Bedbugs on the couch - how to get rid?

No one is safe from the appearance of domestic bugs in their own apartment or house. Bed bugs are vile crawling insects that easily adapt to life in almost any room and can get into the house in a variety of ways, including “arriving” on furniture purchased in the store. Bed bugs on the couch - this is a problem that can affect everyone, but, going to the path of war with insects, you need to know that to drive out and scare them makes almost no sense. The most effective and efficient option is the destruction of sofa bugs, and special means must be used for this.
to contents ↑Why do bedbugs settle on the couch?
The bug "sofa" - the name is more popular than scientific. All bugs that live in a person’s home and feed on blood belong to the same species and are called “bed”. This is already a popular rumor gave them the names “home” and “sofa”.
Important! Favorite habitats of nasty insects are soft beds, sofas and armchairs. First of all, such furniture attracts bedbugs not so much with its comfort as with a power source - a sleeping person. They need less to move around the room, which means they risk being noticed. In addition, between the cracks and seams you can find the perfect refuge where the bugs will feel confident, because they need to touch the surfaces and back and abdomen, that is, where closely - they are most comfortable. And of course, an important factor is heat, because sofas and beds well retain the warmth of a person.
The answer to the question why bed bugs live in a sofa is extremely simple and consists of the following key points:
- Domestic bugs base their colonies closer to a person (to the place of his sleep).
- A minimum of sunlight falls into secluded places (bed bugs are very afraid of the sun).
- In sofas, armchairs, beds there are a lot of cracks, folds, seams and other places inaccessible to humans.
Signs of bed bugs on the couch
The most important sign of the appearance of sofa bugs is bites on the body. If you relax on the couch and have the habit of sleeping on upholstered furniture, then bites will appear every night.
The next sign of bedbugs is black dots and discarded insect skins. From the black dots and insect skins left, you can determine the location of the lair of the parasites, and in order to detect the pests themselves, their larvae and eggs, you will need to disassemble the furniture, including mobile mechanisms. In this case, special attention must be paid to the back of the furniture, soft pillows, joints and seams.
to contents ↑Important! If the sofa is infected by bedbugs for a long time, then you will feel an unpleasant sweet smell. Bedbugs secrete it during the active process of life. The amber that emits insects is quite characteristic and recognizable - it looks like the smell of almonds or rotten raspberries.
How to get rid of bed bugs on the couch?
If bugs were started in the sofa, then most likely these parasites managed to settle in other places of the apartment, for example, in beds, bedside tables, clothes, behind skirting boards, which means that it is most effective to carry out a full treatment of the whole house, and thereby protect yourself from reappearance bed bugs indoors.
Important! Of course, it is best done by specialists with the help of chemicals. But we ourselves can completely get rid of the pests.You just need to be patient and act as quickly as possible, because adult females lay up to 3-5 eggs per day, which develop within a month.
Before pest control:
- Remove all food, dishes, and toothbrushes from the treatment area.
- Isolate pets and aquarium fish.
- Thoroughly wet your home. When cleaning, pay special attention to skirting boards and crevices.
- If possible, hand over curtains, blankets, bed linen or dry clean it or, in extreme cases, wash it in hot water.
- Hang clothes out of the closet in the sun or overcool them in hot water.
- Prepare upholstered furniture for processing. Move it away from the wall and disassemble it into pieces.
Important! If a careful check of the places where the bedbugs shelter did not reveal their presence in other places, but only in the sofa, then there are not so many ways to remove insects from the sofa. Here are the main ones.
Mechanical destruction
This is an extremely inefficient, lengthy and unpleasant process, since insects must be collected by hand or with a vacuum cleaner. One advantage is the cheapest.
Important! To pull insects out, you can use valerian. Treat the surface of the furniture with a solution of valerian, and the bugs themselves "come out to meet you."
Heat treatment
Since the sofa is mobile, this is one of the best ways. Bed bugs and their eggs die at temperatures below -18 ° C during the day, at temperatures above 50 ° C they die almost instantly. This method involves the following procedures:
- In winter, the sofa can be taken out for a couple of days outside.
- To process upholstered furniture with heat or special means.
Important! To get rid of sofa bugs, an effective way is to scald the sofa with boiling water. But after the upholstery procedure, it takes a long time for it to dry.
Chemical treatment of a sofa
There are a lot of chemicals on the market, but before you get rid of bed bugs on the couch, carry out the special events described above. Chemical processing of furniture is necessary in accordance with the instructions.
- "Dichlorvos";
- "Executioner";
- “Karbofos”;
- Perfos
- “Raptor”;
- “Combat”;
- "Raid";
- "Clean house".
