When to collect the bag in the hospital?

Hurrah! A pregnancy test showed a positive result, and you will soon become a mother. For some, this is the first and so long-awaited pregnancy, someone is following the already-known path. Be that as it may, this is a difficult time when you need to have time to prepare both mentally and financially for the appearance in your life of a new family member. But the pregnancy is nearing its logical conclusion and the future mother is faced with the question of what to bring with her to the hospital? When to collect the bag in the hospital? What things are needed, and which can be dispensed with?

Let's take a closer look at these issues. Even for those who are not the first to give birth, it will be useful to have a cheat sheet on hand.

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When to prepare a bag at the hospital?

By the day of childbirth, a woman should have with her all the necessary documents, as well as things that are conditionally divided into four bags:

  • one bag - these are the things that are necessary for the birth process itself;
  • the second bag - for the postpartum period;
  • the third bag - things for the baby;
  • the fourth bag is things for discharge.

Of course, this division is conditional, no one expects you to go to the hospital, surrounded by four suitcases. In order not to miss anything, it is best to make a list of things that are useful to you in advance. Sometimes such a list will turn out rather big, and you need to have time to buy everything in advance.

Important! Young mothers are nervous, especially if the pregnancy is the first, and they wonder when to collect the bag in the hospital. So, the bag needs to be prepared for the 36th week. Relatives should help you get ready when the time comes, so they need to know where it is.

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What bag should I take?

To avoid problems in the front desk, you need to know which bags are accepted and which are not. All items must be either in a special bag that can be bought at the store or in plastic bags.

Important! Sanitary rules and regulations prohibit the use of fabric, leather and wicker bags, as they are a source of pathogenic diseases. Therefore, ordinary bags will not work, in addition, it will be much more convenient for a woman if her bag is transparent - it is easier to find the right thing.

In addition to documents, a mobile phone with a charger is also an essential item.

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Bag No. 1: things for childbirth

Let's see how to pack a bag with things to the hospital. If you plan to lie in the antenatal department, then you need to bring:

  • Bathrobe, pajamas, slippers and flip flops for the shower.
  • Toothpaste and brush, wet wipes, toilet paper, razor with a disposable blade.
  • A set of dishes for yourself, and at the same time a boiler.

Important! The dishes can be taken in the department, but many prefer to use their own.

  • Something for entertainment, such as a book, magazine, tablet, etc.

What is necessary for the birth itself? It all depends on the hospital. Each of them has its own rules, which you need to know in advance. You may need:

  • nightdress or loose t-shirt;
  • clean drinking water;
  • towels and liquid soap;
  • warm socks;
  • disposable toilet seats;
  • hygienic lipstick.

Important! If you are planning a partner birth and you want to capture the joyful moment of the birth of your baby, do not forget the camera or camcorder.

Some ladies worry about what you need and can take with you from food. As a rule, these are young mothers waiting for their firstborn. It is unlikely that during the birth you will have a desire and the opportunity to take a break for lunch. During childbirth, food is the last thing you think about. But if you are still afraid to stay hungry and want to take something from the products, then let it be:

  • baked or dried fruits;
  • bread rolls or crackers;
  • green apples

In the same package, put things for your baby that they will put on immediately after childbirth: diaper, body, romper and bonnet.

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Bag number 2: things for the period after childbirth

After giving birth, the mother and child will need to be in the hospital for several more days. To make this period as comfortable as possible, it is worth stocking up in advance with the following things:

  • If you were in the antenatal department, then you already have the most necessary personal hygiene items; if not, you must take them. Plus, you need to grab a comb, a mirror, nail scissors, a shower gel, a means for intimate hygiene.
  • After childbirth, gaskets and special disposable underpants are necessary for their fastening. You will need 3-4 packs of pads and 3-5 pieces of underpants.
  • Nursing bra, better - two pieces and several disposable inserts.
  • Cream for face, hands, etc.
  • Disposable diapers are useful for both baby and mom.
  • Postpartum Bandage.
  • Cream “D-Panthenol” or “Bepanten” for lubricating the nipples if they suddenly crack, and for the baby if he has redness and irritation on the skin.
  • Diapers for the baby. Just in case, you can grab a bottle with a pacifier.
  • Garbage bags

Important! Do not worry if you forget something. Your relatives will always be able to convey the necessary things to you, visits are allowed in many maternity hospitals.

