Wallpaper glue

Almost no repair is complete without wallpapering. After buying the finishing material, do not forget to choose an adhesive for it, which plays an important role in the future life. Today, stores offer a wide variety of adhesive emulsions that are suitable for a particular type of wallpaper. In our article, we will tell you about the main types of adhesives and how to choose the right glue for wallpaper.

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Which wallpaper glue is better?

So, we have come to the most interesting - acquaintance with the varieties of adhesive emulsions. All over the world there is a huge variety of wallpaper glue from different manufacturers, but the main task for everyone is to keep the wallpaper on the wall well.

By appointment, all adhesive emulsions are divided into such groups:

  • Plain glue for paper wallpaper.
  • Adhesive for vinyl and embossed paper wallpaper.
  • Glue for textile materials.
  • Glue for non-woven, fiberglass, laminated and metallized coatings.
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Wallpaper adhesives rating

Now we will tell you about the most popular adhesive compositions that have worked well among users. The list of names of wallpaper glue of different brands is as follows:

  • Kleo.
  • Metylan
  • CMC glue.
  • Quelyd (Kelid).
  • PVA glue.
  • Classic moment.
  • Universal.
  • Poofas.

Let's take a closer look at each glue, find out their technical characteristics and distinguishing features.


  • Suitable for gluing any wallpaper - paper, vinyl, non-woven, glass.
  • Low cost.
  • It contains antiseptic substances that make the emulsion quite effective in the fight against mold and fungal formations.
  • The composition excludes harmful chemical components.
  • No unpleasant and pungent odor. It can be safely used for pasting the walls of a children's room.

Important! After application, the adhesive does not get wet on the front side of the finishing material.



  • Designed for all types of wallpaper - smooth, structural, corrugated, duplex, vinyl, wallpaper for painting, other heavy types of decorative paintings.
  • It is the best adhesive for joints.
  • It copes well with gluing joints in hard to reach places.
  • Successfully glues together even the thickest canvases.
  • Protects material from the development of microorganisms.
  • Quickly and reliably sets.
  • It is resistant to temperatures.
  • It is convenient in work.

Important! It is steady against temperature differences, well holds cloths in the locations of plastic windows and heating radiators.

CMC glue:

  • Its purpose is to glue paper wallpaper.
  • Domestic glue is inexpensive, but it will take more than 3 hours to dissolve it.
  • An imported product is much more expensive, but it quickly and well dissolves without leaving lumps.
  • It is an environmentally friendly adhesive.
  • Not subject to rotting.

Important! Suitable for priming the surface of walls or ceilings.

Quelyd (Kelid):

  • For all types of wallpapers, including heavy vinyl and non-woven ones.
  • Appearance and primary consistency look like flakes.
  • Easy to apply emulsion.
  • It has excellent antifungal and bactericidal properties.
  • It is used for gluing paintings in different rooms, including for rooms with high humidity.
  • In the dissolved state of a transparent color.

Important! Such a solution dries in 2-3 days.


  • It is a universal dispersion adhesive for wallpaper.
  • It is well divorced in water.
  • Does not form lumps.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Firmly adheres the canvas, but because of its thick consistency makes it difficult to align the finishing material.
  • It dries long enough.

Important! This type of glue does not allow you to quickly remove the old wallpaper.


Classic moment:

  • Consists of modified starch.
  • Contains anti-mold and antifungal components.
  • It adheres well to all types of paper wallpapers - single-layer, smooth, embossed, washable, corrugated, ceiling and other types of heavy paintings.
  • Safe for pasting children's bedrooms.
  • It has excellent adhesive ability.
  • It is an environmentally friendly adhesive.
  • It is divorced within 3 minutes.

Universal wallpaper glue:

  • Suitable for gluing absolutely any canvas - light and heavy.
  • It consists of resins, impurities and various chemical compounds that help securely fix the wallpaper on the wall.

Important! Not suitable for gluing surfaces in children's rooms due to harmful components in the composition.


  • Glue for heavy wallpaper. Reliably fixes paper, vinyl, textile, silk-screen wallpapers.
  • The basis are: modified starch, antiseptic substances, dispersion powder.
  • Dissolves within 5 minutes after dilution.
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What should I look for when choosing any adhesive emulsion?

How to choose the right glue for wallpapering? This question excites those who intend to enjoy the result of their work for a long time.

Criterias of choice:

  • Glue swelling time.
  • The percentage of adhesion of the adhesive to the wall surface.
  • The presence on the outside of the web of stains and stains after the glue dries.
  • Antifungal and bactericidal components that can prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms.
  • Adhesive consumption. This indicator is the most important, so it should be considered in the first place. The percentage of adhesives determines the number of rolls per stick. Many buyers act incorrectly, paying attention to the number of rolls on the packaging of adhesive material. Experienced builders are interested in the question, how much water is needed for its dilution, since the amount of glue at the outlet depends on this indicator.

Important! Do not trust too much what is written on the labeling of the adhesive packaging. Sometimes manufacturers write that this mixture is enough for 2-3 rolls, and in fact it can be spent on more or less number of finishing paintings. It all depends on the consistency of the resulting finished solution. So, the thicker the glue, the less you paste the wallpaper, and vice versa.


Calculation Example

Let's look at an example to determine the required number of rolls:

  • On the purchased packaging of glue it is written that it is enough for 5-6 rolls.
  • The instruction contains the following information: in 300 g of dry powder, you must add 4 liters of cold water to get 4 liters of the finished solution.
  • Given the fact that a standard wallpaper roll (10.5m x 0.53m) takes one liter of emulsion, then such a pack will last only 3 rolls, and not 6, as indicated in the instructions.

Important! Sometimes this expense is true, but this is possible only in the case of jewelry savings of every drop of adhesive. We recommend taking an emulsion with a margin so as not to redo the previously done work repeatedly and not to worry about whether this particular glue is enough for you.

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We really hope that our article helped you find the best glue for wallpaper specifically for your case. As you already understood, adhesive emulsion is the main link on which the quality of the glued material depends. The right choice for you and the long life of the finishing material!

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