Important! It is better to purchase these products in aerosol form. They are very convenient to use during processing, moreover, aerosols do not leave spots after spraying on the surface.
In addition to aerosols, concentrated insecticides sold in the form of liquids can also be used:
- “Get”;
- “Foresight”;
- “Karbofos”;
- Tetrix
- “Effective Ultra”;
- “Extermin F”.
These funds have a more pronounced temporary effect, however, they can damage the upholstery of the sofa, so insects must be poisoned carefully. Check the effect of the preparations on the upholstery that is not visible to the eye.
Important! Chemical fluids and aerosols are dangerous not only for insects, but also for human health. Therefore, carry out all work in personal protective equipment: gloves, glasses, a respirator, a protective suit. If the latter is not, then a raincoat will do.
Processing must be carried out as follows:
- Remove children and pets from the apartment.
- Wear personal protective equipment.
- Treat the disassembled sofa with the selected chemical agent. Spray an aerosol or liquid solution on each of the dismantled parts at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface. When processing beds and upholstered furniture, carefully inspect even the smallest crevices and destroy pests in the nesting areas.
- At the end of the disinfestation procedure, ventilate the room for 5-8 hours.
- Assemble a sofa or other processed furniture.
Important! For some time (up to 2 weeks), the smell of the insecticide may persist, after a while, the smell will disappear and there will be no trace of it.
Helpful hints:
- Bedbugs after treatment die within a few days, so we recommend that you re-process.
- After disinsection, treat the furniture and all surfaces in the house with a soda solution: 1 part soda to 4 parts water, vacuum everything thoroughly.
- Choosing the most suitable means, methods for controlling insects, evaluate all options according to several criteria:
- Action efficiency.
- Safety for residents of the apartment, pets.
- Simplicity and usability.
- The availability of the method financially.
- Whether the furniture will harm the interior items located nearby.
How to get rid of bed bugs on the couch yourself with folk remedies?
All home methods for controlling bugs are conditionally divided into annihilating and repelling. Fighting will be more effective and more useful if from the beginning you completely get rid of bed bugs in the apartment using the selected method, and then use repellents to prevent the appearance of insects.
Of the old home remedies for the destruction of insects use: turpentine, kerosene, ammonia, vinegar.
Important! It must be remembered that such powerful drugs as turpentine, methylated spirits or a mixture of these products with vinegar can spoil the sofa forever. So if insects are found in a new sofa, then these funds are categorically not recommended.
Destruction of bugs
Here are some recipes used to fight insects:
- Vinegar. With this tool, you can lubricate all affected areas of furniture. Vinegar is harmless to home decoration and, thanks to a pungent odor, will destroy bugs once and for all.
- A solution of kerosene, turpentine, boiling water is one of the oldest and most effective means of controlling bugs. Mix 15 ml of turpentine, 20 ml of kerosene with 150 ml of water. Add 40 g of a solution of green soap, if desired. Using the resulting solution, treat the furniture surface and baseboards.
- A solution of salt, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. Process the furniture with a solution of these components. Select the ingredients in proportions, depending on the degree of infection of the furniture with insects.
- Other recommended recipes:
- 10g of naphthalene + 300ml of meth
- 15g camphor + 300ml turpentine + 300ml ethyl. alcohol.
- 60 g of naphthalene + 300 ml of kerosene + 300 ml of turpentine.
- 6 g of salicylic acid + 40 g of phenol + 80 ml of turpentine.
So that bedbugs never visit your house with the future, use the following means:
- Concentrated essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender. Lubricate cracks, the surface of doorways, through holes with which insects can penetrate with essential oils. It is possible to spread the napkins moistened with oils, periodically updating them.
- Wormwood, tansy, calamus, and rosemary are effective in preventing insects. It is enough to put a branch of wormwood or other grass under the bed or sofa so that its smell scares off the insects. You can place fresh tufts of tansy or rosemary in the ventilation hatches and the gaps between the apartments so that insects do not get to you from neighbors.
Important! The most effective effect for the prevention and prevention of insects will give barrier treatment of the apartment. It is produced by specialists from the SES, but you can do it yourself using microencapsulated drugs.
Useful Tips
Using folk methods is a rather complicated, painstaking procedure. In addition, folk remedies are ineffective if insects have lived in the apartment for a long time and managed to lay eggs in places inaccessible to you.
Finding bugs on the couch is only a small part of the job. The main task is to expel them not only from furniture, but also from the entire apartment. If you do not have enough strength, time in the fight against insects, then there is always a great opportunity to contact a specialized pest control service. Specialists use only those drugs that are safe for humans and, in addition, processing with effective agents will not require repeated procedures.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope that our tips and tricks have helped you choose the most suitable way to get rid of insects, and in the future they will no longer bother you.
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