Cartouche gun

Many people use spatulas, trowels and other tools to plaster surfaces. In this case, the plaster mass lays in an uneven layer, you have to constantly compact the plaster and regularly go over the surface with a rule, which delays the process of performing this procedure. Much faster you can do this job using a cartouche gun, which works on the pressure created by the compressor. Let's consider what advantages it has, what it consists of, how to plaster surfaces with its help, right now.

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Gun design:

  • The plaster gun has a short barrel. This is a nozzle with a threaded connection, onto which various nozzles are screwed, depending on the desired effect and type of solution.
  • At the top of the device there is a capacity of about 5 liters. A solution mixed with water is loaded into it.
  • The cartouche gun is also equipped with a handle and a trigger, pressing which delivers the solution to the surface.
  • At the back is an opening provided for connecting a tube through which compressed air will be supplied. One end is connected to a compressor, which produces pressure, and the other to a gun.
  • Most often, the kit also comes with various nozzles that can be used when working with materials of different densities and grit. They can also be used for decorative plastering.

Important! The pressure for coating the walls with dough compositions should be high. The compressor capacity should be about 150-250 l / min., And the power should be 3-4 atmospheres.

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Atomizer Advantages:

  • A cartouche plaster gun can do the bulk of the work for you. Manufacturers claim that these tools can work with solutions of any density, which makes it possible to use them for other purposes.
  • Using such a gun, it is possible to finish much faster and very dense, thanks to this the coating does not blur, which means that the durability of such a finish will be much higher.
  • With a cartouche gun, you can equip bulk floors and paint surfaces.
  • The speed of work reaches 60 square meters per hour. m

Important! When planning such construction work, also view information on an alternative tool in our special review "Hopper bucket".

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Features of working with the device:

  • The solution should be slightly denser than when doing this work manually, but it is good to drain along the walls of the container.
  • Pick wide nozzles for thicker formulations and narrower ones for lighter ones.
  • Make sure that the solution covers without gaps the entire surface of the walls during the work.
  • Clean the container before loading a new portion of the solution. This is necessary to prevent the plaster from overgrowing the walls of the container.
  • At 1.5 square meters. m surface will require approximately 25 kg of dry composition.
  • The distance between the wall and the nozzle of the device should be 30 cm.
  • The solution should lie down without spraying, evenly.

Important! Use personal protective equipment - gloves, a plastic shield, when working with the device, to prevent small particles from getting on your skin and eyes.

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Preparatory work before plastering the walls

Before applying the solution to the wall, using a cartouche gun for plaster, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

  1. Remove all old decorating materials and putty on putty, cracks and other defects.
  2. Remove mold, mildew, and oil stains, if any. Also pull out the fasteners from the walls, cut off the protruding reinforcement with a grinder.
  3. Anticorrosive to non-protruding metal parts.
  4. Apply the surface in two layers with a primer at intervals of 4 hours.
  5. Fasten the reinforcing mesh to reinforce the future surface.

Important! Before starting work, you need to make sure the walls are even. To begin, install the screws on the corners of the room and pull the threads vertically and diagonally. After check with a plumb level. Check corners with paint beacons or a special rule.

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Wall decoration

Plastering surfaces using a cartouche gun is done in this way:

  1. After completing the preparatory work, with an interval slightly less than the width of the rule, fix the beacons using the same solution that will be used for plastering.
  2. Place the appliance on the floor vertically, start the compressor.
  3. Fill the container with the prepared solution.
  4. Raise the device to the level of the belt, press the trigger to start the feed.
  5. Hold the nozzle so that the jet falls at right angles to the surface that is being processed. Move the gun in a straight line.
  6. After filling the entire width, raise the cartouche gun a couple of centimeters upwards and swipe it in the opposite direction, overlapping the previous layer. Treat the entire surface in the same way.
  7. Let the wall dry for about 6 hours, apply the second layer on the same principle.
  8. Level the solution with the rule and leave it to dry completely - this will take about 2 days.

Important! When choosing the right material for wall decoration in your home, you may also need our reviews of various types of plaster:

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If you need to cover the walls with plaster in a small room, then it makes no sense to purchase a cartouche gun and compressor. But if you need to plaster a large number of surfaces, the purchase of this device is simply necessary. The gun will save your time and energy.

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