Coffee maker or coffee machine for the home - which is better?

The alluring smell of freshly brewed coffee is for many the best start to the day. According to statistics, most people in our country, as well as around the world, start the morning with this drink. Lovers of instant coffee solve the problem easily and simply. A spoonful of powder, hot water - the coffee is ready! But to connoisseurs of a real, not a sublimated product, this will not be enough. Therefore, sooner or later the question arises: a coffee maker or a coffee machine for the home - which is better? Now let's try to figure it out.

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Choice question

The home appliance market is flooded with all kinds of models of coffee makers and coffee machines. However, not every person is able to catch the difference between them. Many people think that this is one and the same thing, only somewhere there are more functions, somewhere less. To figure out whether a coffee maker or coffee machine for the house is better, you should understand the principles of operation of these devices, as well as know their purpose.

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Coffee machines

Coffee machine is a technique, rather, for professional use, rather than home. It is installed in cafes and restaurants to automate the preparation of the perfect taste in a very short time. But it is also suitable for home, the main thing is to know its advantages and disadvantages.


If there is a coffee machine in your house, then it will prepare you wonderful coffee in less than a minute. And even a child will cope with this task, because you just need to set the necessary mode and wait:

  • The coffee machine itself will grind the coffee beans sprinkled into it, while taking into account your wishes according to the degree of grinding.
  • You can also set the desired strength of the drink.
  • Heats the water to the desired degree. Many baristos believe that the perfect drink is obtained at a water temperature of 95-97 degrees.
  • This technique itself will calculate the ideal proportion of water and grains.
  • In a matter of seconds, milk will be whipped, turning it into a gentle, lush foam.
  • Heated coffee cups.
  • Automatically flush the system.

It would seem that the question of what to choose - a coffee maker or a coffee machine, has been resolved. But it is worth knowing the disadvantages of professional equipment.


  • The biggest drawback of coffee machines is the price. A good coffee machine, which is reliable, competent selection of options and knows how to brew excellent coffee, costs at least 500 dollars. Anything cheaper is unlikely to live up to your hopes for delicious coffee without any hassle.
  • Noise is another minus of almost all coffee machines. Even the quietest models squeak, buzz and mumble in preparation for work and throughout the process of co-creation. But this, of course, is not the noise of the “grinder”, and usually does not deliver any particular inconvenience to anyone. Even if it occurs to you to drink coffee at night, you will not wake anyone.
  • Quite large dimensions are the evil that owners of good coffee machines have to put up with. Such a unit will have to allocate its own corner in the kitchen. But what can’t you do for the perfect drink.

Important! By the way, coffee machines are freestanding, and they can be installed in any corner of your kitchen. And there are also built-in furniture machines. Such a technique will require additional installation effort.


Types of coffee machines

The specificity of the coffee machine is to pass the steam under pressure through the ground coffee beans.And the higher the pressure, the better, because it is believed that such a method allows you to make the drink more strong, aromatic, rich and tasty.

According to the principle of action, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  • Pitcher car. Coffee powder for them is pressed into pads (hence the name), hermetically packed in a metallized gas-tight film, where nitrogen is pumped. The pads take a rounded appearance, so sometimes they are called coffee tablets. They are loaded into the machine, parameters are set - the coffee is ready.
  • The capsule machine on the back has a water tank. Using a pump, it is pumped into a machine, where it is heated to the optimum temperature. Then, under high pressure, water flows through the capsule (a plastic box of coffee sealed with foil). As a result, you get a fragrant drink.
  • Espresso harvester differs from previous machines by the presence of a coffee grinder. This allows you to make coffee, both already ground and grain.

Important! Choose the device that will be equipped with ceramic millstones. This will avoid the appearance of a burnt coffee taste.

