Do-it-yourself button paintings - workshop

Which of us didn’t like to look into my mother’s button box in childhood? This is the real button kingdom - small and large, shiny and matte, metal, plastic and wooden. The choice is huge. They can be viewed, sorted and made from them real masterpieces that can become an adornment of any interior. There is nothing complicated in the process of creating a picture of buttons with your own hands, a master class of which in several versions we will provide in this article. In addition, button crafts will be especially useful for children, since the process of creating them develops hand motility, mind, and creative inclinations.
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The plot of the buttons can be absolutely anything - everything will depend on your imagination. You can invent it yourself, or you can peek from the Internet. Alternatively, you can do the following:
- Variegated flowers, schematic or realistic trees that can revive any room.
- Fans of high-tech style and lovers of abstraction will appreciate the messy, logicless collection of buttons of different stripes.
- Landscapes and portraits are an absolute masterpiece in creating paintings from buttons with your own hands, since painstaking selection of parts and their step-by-step application on the basis is a rather laborious process. But the result is worth it.
- The simplest in execution, but no less beautiful and significant is the laying out of family emblems and initials with buttons - they do not require a clear selection of colors and respect for proportions. The first letter of the name, laid out from buttons on thick cardboard and placed in a beautiful frame, will become a business card and a real decoration of your office.
Button painting “Tree”
The most popular version of this technique is the image of a tree or some other plants. In order to make a picture of buttons with your own hands, you will need:
- Canvas or thick paper stretched over the frame.
- Multi-colored buttons.
- Spray paints.
- The contour is brown.
- Acrylic paints.
- Glue.
- Pencil.
- First, spray paint the background.
- Next, draw a sketch and paint it with acrylics.
- Using the outline, create a bark effect and select small branches.
- When the drawing of the dever is completed, you can proceed to gluing the buttons. To do this, first arrange them in their places, and then gently fix them with glue.
Thus, we got a very interesting and original craft.
to contents ↑Painting on a wooden plank
Now let's look at another option, how to make a picture of buttons with your own hands. But for him we need a lot more buttons. For work, we need the following:
- Thin wooden board.
- Buttons of green and brown color.
- Glue.
- Paints.
- Pencil.
- Apply the contours of a tree with a crown on a plank with a pencil. To do this, it is better to take the template as simple as possible.
- Now you need to stick the buttons, but not as leaves. The crown will be filled with green, and the trunk will be filled with brown.
- To make our craft look brighter and more fun, we can paint the outline of the tree with paints and “plant” on it several birds cut from pieces of fabric.
Painting with a child 4-5 years old
For creative mothers who want to attach their child, there is a wonderful option - to create a picture of the buttons with your own hands. To do this, you need the following:
- A sheet of paper or cardboard.
- Watercolor paints.
- Multi-colored buttons.
- Glue.
- Choose the simplest image of some animal that your baby loves.
- Draw on the sheet its outlines and paint over the background with paints. Wait for them to dry.
- Now you need to fill the background - first fasten the large buttons.
- Next, fill the voids between them on top with buttons of small diameter.
- Make eyes black or white.
- If desired, you can add grass, flowers, sun or balloons near the figures.
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As you can see, creating a picture of buttons with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, you will need only the above materials and some free time. The craft made by your child’s hands will delight you and your guests with your look.
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