When to glue a ceiling plinth - before wallpaper or after?

During the change of interior design, there are many controversial issues, even in those cases when everything seems to be simple and understandable from the beginning, and the work does not seem to be too time-consuming and lengthy. For example, many people who are interested in repairs are interested in answering the question: when to glue a ceiling plinth - before wallpaper or after? It turns out that you can’t immediately answer it. The order of sticking baguettes depends on a variety of factors.

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Upper fillets play the role of decor, make the interior complete. In addition, they hide the border between the wall finishing material and the whitewash. The main difference between ceiling skirting boards is the materials of manufacture and, accordingly, their physical properties. For the manufacture of fillets use the following materials:

  • Wood. This is a wonderful option for various interiors: classic, country, modern. Good expensive models are made of oak, walnut, larch or mahogany.
  • Gypsum. This material is good in that you can create the most complex forms and profiles from it. Moreover, when compared with natural stone, gypsum is much cheaper and easier. But in order to successfully mount a plaster skirting board, it is necessary that the walls are perfectly aligned.
  • Stone - it is not very often used to make fillets, but the result is really amazing. Stone products fit perfectly into the luxurious classic interior, sometimes products made from natural or artificial raw materials organically look in modern rooms. The cost of such products is quite high.
  • Plastic. Polymer compositions are one of the most common. For ceiling baguettes, materials such as polyurethane, polyethylene, polystyrene foam, PVC and many others are used.
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Soft and hard baguettes and the time of sticking them

Of the listed materials, plastic and, with some stretch, wood belong to the category of soft and flexible. If you ask a question when to glue a ceiling plinth, then you can answer:

  • Lightweight flexible design can be glued directly on top of the wallpaper.
  • With more massive baguettes, such an experience is unlikely to succeed.

The reason for this is as follows: leveling the wall to an impeccable state is quite difficult, the baguette has its own curvatures. The gaps formed during installation are usually filled with putty, and wallpaper as a basis for putty is quite poorly suited. The flexible product repeats the bumps in the walls, and there is no need to use putty.

Important! What to glue first - wallpaper or ceiling plinth, if it is solid? If we are talking about wooden, plaster or stone structures that do not bend, then first they mount the baseboard, and then paste the wallpaper. In this case, the walls are the basis for putty. In addition, the heavy construction does not just not stay on paper or non-woven, but also comes off with wallpaper.

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Rules for self-installation

After the wallpaper glue has dried, you can stick plastic baguettes:

  1. First, clean the place of sticking on the wall, as well as the adjacent part of the ceiling, using a dry cloth or brush.
  2. Take all the necessary measurements to properly cut the baguettes.
  3. Cut corners at 45 degrees using a miter box.
  4. The baseboard can be glued onto silicone sealant.It’s good to use an adhesive designed for the type of plastic the baguette is made of. Apply glue to a baguette precisely, press a detail against a wall, and then release.
  5. To mask cracks in the joints, use acrylic-silicone sealant or a mixture of PVA glue with gypsum putty.
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Thus, the sequence of wallpapering the walls and the installation of ceiling skirting boards depends on the mass and material of manufacture of the latter. How to glue the ceiling baseboard correctly - before wallpaper or after, this issue is decided individually. A flexible plastic construction can be mounted directly on the wallpaper.


