Do-it-yourself salty dough paintings - workshop

From salt dough, it is possible to produce not only different individual figures, but also rather large three-dimensional paintings. Of course, sculpting such a panel takes much more effort and time, but the result is worth it - such a panel will decorate the interior of your home or will be a great gift in the style of hand-made. Today we will tell you how to make pictures of salt dough with your own hands, a master class of one of which we will provide in this article.
to contents ↑Salt dough recipe
To make salt dough you will need the following:
- 2 cups sifted flour.
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
- 1 cup of shallow non-iodized salt.
- 1 incomplete glass of water.
Mix all the ingredients, put the bag of dough in the refrigerator and leave it for 1 hour. After the specified time, take out the dough and begin to sculpt.
to contents ↑Important! If after practicing modeling you have left unspent dough, then you can save it. To do this, put it in a plastic bag or a tightly closed plastic container, leave it in the refrigerator. If after that the dough becomes wet, then knead it well, add flour and knead again.
Volumetric picture from the salt test “Swans”
To make a voluminous picture of salt dough with your own hands, you must adhere to the following instructions:
- First of all, cut out a pattern of the main details of the future picture from tracing paper or paper - here we are swans. Then knead the dough according to the above recipe, roll it on a special board, silicone mat or just foil.
- Mark on the test the contours of the future pattern - this can be done right through the paper using any sharp object: a needle, awl or compass.
- Remove the template and start working with the test itself - point out the main lines, which can be of different depths and thicknesses.
Important! For such work it is convenient to use manicure tools.
- In the place where the wing of the swan will be located, mark a small piece of dough for volume and gently stick the wing there.
Important! It is very easy to glue elements from the dough together - just use ordinary water and a brush to do this.
- To make the swan more fluffy, prepare short and long feathers for it. Small feathers have a rhomboid shape, they can be fluffy with a knife or a stack for sculpting.
- Blind two birds that will look at each other, for this second swan, depict in mirror image.
- It is time to make do-it-yourself roses for a picture of salt dough. To do this, roll a sausage from the dough, and then cut it into small pieces - there should be exactly as many flowers as you plan to place on the panel.
Important! Of course, it is advisable to make them an uneven amount.
- Form the middle of the flower by rolling a ball from the dough and making a recess in its center with your finger. Now you can make the petals - for this, roll out each piece and give it an oval shape with uneven edges. Then, in turn, wrap the middle of the flower with petals from different sides, gradually increasing the size of the bud.
Important! Please note that the more petals, the more magnificent roses come out. However, do not make them too large, otherwise they will look too bulky, while swans should remain in the foreground.
- Leaves for flowers just cut according to the pattern and outline the contours of the veins on them.
- All the individual finished parts of the painting are first completely dried in the oven, and when they are dry, paint them with acrylics, watercolors or gouache.
- At the end, glue the swans and flowers in the center of the picture on the foundation of your choice, arrange everything in a frame that fits the size.
to contents ↑Important! If your picture will not fit under the glass due to bulk, it is advisable to cover it with varnish. So you give the craft a glossy shine and protect against dust.
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It’s not difficult to make wonderful pictures of salt dough with your own hands. To do this, just cook the dough according to the recipe and let your imagination run wild. As a result, you will receive a wonderful element of home decor or a great gift for your friends.
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