all the constituent elements of the future picture.
- Fixing parts with threads or glue.
Important! We have listed the main stages, which, in turn, can be supplemented by new actions. It all depends on what exactly you are going to do from felt. The most important factor that will help to make a beautiful and unusual picture is, of course, the fantasy of the needlewoman. Any pattern can be changed based on your own taste and preferences. The main thing is to start and give free rein to your creative impulse.
Materials and Tools
In order to start making a picture of felt with our own hands, we need such necessary materials and tools:
- Felt.
- Threads of different colors.
- Pins for fixing cut elements.
- Accessories for toys (eyes with running pupils).
- A wooden board of the right size.
- Glue gun.
- Scissors.
- Needle.
- Fabric or colored paper.
- Soap or chalk.
Important! In creating paintings from felt, you can use buttons, ribbons, beads, rhinestones and other decorative elements. The felt itself can be combined with other types of fabric - linen, cotton and burlap. As a result, an even more interesting result is obtained.
DIY felt paintings - master class
First you need to determine the format of our future picture:
- A5 picture will look good, about half the album sheet. In this case, the focus will be on the details of the picture as a whole.
- Idea. It all depends on what you want to depict paintings on the panel. The subject may be different: flowers, fruits, animals, abstraction.
In this case, we will create a cat and a hippo. Patterns of them are simple and will not take much time. The color of all animal elements is at your discretion and wish.
Important! Think carefully so that the image fits well, but does not go beyond the borders of the frame.
So, when all the necessary materials are prepared, you can begin to create a picture of felt with your own hands:
- First you need to print the selected image and carefully cut.
- We fix the drawing with pins to the felt and cut it along the contour.
- We cut out the internal elements from the picture (the hippo has a bead and a skirt, and the cat has paws, trousers and a blouse).
- We attach animals to felt, circle the white pen, chalk or soap.
- We do the same manipulations with internal elements, having cut them out previously.
Important! Small items, such as eyebrows, mustache, mouth, eyelashes, can be stitched manually. To do this, they often use the stitch “needle back” or “pigtail”.
- We glue all the elements of our picture together so that image distortion does not occur during stitching.
Important! Additional parts can be glued with glue for textiles. It is not toxic at all, it has a convenient dispenser, which is very convenient for gluing small elements.
- We process the entire contour of the picture with a loop seam using a contrasting thread.
- Next - select the muzzle with the same seam and glue small details: nose and eyes.
Important! To create the eyes of animals, it is convenient to use ready-made accessories - eyes with rotating pupils. If there is no way to buy, you can do it yourself. To do this, it is necessary to cut a white and black oval from felt and glue it together. In this way, you can cut the nose and mouth and also glue it. Remains of felt is a waste-free production that will always come in handy.
- We decorate our picture with various elements - everything is at your discretion. In our case, this is small beads.
- At the end, place the finished application on the base and glue it with a glue gun.
- Now with confidence we hang our picture on the wall.
to contents ↑Important! For the basics, we recommend taking plywood or a solid wooden canvas of the desired format, covered with a plain fabric. For these purposes, you can use colored paper or wallpaper.
Practical use of felt paintings
Did you think that the picture was created only to decorate the interior of your home? You are deeply mistaken. It can also have a practical purpose and be beneficial to use. Yes, of course, a picture of felt is able to close unnecessary defects on the wall, but this is not all its advantages.
How else to use a picture of felt with your own hands:
- It can turn into a very compact organizer, where you can put various little things. Felt is well suited for storing various jewelry, such as earrings. Just put them on a pin and fix to the canvas paintings.
Important! In this way, you can create a picture-reminder. It is easy to cling different notes to a felt cloth for yourself and people close to you. Use a pushpin or round-eye needle to puncture the sheets.
- If you fix the picture on a cork stand for hot, then we get the right board for planning.Convenient, right? Now, having breakfast, you can plan your day.
- From felt, you can make a development book. Kids love it so much! To do this, on felt sheets, you need to stick figures, numbers, animals, a rainbow, a typewriter, other elements. To add all this, for example, with a zipper, buttons, lacing. This book perfectly develops the motor skills of children's hands!
Important! With the help of a developmental book made of felt, your baby can not only get acquainted with different objects, but also perfectly develop thinking, his stormy childhood imagination.
- The usual picture of felt can take your fidget for a long time. To do this, we attach a plain felt fabric to a wooden frame, separately cut out various colored figures: fruits, animals. The choice is yours. These elements are easy enough to attach to the base, so let the crumbs create their own picture!
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget to praise the child for the work done and the chic result! He tried, and the praise here is very appropriate.
Tips for creating felt appliqués
Below are some recommendations for making paintings from felt:
- Elements from felt can not only be sewn or glued, but also rolled down to create a more voluminous picture.
- When performing pictures of felt for children, use stories that they understand. It can be animals, fruits, marine life or characters from your favorite cartoons.
- Sew simple Velcro to the details and you will get a great educational game. In this way, you can make a vase with fruits or a bed with vegetables, a hedgehog with apples.
Important! Engage your baby in the process of creating a developing children's picture. This will greatly please him.
- You can use children's images as coloring books. While you work with scissors, a needle, the child will also be busy with an important task - to work with pencils or felt-tip pens.
- If a child is a little older, he can be a great helper. For example, first select a pattern, and then apply it to felt with chalk or soap. Of course, with your help, it will be easy to do, but how many emotions from a joint lesson with mom.
- If you want to make a picture of felt for the first time with your own hands, we advise you to take the minimum amount of detail. And when you train, you can safely take a more complex composition.
Stock footage
From our article, you learned what felt is, how to make original paintings from it with your own hands. Agree, it is very easy and inexpensive. The main thing in this business is the idea and well-developed fantasy. Volumetric, soft paintings can decorate both an adult room and a nursery. Remember that we create the world around us. If you've never tried to make such cute pictures, then it's time to start! Create, and your small beginnings will turn into big ones!
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