DIY shell paintings

How nice it is when our home is decorated with all kinds of paintings, panels and other handmade crafts. These things have their own special energy, unique attraction. In the house with such crafts, the author’s style is immediately felt. However, in stores, prices for items made in the style of hand made are quite high. Therefore, to make a beautiful craft is better, of course, on their own. To create a picture of shells with your own hands, you do not need much time or fiction.
to contents ↑Shell panel
Surely, each of us will find seashells once brought from the sea. They evoke pleasant memories of the noise of the sea, the sun, and of rest in general. This material in itself is a very beautiful work of nature. And if you put them together and make a beautiful composition - it will become a real work of art.
To create a picture of shells with your own hands, for beginners you will need the following:
- Shells of different shapes and sizes.
- Board for the basics.
- Glue.
- Wooden frame (possible for photo).
- Acrylic paints.
- At the request of different feathers, beads, rhinestones, beads, pebbles, cereals, buttons, seeds.
Important! In general, you can use any materials available at your place - there are no restrictions.
After all the tools and materials have been prepared, you can begin to work on creating a beautiful picture on the marine theme. To do this, follow these steps:
- To get started, disassemble the material by type and size. Then rinse and dry it properly.
- If you want, you can paint the details with a stain - so you give them a darker and more saturated color.
Important! If you do not have a stain, you can use a strong solution of potassium permanganate, then get a brown or dark red color, depending on the strength of the solution.
- You can also use acrylic paints - here you should act in accordance with the concept and pattern of the intended picture. For example, in yellow to create a sun from shells, and for flowers you need to paint the details in red or pink.
- After the paint is completely dry, you can begin to stick the shells on the base in accordance with the intended pattern.
- Add a composition with some kind of decor (optional). It can be beads, rhinestones, beads, pebbles.
- After the glue has completely dried, put the composition in a frame.
DIY shell painting is ready!
to contents ↑Creating an unusual panel
You can make the picture abstract, that is, just stick the shells of different sizes and shapes in a chaotic order, or you can put them in some kind of pattern. For example:
- Wood.
- Flowers
- Doll.
- Ship.
- The car.
Materials and tools:
- Shells of different shapes and sizes.
- The basis for the picture.
- Glue gun.
- Frame.
- Paints.
- Pencil.
- Decor elements - pebbles, beads, rhinestones, beads.
The sequence of actions when creating a picture of shells with your own hands:
- Prepare the base for the panel, apply a sketch of the desired pattern on it. You can invent it yourself or peep on the Internet.
Important! It should be noted that the sketch should not have a large number of small details, since shells are a rather dimensional material. But if you really want to, then you can use the crumbs from them.
- Paint the frame with stain, acrylics or potassium permanganate. Leave the frame to dry.
Important! For marine-themed panels, blue and white paint work well.
- Insert the base into the prepared frame.
- As a background, you can use fabric, mesh, burlap, sand - cut the selected material to fit the frame and attach to the base with glue.
- It was the turn of creating the panel itself from shells and other material. Gently apply a small amount of glue from the heat gun to each part and attach it to its place, according to the sketch and your idea.
- At the end, cover the composition with acrylic varnish, which will allow the craft to have a more finished look. In addition, with varnish the details of the panel will beautifully shimmer in the sun.
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Making beautiful pictures of shells with your own hands is a very interesting and fascinating activity, and the result will surely surprise you. This craft will make an original accent in the interior, it will become more colorful, comfortable.
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