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Bag number 3: things for the newborn

For the future mother, this is the same bag in the hospital, which is most pleasant to collect. For the baby, you need to take the following:

  • Diapers for the newborn.
  • Cotton wool, cotton pads, cotton buds with a limiter.
  • Baby cream. It is better to take a few small tubes in case one does not fit, than replace it.
  • Diapers Maternity hospitals usually give diapers, but some prefer to take their own. For the maternity hospital, 4 standard diapers are enough for you.
  • Soft towel for the baby.
  • Baby's undershirts or body, anti-scratch mittens, sliders, bonnets.
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Bag number 4: things to check out

This is a happy event in the life of any family, and you need to prepare for it in advance. It is important to choose the right clothes for the baby, because it is very important not to overcool and not to overheat the baby.

Things for the baby to discharge in the summer

The easiest way with a set of clothes for the summer. The standard kit includes:

  • bonnet;
  • blouse, vest or body;
  • sliders;
  • light blanket or light jumpsuit.

Things for the baby to discharge in the winter

In winter, the list of things will be supplemented with a warm hat, envelope or transformer overalls. Under the outer clothing they put on a flannel vest, a bonnet and sliders.

Important! If you are going to take the baby in the car, then a classic blanket and ribbon are not recommended. According to the rules, a newborn must be transported in an infant carrier. Putting the child in the infant car seat in the blanket will be problematic, because there are no slots for belts.

Things for the baby in the offseason

During this period, it is more difficult to pick up clothes, because you need to put the crumbs warm enough, but do not mix it up. Depending on the weather, you can choose a demi-season envelope or jumpsuit for the child.

Important! If the weather is cold, which is typical for early spring and late autumn, you can use winter clothes.

Things to check out for mom

Clothing for mom, first of all, should be comfortable. Therefore, choose it for yourself:

  • Keep in mind that your belly will not go away right away, and your breasts will significantly increase during feeding. Therefore, do not expect to get into prenatal jeans and a narrow topic.
  • Shoes are also desirable to take steady.
  • If you use makeup, then take it with you because it certainly will not do without a photo shoot, and a woman always wants to look good, especially on such a joyful day.


In addition to the question, when to start collecting the bag in the hospital, there are many others who are worried about young mothers. Let's take a closer look at some of them.


What gaskets should I take to the hospital?

It is best, of course, to take special postoperative or urological. They have maximum absorbency. But if you prefer to use regular night pads, then take soft and natural ones that do not cause sweating.

Which bathrobe to bring with you?

Often a maternity hospital is given a sterile bathrobe and a nightgown. But if you were offered to bring your own, then choose a cotton bathrobe that is easy to unfasten, for example, with a zipper or with a smell.

Important! Remember, you and your baby should be comfortable while breastfeeding.

Which soap is better to choose?

It is better to take one baby soap - it is possible liquid, it is possible in a soap dish, as it will be convenient for you.

Important! After giving birth, some mothers are advised to use household soap. It really is an excellent disinfectant and helps to heal wounds. But it can be used only in the place of the sutures themselves, for mucous membranes this remedy is not suitable, since it contains too much alkali.

When are they discharged from the hospital?

It all depends on how difficult the birth is, what condition the woman in labor and the baby are in. Usually prescribed for 3 days with normal births, for 7 if there is a risk of worsening.

What diapers are better to take with you?

It’s hard to say which diapers are best for your baby. One thing is for sure, the option with gauze and diapers will not work. Definitely, they must be disposable. You can take a small package, and then “navigate the course of the play”, which will be more convenient for you and the baby.

Important! It is better to take diapers of well-known, well-established companies.

Do I need to take medication?

Remember that you are still going to the hospital. If anything, they will definitely help you there and give you the necessary preparations. The exceptions are those cases when young mothers have chronic diseases that require constant medication.

Important! If you are planning a cesarean section, then the issue of medicines should be decided directly in the hospital, where it is planned.

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Some useful tips:

  • A happy father does not bother to think about the photo and video.
  • If you do not take all things with you at once, then you need to sign all things and show your spouse where they are.
  • After filling each package with the necessary items, mark it with stickers - in the “antenatal ward”, “in the birth ward”, “bring after delivery”, “for discharge”.
  • It is better to prepare things for discharge yourself, in order to be sure that they will suit you and your baby.
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Do not worry too much about when to collect the bag in the hospital and how to do it right. There are no clear instructions, and there are much more reasons to take care of yourself and your unborn child. Even if you forget to take something with you, this will not be a critical problem. The main thing is that you have documents with you and you feel the help of loved ones!


