DIY curtain brush

Imagine the situation: the space is planned, the finish is finished, the furniture and all the decor elements are in place, a happy moment comes! A new world, emerged from the chaos called “repair”, is ready. Or - on the contrary, you are completely and completely satisfied with your interior, but I want to add something new and refreshing to it. If this is familiar to you, then you should pay attention to such a detail as curtain brushes - making such details with your own hands is very simple, and the effect of them can be amazing.
to contents ↑Brushes for curtains - stylish accent
Brushes for curtains can give any interior completeness, and most importantly - individuality:
- This element is suitable for decorating lambrequins, as well as for the edge of curtains.
- They can be used as pickups or decorated with tassels for sofa cushions and rugs.
- By adding this element of decor to the interior, you will bring newness to your home decor. If you use tack-brushes or decorate ribbons with brushes to assemble window curtains, even the most strict and inexpensive fabric will look advantageous.
Of course, you can purchase finished products that are suitable for the style in the store. The choice today is huge and will satisfy even the most skeptical hostess. Or resort to the services of specialists. But all this will be expensive. Therefore, today we will consider the option of making brushes for curtains with your own hands. Any woman who has at least basic skills of the ability to hold a thread and a needle in her hands is able to make brushes of amazing beauty. Moreover, the instruction for their creation does not require the use of any expensive devices. You need only imagination, a sense of style and, of course, desire.
to contents ↑Himself a designer
Today, even the textile industry cannot give the variety that you will encounter when creating your own brushes. After all, on your own you can combine a variety of colors, shades and textures of materials. You can choose accessories in one tone with the curtains, or you can make them contrasting, which will only emphasize the interior textiles.
You can also focus on the functionality of the room with these universal accessories:
- Brushes are able to give special comfort to the bedroom if they are matched to the tone of the textile.
- If you use accessories of an unusual color in the living room, then it will be filled with the feeling of a happy holiday.
- With the help of such decorative elements it is possible to highlight the texture of textiles, breaking the print or creating a spectacular drapery on the curtains.
In order to facilitate the creation of these accessories, modern industry produces special blanks. Using them, you will achieve excellent results.
to contents ↑Important! They will be simply amazing if you turn on the imagination and decorate the curtain brushes with rhinestones, rings, beads and other additional elements.
Materials for work
The minimum set of items for creating a brush for your own curtains, looks like this:
- thread for embroidery the desired thickness and shade;
- a blank on which threads will be wound (balls or rings made from various types of wood);
- needle and scissors;
- sandpaper;
- a puncher or screwdriver to increase the diameter of the hole in the purchased blanks;
- a piece of thick paper (cardboard).
From theory to practice. First step
The process of making brushes for curtains consists of two stages. First, we make the head of our future accessory, and then we attach a fringe to it or, as it is also called, a skirt.
So, let's begin:
- From wooden blanks we select a ball of the required diameter. When it is supposed to make a brush for curtains the main element focusing attention, you can provide a large ball in size. When making brushes for curtains is required not in a single copy (for example, for decorating a lambrequin), then it is worth picking up balls of the same size and not too large. With the missing hole width in the ball, you can use a drill.
Important! If you have problems finding wooden balls, then experienced needlewomen offer a great alternative. Ready ball of thread floss. The desired ball size can always be adjusted by unwinding the desired number of threads and securing the tip of the thread with a needle in a bundle.
- On the surface of the wooden workpiece you need to walk with sandpaper - it will even out the surface and remove all roughness. Particular attention should be paid to hole machining.
- Having threaded the thread into a suitable-sized needle, we begin to braid the ball through the central hole. We advise you to choose a thick thread for this stage - it will lie more evenly and will look much more beautiful.
- From these same threads we make a loop with which our brush can be suspended.
- We insert it through the top hole in the ball.
- From below we fix the loop with hot glue.
From theory to practice. Second step
Now move on to the next step. We make a skirt:
- First you need to cut a rectangle from previously prepared cardboard. The dimensions of this rectangle depend on the dimensions of the future product.
- After that, you will need to wind yarn or floss thread onto the resulting workpiece.
Important! The more turns are made, the more magnificent and luxurious the brush will look.
- The remaining free end of the woolen thread, hitting the needle, must be passed under the yarn, and then brought out at the top of the product. The ends of this thread must be tied to secure the base of the future brush. It is desirable that the knot is as tight as possible.
- Then carefully cut the threads with scissors in the lower part of the structure and remove the cardboard. Since the top is already fixed with a thread, the lower part immediately forms a magnificent brush.
- Final stage. Using the thread that fastened the upper part of our brush, thread the skirt into the central hole of our head and gently fix it with glue.
- The ends of the threads must be hidden inside the ball so that they do not look out.
DIY curtain brushes are ready!
to contents ↑Useful decoration tips
Then you can show your imagination in full:
- The head of our brush can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, stickers and even sequins.
- When creating skirts, some use not only floss threads, but also silver or golden threads to create highlights. Or insert strands of glass beads, beads. It all depends on personal preferences.
to contents ↑Important! By a similar principle, brushes are made for the edges of the curtains and for pillows on the sofa. In this case, each brush is best done in a small size. You get beautiful jewelry at a low price, in which all your fantasies and wishes can be embodied.
Secrets of using in the interior
At this master class, how to make brushes for curtains with their own hands, one could finish. But there is one more nuance. You need to know how to use this accessory correctly and beautifully, so that it successfully fits into the interior. And there are several options that you can alternate at least every day:
- The standard option. We attach the cord with a special hook to the wall.The curtain can be fixed using a double knot. Easy, simple, beautiful and takes only 2 minutes.
- For this option two brushes are required. We attach them to different cords, which we pre-fix on the hook. We pass the girths through it, we connect the cords to each other from the inside, with an English safety pin. Outside, the junction can be decorated with a decorative flower, a brooch or large beads. Thus, your curtains will look luxurious, and the hooks will fulfill their main task. True, this method has one minus. Closing the curtains at night, you will have to disassemble this composition every day, and again in the morning to do decoration.
- Another option is suitable for those who have mastered the technique of weaving macramé. It includes dozens of different species. Using even the simplest, you can get an additional exquisite accent.
Stock footage
Brushes for curtains - a universal and relevant accessory for today. They will be appropriate in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and even in the office. And the handmade brushes for curtains will become both an adornment of your interior, and an occasion to show your creativity and show it to your guests. The main thing is to approach this issue with a sober head and adhere to simple, but valuable recommendations.
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