  • With an automatic coffee machine, you can make your favorite espresso at home. And the built-in foam system will make it possible to enjoy a wonderful cappuccino. The process is fully automated - you just need to set the parameters for strength and volume using the display.
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Coffee maker

The principle of operation of this technique is quite simple. The name speaks for itself. Through ground coffee, placed in the filter segment of the coffee machine, hot water is passed without any pressure, which takes away the strength and aroma of the beans. Consider the same features of this type of equipment as in the previous section, so that you can decide for yourself what is best for the home - a coffee maker or a coffee machine.


  • Compared to professional equipment, coffee makers are quite affordable, and buying them won't hit your pocket.
  • There are no quickly wearing elements in such a technique - it will serve you for many years faithfully.
  • Even if some part fails, you can easily find a replacement for it. And repair does not require huge costs.
  • This technique does not take up much space in your kitchen.
  • Some models have a number of additional features. For example, a water filter, the choice of the strength of the drink.
  • In it you can make not only coffee, but also tea and other drinks.


  • After each preparation of coffee, this technique must be thoroughly washed and dried, otherwise you can get unpleasant consequences in the form of mold.
  • The ground bean filter requires frequent replacement, especially if you like to drink coffee several times a day, or all members of your family are avid coffee lovers.
  • The most important minus is that the coffee, however, is not as saturated as we would like.

Types of Coffee Makers

To understand this variety and decide which coffee machine is better, it is useful to know the principle of operation of various types of coffee machines and their distinctive features:

  1. The simplest version of the coffee maker is a geyser. It consists of three containers: for water, for ground coffee and for ready-made coffee. In geyser coffee makers, hot water, boiling, rises from the lower chamber to the upper, passing through a layer of coffee.
  2. A drip coffee machine has a fairly simple action. Hot water at a slow pace, literally drop by drop, passes through the filter through ground coffee. Saturated with taste and aroma, water flows into a special flask. The temperature of the water at the time of the fall is approximately 87-95 degrees, the ideal that is needed for the preparation of a specific aroma of “Americano”.
  3. The electric turret resembles electric kettle without automatic shutdown. The process of making coffee is exactly the same as on the stove. To make coffee, you need to pour water into the electric stove, pour coffee, install it on the power stand and use the switch to start the process.
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Horn model - coffee maker or coffee machine?

Separately, it will stop at a form such as a carob coffee maker. She has recently taken a leading position, because it acts on the basis of steam and is similar to coffee machines. In the process of making coffee, the carob can preserve and enhance the aroma of the drink.


  1. Ground grains are placed in a special horn.
  2. Hot steam passes through it under pressure.
  3. It is saturated with coffee aroma.
  4. Steam condenses in a special chamber.
  5. The finished drink is bottled.


  • Preservation of taste, cooking speed.
  • Boiling water is not required, thanks to the steam a pleasant foam is formed.
  • Compared to other home appliances, carob uses coffee sparingly.
  • It is quite compact and inexpensive.



But she also has its drawbacks:

  • The horn coffee machine requires your participation, because the coffee powder is loaded into the machine manually. To get a truly delicious coffee you need experience.
  • The strength of the future drink can not be adjusted. It directly depends on the quality of grinding and the degree of compaction.
  • The horn should be washed thoroughly after each serving.


There are two types of horn coffee makers, depending on the pressure in them:

  1. Up to 4 bars, in which coffee is brewed slowly and turns strong and rich.
  2. Up to 15 bars, in which coffee is prepared quickly and turns out to be soft and tender.

Tips for choosing:

  • It is better to choose devices with a metal horn for better warming up coffee and getting a richer drink.
  • It is very good if there is a double nozzle in the coffee maker (double-arm models), which allows you to simultaneously prepare two cups of coffee.

When you weigh all the pros and cons of these devices, the question of which is better - a coffee machine or a carob type coffee machine, will be decided by itself.

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When choosing a coffee machine or coffee maker, it is worth analyzing which functions are necessary for you and which ones you can refuse. Will your kitchen be able to place a bulky device, or for it there is only a small place on the table. In the end, relate all your requirements to your budget. The right choice and delicious coffee!


