DIY leather paintings

The paintings depicted with the help of leather are a rather old kind of creativity, but at the same time, despite its sophistication, it is not so widely known. Having made such an element of decor as a gift, you will greatly please the hero of the occasion, because he will receive a unique thing that no one else knows. From this article you will learn how to make as many as two paintings of leather with your own hands.
to contents ↑flower composition
Plant motifs organically fit into any interior, so this craft will be beneficial in any case, because it is not always possible to know thoroughly about the tastes and preferences of a person. A universal theme of a gift made in an unusual technique for modern times will come in handy.
Materials for work
In order to independently create a picture of leather, you must stock up on the following materials:
- Leather - can be used both natural and artificial. You can buy it in a special store or use an old leather jacket.
Important! Please note that the material is suitable for work and has a uniform surface.
- Canvas on cardboard or frame.
- Acrylic paints, if you plan to paint the main material. They can be replaced with oil, but such a coloring substance will dry for 2-4 weeks.
- Glue.
- Brushes for painting.
- Scissors.
- Penknife.
Composition process
After you have prepared all the necessary materials for work, you can proceed to the master class itself. A DIY leather picture in this case is made this way:
- Draw the outline of the desired floral arrangement on paper. They can be depicted schematically, but you can draw up to the smallest detail.
- Since leather panels are not a holistic composition, you need to draw a sketch of the individual components: first, the largest, then smaller ones. In order to give the buds an initial shape, you can use homemade stencils.
Important! Keep in mind that each flower is also a prefabricated element, which consists of several parts: petals, stems, leaves. All of them need to be worked out in detail. Remember that the more scrupulous you are about work, the more spectacular the final result will be.
- In order for the petals to be as close as possible to the real ones, you need to hold them over an open fire so that they cringe slightly. You can also scratch them slightly with a hot needle to show creases and veins on the petals and leaves.
- Put petals on top of each other, fasten.
Important! The amount of superimposed details depends on which flower is made. For example, if you want to depict a camomile, then two details are enough - a core and one detail with petals. If a rose, then first you need to make a core, and only then put numerous petals on it.
- Now you can proceed to coloring the components of the panel of the skin with your own hands. Paint is applied in 2-3 layers. In this case, you can make smooth transitions from one color to another.
- After all the components of the composition have been worked out, they need to be transferred to the previously prepared canvas. Before that, you need to draw something on it or fill it with one color so that the picture has a background base.
Important! The skin itself may also become the background of such a panel - for this you need to fit the canvas with it.
The leather picture is ready! Now you can safely decorate the interior with it or give it to your loved ones.
to contents ↑Calla lilies
Another version of the flower arrangement, which will undoubtedly cause genuine delight.
Materials for work
In order to create another composition with flowers, you need to stock up on the following materials:
- Cardboard - it should be quite dense.
- Self adhesive paper.
- Leather or leatherette.
- Acrylic paints.
- Yellow yarn.
- Glue.
- Cotton swabs.
- Thick wire.
- Scissors.
- Toothpicks.
A DIY handmade leather picture can be made if you follow this procedure:
- The first step is to make a pattern-drawing of the future composition on paper. To do this, draw future details of the right size on the landscape sheet.
- Cut drawn elements.
- Transfer them to the skin, cut.
- Lubricate half of the ear stick with waterproof glue, wrap it with yellow yarn, cut off the end of the woolen thread - one stamen is made.
- Glue the desired piece of wire along the edges of a piece of leather - this will make it easier to give the details of the flower the desired shape. Pull the skin over the wire to make a petal.
- Cut off the top of the workpiece by removing excess pieces of leather. It is better to leave the wire at the end of the petal.
- Glue the stamen to the petal, wrap the edges of the flower inward using the remaining wire.
- Now you need to give the leaves the desired shape. For this purpose, you need to apply glue along the pattern and bend the leaf in half. Central vein to dry.
- If desired, insert a wire around the edge of the leaves - so the details will look more prominent.
- Details of the panel are ready. Now you need to take care of the background. To do this, glue the prepared cardboard with self-adhesive paper.
- To complete the master class on a picture of leather for beginners, you need to attach the finished parts to a piece of cardboard and evaluate the location of all the details of the composition. You may need to add some element, or, on the contrary, get rid of unnecessary ones.
- Optionally paint parts in the desired colors.
- Glue all the components of the picture on the base.
The composition is ready!
to contents ↑Stock footage
Using paintings made of leather, you can interestingly decorate the interior, while adding a vintage touch to it. Such panels can be purchased at the store, but they are quite expensive. An alternative is the manufacture of such a decorative element with your own hands. From this article, you learned what compositions can be depicted using skin as the main material, which means you have replenished your piggy bank of ideas for decorating your home.
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