DIY wallpaper glue

Almost no repair is complete without wallpaper. Glue for paper wall covering can be bought at a hardware store, or you can make it yourself from completely affordable materials. And the second option is sometimes much more profitable, because some building materials are of rather poor quality, therefore they do not hold wallpaper well and sometimes they do not glue at all. Plus, ready-made adhesive mixtures are not cheap due to the high cost of the constituent components. The solution is simple - make the glue for the wallpaper with your own hands. We will talk about this in today's article.

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Adhesive for wallpaper at home

You can make wallpaper glue very quickly and easily. Below we will consider the option of manufacturing an adhesive composition based on flour. Such a solution is completely safe, since various chemical additives are excluded in its composition.

So, for work you need to prepare:

  • Capacity for the preparation of adhesive solution.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 6 tablespoons of flour.

We start cooking:

  • Pour 6 tablespoons of flour into a large container, add water here and stir until the whole composition is homogeneous.
  • We put everything previously cooked on the fire and gradually bring to a boil. Stir until the sticky mass becomes jelly-like.

Important! You need to cook the mixture on the smallest fire, constantly stirring so that lumps with flour do not form.

  • After the consistency we need, remove the home-made glue from the fire, filter and completely cool.

Well, your homemade wallpaper glue is ready!

Important! As you already noticed, this process is very simple. To check the quality of the glue, take a little mass and rub between two fingers. Good glue should drain. If you have a different picture, then you need to add some more water to the composition and mix well until we get the result we need.

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How to cook starch glue for wallpaper?

Now we will talk about the second method of manufacturing a simple glue for wallpapering. But for this we want to introduce you to the main advantages of this composition:

  • The adhesive mass is very environmentally friendly, as it is made from the most natural products - flour and starch.
  • Manufacturers often add harmful chemicals to the purchased glue: antifungal compounds, various antibacterial substances. And after pasting the walls, we breathe these unsafe vapors. Therefore, think carefully about what glue to use for repairs.
  • It is very economical to make glue for wallpaper with your own hands from starch. Its components will cost you inexpensively. Sometimes they do not even need to be bought - every housewife has them at home.
  • This adhesive is suitable for all paper wallpapers, as well as for vinyl and non-woven.
  • It can even be applied on a painted wall and on a surface coated with varnish.
  • Does not soak thin paper and does not damage the wallpaper.
  • No bad smell.
  • Leaves no stains.

Glue from flour and starch is not stored for long, but we don’t need it, because you can make the necessary amount and fully use it so as not to throw away the leftovers.

Important! Wallpaper starch glue can be stored in the refrigerator for about a day. Otherwise, the glue will sour.


Before you begin, you need to prepare the following ingredients and auxiliary materials:

  • 3 liter saucepan.
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • 1 tablespoon of flour.
  • 2 tablespoons of starch.

Important! In this case, you can take any flour, the variety is not important here.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We take a three-liter pan, pour water into it, wait for it to boil completely.
  2. In the meantime, we need to pour all the flour and starch into a separate plastic bowl. To this we add ordinary cold tap water. You can use boiled or peeled, but most importantly - not from the refrigerator.
  3. Constantly stir the flour and starch until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. Now we need to pour the resulting mixture with a thin stream into boiling water, stir a little, turn off after a couple of minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
  5. When the glue becomes cool, filter it through a colander, thereby getting rid of the lumps formed.

That's the whole procedure! Now your glue is ready to begin its direct duties!

Important! Take the exact amount of flour (one glass without a slide) and starch (two spoons with a small hill), since this recipe must be performed with special accuracy in observing all the necessary proportions.

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How to make PVA glue?

Now we will understand the question: how to glue wallpaper at home? This type of glue can be safely used for wallpapering - it is very easy to make it with your own hands in comfortable home conditions. PVA glue is considered quite universal, so such a lifesaver should be in every home. Sometimes it is simply indispensable both in small repair processes and in general construction.

To prepare PVA glue with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • Photographic gelatin - 5 grams.
  • Distilled water - 1 liter.
  • Wheat flour - 100 grams.
  • Ethyl alcohol - 20 ml.
  • Medical glycerin - 4 grams.

Important! Photographic gelatin can be bought in a photo salon or in a specialized store selling various accessories for cameras.

We start cooking:

  1. We take a glass of water and soak photographic gelatin in it for about a day.
  2. Next, we need to put a pot of distilled water on the fire and bring it to a boil. We add gelatin here, immediately pour out flour, stirring constantly and avoiding lumps.
  3. We wait until the composition acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. Do not forget to stir so that we get a uniform glue.
  4. We remove everything from the fire, without cooling, set aside.
  5. After that, add glycerin and ethyl alcohol to the resulting mass. Mix well the resulting adhesive for 5-10 minutes, so that all the ingredients are well compatible with each other.

Our PVA glue is prepared, it remains only to cool it for future use!

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How to make wood glue?

This is another way to make glue at home. As you know, carpentry glue is often used to install wooden materials, so sticking paper for it will be easier than ever. We recommend that you get acquainted with the features of its application before starting the preparation of carpentry adhesive:

  • It is not stored for a long time, so it must be used immediately after preparation.
  • It has a very pungent and unpleasant odor.

To prepare carpentry glue, you need to prepare the following:

  • Joiner's glue (in solid state).
  • Vodka.
  • Capacity for its preparation.
  • Water - 1 liter.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • We take carpentry glue, grind it into small pieces and place the resulting parts in water to swell the glue.
  • After softening the carpentry, we transfer the mixture to a prepared pan. We put on the fire and cook until the glue has completely melted.

Important! At this stage, it is very important not to leave the cooking process, to constantly interfere with the mixture. In case of sticky glue sticking, it will lose its adhesive ability.

  • We add vodka to the composition, mix everything well and let the glue stand for a couple of hours, after which we immediately begin to spread the wallpaper with liquid carpentry glue.
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Other glue options

What other components can I make glue for wallpaper at home? To choose the option that is convenient for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the variations of various ingredients and proportions with which you can create your own recipe for glue for wallpaper:

  • Consider one rule: the denser the canvas, the thicker the adhesive should be, which will better hold the material on the wall. That is, for 1 liter of water you need to take not 200, but 400-500 grams of flour.
  • For priming, you will need a smaller amount of paste, about 100 grams. We recommend adding 1 gram of copper sulphate to the primer to coat the primer with an antifungal and antiseptic solution. In general, it would be nice to add such a useful ingredient to any adhesive so that you will not be disturbed by unpleasant surprises.
  • You can add denatured alcohol to the flour paste to fix it better. Previously, a recipe with potassium chloride and alum was widely used in the proportion: 100 g flour + 50 ml denatured alcohol + 200 ml water. After that, 1 liter of already boiling water was added to the resulting solution and 15 g of alum were added there (30 g of calcium can be taken).
  • Turpentine can be added to a home-made adhesive solution, which increases gluten well: for 200 g of flour in the main recipe, you need to take about 120 ml of turpentine and add a little glycerin, gelatin. These substances will increase adhesion several times, so that the glue will be much stronger than the original.
  • But on the next version of the preparation of the paste, you can even plant a small tile. It is prepared according to this recipe: take 150 g of flour, 200 ml of water, the same amount of ethyl alcohol and 3-4 g of glycerin. In another container, 800 g of water and 5 g of gelatin are heated. It is necessary to mix both mixtures, bring to a boil, cool, and then use superglue for repair.
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As you can see, making glue at home can be very easy and fast, and most importantly - safely. Having made such a composition, you will be sure that your wallpaper will not deteriorate immediately or after some time after its application. We wish you an easy and cost-effective repair!


