Wood stair glue

Private houses, as a rule, have not one, but two or more floors. This allows you to arrange a cottage of the required area on a small area and provide convenience for all family members. In order to correctly fix the steps made of wood onto the concrete staircase, the correct choice of fastening composition is important. Topic of the article: glue for stairs made of wood and the technology of its application. It is also important that the resulting design was not just safe, but also in harmony with the interior of the apartment. Let's see how to solve all these problems.

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Wooden steps - a way to improve a concrete staircase

Concrete staircase construction is considered one of the most durable and reliable. It is durable, easily withstands significant loads. With independent production, the costs of manufacturing a staircase from concrete will not be prohibitive, because quite affordable materials will be required: crushed stone, sand and cement.

However, this construction also has a serious drawback: it does not look very presentable. As a decorative material, you can use natural stone, tile, or such “warm” materials, such as fiberboard or natural wood.

Solid wood is one of the most common materials for refining concrete stairs. This material is far from cheap, but the end result is simply amazing. In addition to the beautiful appearance, natural material has the following advantages:

  • Concrete protection against spalling.
  • The ability to mask base defects.
  • Heat accumulation.
  • Pleasant sensations when touched.

In addition, contrary to popular belief, wooden steps are easy to maintain and serve for many years. Of course, if the wood is saturated with antiseptics. The fastening of wooden steps to the concrete staircase, thus, fully justifies itself.

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How to choose a tree species?

The most budgetary option is coniferous wood, in particular pine. Pine wood is lightweight, well processed, installation of steps is less time-consuming than stone or other heavier species.

Important! In terms of performance, pine is far from ideal. Boards dry out from moisture and temperature differences, and with intensive use they lose their former attractiveness.

Much more practical options are oak, maple, walnut, birch, beech and larch. If you have a large amount of money, then you can choose more expensive and exotic wood: teak, iroko, wenge:

  • Of the options listed, the most durable is beech. The construction will succeed, without exaggeration, for centuries. However, beech processing is very difficult. Without professional equipment to cope with such a task is unrealistic.
  • The compromise option is oak wood. In terms of strength, it is almost not inferior to beech, and processing it is much simpler. True, the cost of the oak massif is high. Not everyone can afford to buy such finishing material.
  • A good option is larch. It is cheaper, and in many respects not inferior to oak.

You need to choose the material based on your own taste preferences and financial capabilities.

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How to fix wooden steps to a concrete staircase? Basic installation guidelines

When installing wooden cladding on a concrete base, pay attention to the following:

  1. The best option when installing wood on a concrete base is a plywood base. It is plywood between concrete and wood that is a reliable protective layer.
  2. When attaching the steps to a concrete base with glue, it must be taken into account that the tree, absorbing moisture even in small amounts, changes its geometry.
  3. When choosing glue for a staircase made of wood, pay attention to two-component compositions without water.
  4. When mounting the steps on the kosour, watch for their tight fit to the fasteners in the same plane. The wood may crack due to improper installation.

Relate the thickness of the mounted step with the design of the stairs:

  • For most concrete stairs, steps up to 35 mm thick are suitable.
  • Finishing steps of 22 mm can be used, subject to additional preparation of the stairs.
  • For the construction on a steel frame, steps 45 and 55 mm are used.
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How to fix wooden steps to a concrete staircase? Sticking Procedure

First you need to prepare a concrete base:

  1. Level the concrete surface if necessary.
  2. For normal adhesion of the adhesive mixture, apply a special impregnation to the concrete.
  3. Drain the base.

The next stage is the preparation of glue and the installation itself:

  1. Prepare the amount of glue necessary for the job. Spread the adhesive over the concrete surface so that the step lies flat.
  2. Start installation work with a jack board. In this case, small inaccuracies will not be critical, since the irregularities between the bump board and concrete will be hidden by the installed step.
  3. The step and riser are usually set at the same time. Usually in the lower part of the step there is a small groove under the risers.
  4. If the thickness of the cladding board was not taken into account when pouring the floor, a thinner board is used.
  5. The joint between the decorative coating and the base floor is closed with a metal strip.
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Installation of steps on a concrete staircase is a rather laborious and demanding job, but the result will please you!

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