Adhesive for fiberglass

The modern market of finishing materials offers a wide assortment of variations, each of which is better than an alternative coating for one or another characteristic. Fiberglass - a material that is used in the repair of premises, as a coating for painting or as a leveling layer for the ceiling and walls. If you decide to dwell precisely on this method of decoration, you will certainly need to decide which adhesive is best for fiberglass, make its choice and take into account the method of application. All of this will be discussed in this article.
to contents ↑A bit of history
Many mistakenly consider fiberglass to be a universal finishing material, and nothing more. In fact, its scope is much wider. This is a non-woven building material, the canvas of which is a randomly arranged glass thread impregnated with a binder - modified starch and organic resins. Most often, this material is used to fix the corners and align the walls for the final finish. As for the adhesive, the most commonly used compositions used for vinyl wallpaper.
Important! The homeland of fiberglass is Germany (more precisely, the Koch GmbH plant in Steinach). It was here that an unusual innovative material based on colored fiberglass was created. Subsequently, these materials became popular in other countries.
The main characteristic of building materials is the density, which determines the number of fiberglass per square meter. This indicator affects the value of the breaking load index. It is he who determines the place of use of fiberglass.
to contents ↑Application area
In addition to finishing work, fiberglass is also used in the production of building materials of the following types:
- Rolled roofing materials.
- Floor coverings (linoleum).
- Water panels.
- Waterproofing materials.
- Foam glass.
- Glass wool.
- Press forms.
- Filter elements for drains.
- Printed circuit boards.
If we describe the work in more detail, then we can distinguish the following areas:
- Anticorrosion and waterproofing works in the arrangement of pipelines. In addition to fiberglass, in this case, mastics and bitumen are used.
- Finishing work indoors (base for painting) or in the case when on the wall surface you need a more solid fixation of wallpaper and drywall. Fiberglass here serves as a reinforcing layer, prevents cracking of the finishing material.
to contents ↑Important! The secret of the popularity and relevance of fiberglass-based material is that it is durable, keeps its shape well, is chemically neutral to aggressive substances, resistant to weathering, and non-combustible.
How to choose the right glue, or what to glue fiberglass?
Naturally, ordinary wallpaper glue is unlikely to work here. The adhesive composition must have good adhesion and high strength. The best option, according to experts, is a special adhesive composition designed for materials based on fiberglass.
You can prepare such a glue yourself. Sometimes novice builders ask if fiberglass is glued to PVA (it can be found in any office supply store).On pure PVA - hardly, but it is possible to take it as the basis for the preparation of the adhesive mixture.
Important! Do not try to stick fiberglass material on the plastered surface. Fiberglass and plaster have a different structure, so soon after gluing, the surface of the canvas is taken in bubbles. Nothing depends on the qualifications of the master.
Factory-made glue is available in two types:
- Ready to eat mass.
- Dry adhesive, which is diluted with water in certain proportions, according to the instructions.
Glue for fiberglass "spider line" - the best compounds
Among the most reliable adhesive formulations such brands stand out.
This is one of the most common mixtures. Differs in the low price and big efficiency.
Kleo ultra
Effective, durable adhesive for fiberglass, extremely easy to use. The composition is easy to apply, environmentally friendly, and is used sparingly. The composition of the mixture includes substances that prevent the appearance of mold. The adhesive is diluted with water, in accordance with the attached instructions.
Important! One of the advantages of Kleo Ultra is that it does not leave marks on the surface.
This composition is great for gluing walls with fiberglass for further painting. Wellton's benefits include:
- Fire safety. Upon contact with fire, the glue does not emit toxic substances.
- Environmental Safety.
- Hygiene The surface can be washed, while the adhesive does not lose adhesive properties.
The advantages of the composition include:
- Safety for the body.
- Economical spending. A ten-liter bucket of water accounts for only 500 g of the mixture.
- Ease of preparation. It is enough to pour the dry mixture into cold water and mix. Adhesive for fiberglass is ready for use in ten minutes.
- Long shelf life. Ready-to-use composition can be stored in a closed vessel for up to 2 months.
- Ease of transportation.
- Economical spending. For 1 square meter of canvas, only 250 g of the finished mixture is consumed.
How to glue fiberglass to the ceiling?
- The preparatory phase includes cleaning the ceiling from contaminants, marking and cutting the material into pieces of the right size. The preliminary markup will make it possible to significantly reduce the time of work.
Important! It is necessary to cut fiberglass so that there is a margin of a couple of centimeters for proper joining.
- You can paste the ceiling from the center or edge, to choose from.
- It is advisable to pour the adhesive into the paint container, since it is easier to work with a roller.
- Previously, the glue is applied to the ceiling, and so that the glue strip is slightly wider than the glass wall. For example, if you use a meter-wide canvas, the width of the adhesive strip should be approximately 5 cm larger.
Important! Is it possible to glue wallpaper on fiberglass? Naturally, it is possible. But, if you use fiberglass as the basis for wallpaper, you need to pre-ground the surface.
- When using cullet in the corners, a wallpaper spatula is used to attach the canvas. The glue is applied with a brush with a bristle width of about 4-5 cm.
How to glue fiberglass on drywall?
Sometimes they ask: is it possible to glue a drywall surface with glass wallpaper. In principle, this is possible, but subject to certain rules. For example:
- The surface of the drywall must be covered with a layer of putty, carefully leveling out all the irregularities.
- To improve adhesion, it is necessary to treat the putty surface with emery.
- The following is the primer of the treated drywall. The latter is necessary so that the adhesive is not too absorbed.
- When installing fiberglass, they try to make sure that when the fabrics are joined, the weave of the fibers coincides.
Important! Sometimes the edges of the glass-cloth canvas are a little ragged. You can solve this problem by sticking sheets a little overlap.The unevenness that appeared during the connection can be removed with a paint knife.
- It is advisable to dry the glued fiberglass with tightly closed doors and windows. Drying at the same time will turn out longer, but the reinforcing material will stay stronger.
As you can see, gluing fiberglass onto walls lined with drywall is not difficult.
to contents ↑Specificity of pasting for painting
A few words about how to glue fiberglass for painting. If the fiberglass is used for subsequent dyeing, then the following points should be considered:
- Cullets, like many finishing materials, have a wrong side and a front side. It’s important not to mix it up!
- When installing the canvas, you need to ensure that the threads are directed in the same direction. If you neglect this, the staining will turn out to be uneven.
to contents ↑Important! For staining, it is desirable to use water-dispersible or water-based dyes. However, experts argue that a good result can be achieved using acrylic, latex or acrylate compounds.
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From this article, you learned about the best adhesives for fiberglass and the features of working with such material with different finishing methods. We hope that thanks to this information you will no longer have any problems during the repair process, and everything will be performed efficiently.
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