DIY plasticine paintings - master class

Making a beautiful picture from plasticine with our own hands, the master class of which we will present in this article, is a very interesting, fascinating process, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills of hands, creative abilities. Children from 2-3 years old can start working with this material, since it is beautiful, pleasant to the touch, easy to use. Therefore, adults and children like to do different crafts from this mass.

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Work technique

There are two main types:

  • Flat.
  • Volumetric.

But to decorate the template pattern, several techniques can be used:

  • The technique of spreading - you should give the child a piece of material, a previously prepared drawing, ask him to smudge it on cardboard to fill all the areas.
  • The technique of flagella - the craft in this technique will look very original and accurate, however, you must first teach your child how to make flagella. You can think in advance what figures will be created, decorate the prepared template with such flagella.
  • The mosaic technique is one of the favorite techniques of children, because you just need to roll the balls, fixing them in the picture.

Important! The smaller the ball, the more beautiful, neater the picture will look.

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Amanita painting

To make a picture of plasticine on cardboard, you need the following:

  • Cardboard.
  • Multi-colored plasticine.
  • Board for rolling.
  • Stack.


  1. First you need to perform a suitable background and learn how to work with this material - pinch off small pieces of a green shade, spread them on the cardboard with your finger.
  2. Make a frame around the edge, for this, take the stucco material of a different color, roll it with a sausage, slightly flatten it.
  3. Next we will make fly agarics: roll two short sausages from white material, flatten them and attach to the workpiece - these will be the legs of our mushroom.
  4. To make a hat, first roll out the sausage from the red mass, blind the contour of the hat, and then fill all its inner space.
  5. From gray color fashion a skirt for a mushroom.
  6. Roll small balls from white material and gently stick them on the fly agaric hats.
  7. Roll the droplets from a dark green color, flatten them and shape the veins with a stack.
  8. Roll up balls of blue material, flatten and cut out the bells from them using the same stack.
  9. From the yellow piece, fashion the bee's body, having previously rolled it up and flattened, stick the strips and head from black material.
  10. Create the wings of a bee from a blue or gray mass, rolled up in the form of droplets.

A picture of plasticine with your own hands is ready, but you can come up with and add something of your own to it.

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Painting Butterfly

To create a beautiful panel depicting a butterfly, you need the following:

  • Cardboard sheet.
  • Multi-colored plasticine.
  • Slack for rolling.
  • Stack.


  1. Apply plasticine to the base, smearing it with your fingers over the entire surface.
  2. Start making butterflies with wings. Roll up two identical balls and make droplets from them, pressing them on one side with your fingers and flattening them - this will give you wings.
  3. Decorate the lower wings as well, just take a little more material.
  4. On top of the wings in the middle, fashion the body and head of the butterfly. Do not forget about the antennae.
  5. Decorate the wings with multi-colored.
  6. Cut the clouds with a stack of flattened cream or white.
  7. Lay out grass under two shades of green below the butterfly.
  8. On top of the weed, place a few white daisies.
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Stock footage

To beautifully and originally decorate the house, you can make a picture of plasticine on cardboard. The creation of such a craft is a very interesting and fascinating activity that will appeal to both you and your child.

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