DIY rings for a wedding car

The tradition of decorating a car goes back deep into the past. When the wedding rings were first installed on the car - no one remembers. But in Russia, the wedding was usually rolled by three horses, the harness of which was decorated with ribbons, flowers and bells. Their ringing, according to legend, drove the evil spirits away from the future family and invited everyone they met to rejoice for the young. But gradually the wedding triples gave way to the “iron horses”, and the desire to declare their happiness to the whole world remained. Therefore, there was a tradition to decorate the hood of the car with rings. Rings decorate the groom’s car, on which he arrives at the bride’s house, and then to the registry office. This car heads the wedding procession. There are a lot of design options for the rings, they are made of plastic or metal, you can buy or rent them. And you can arrange it yourself. How to make rings on a car for a wedding with your own hands?

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DIY rings on a car

To make your own wedding rings, you do not need large expenses. One has only to show a little imagination. We present to your attention a master class on how to make wedding decorations on a car with your own hands.

Materials for work

To create the rings we need:

  • Flexible corrugated hose or pipe about 2 m long, preferably white.
  • For decoration, you need to choose the appropriate artificial flowers, usually for the wedding they prefer white, but this is not necessary. You can decorate with fresh flowers, but they quickly fade and lose their attractive appearance.
  • A dense foam plate measuring approximately 25 by 45 cm.
  • Tapes of different colors for decoration of flowers, or you can use a beautiful fabric for this purpose, for example, golden brocade.
  • Gold foil.
  • Wide white satin ribbons for fastening rings on the hood of the car.
  • On request, you can purchase bells for additional decoration.
  • A small piece of beautiful fabric to cover the base of the decoration.
  • Glue, needle with thread, transparent tape, scissors and other little things for work.


Operating procedure

How to make rings on a car for a wedding with your own hands? Progress is as follows:

  • We divide the hose into two parts: one is larger, the other is smaller.
  • We connect the edges of the long and one of the short segments so that we get two ends.

Important! To close them, you can use caps from felt-tip pens and adhesive tape.

  • For convenience, the foil can be cut into strips and wrapped with rings and a foam base.
  • On the base we attach our rings with tape in several places so that they hold tight.

Important! The holes for the tapes in the foam can be pierced with a spoke.

  • We tie the satin ribbon in such a way as to connect the rings to the base. Tapes must be at least 3 meters. With their help, we subsequently attach the rings to the hood of the car.
  • We attach flowers around the entire perimeter of the base. We stick them into the foam and pour glue for reliability.
  • The bottom of the foam base is preferably glued or stitched with a cloth. This is done so that the roots of the flowers do not scratch the car.
  • We decorate the rings with rhinestones, sparkles, beads or something else to your liking.
  • At the top of each ring, bells can be hung to add charm.

Important! Fluttering ribbons, bows and garlands of flowers look very impressive, but do not make them too long, as they can catch and lose their appearance.

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Attach the rings to the machine

When we did everything, the natural question arises: how to fix the rings on the wedding car? There are several options:

  • Most often, ribbons are used for these cases. We mentioned this when making rings. They are tied to jewelry on one side, and I pass the second edge under the hood and fasten there. This is the most reliable way.
  • Can be fixed with a magnet. To do this, you need to purchase special neodymium magnets, which are placed in a foam base. They firmly hold jewelry, as they are strongly attracted to metal.
  • There is another option with suction cups, but it is not so reliable. It’s better to insure them with ribbons anyway.
  • In rare cases, use tape.

It is now in fashion to decorate additional wedding rings with toys:

  • Rings with bears dressed in wedding suits look very moving. Now the store has a huge selection of such toys.
  • The tradition of decorating the car with a doll came from ancient Russia, when a Maslenitsa doll was planted on the wedding procession, which symbolized the hearth.

Important! Such a doll was called Shrovetide because most weddings were played on this holiday.

  • In addition to bears, toys depicting pigeons that look very believable are often placed inside the rings.

Important! Such a tradition with pigeons came from Italy, where they symbolized the entry of the immaculate bride into married life.

Whatever the rings: classic and sophisticated, with delicate pigeons or touching with bears, this is always a traditional and, at the same time, very modern decoration for a wedding car!

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Useful Tips

To avoid unpleasant surprises, stick to our recommendations:

  • If you order a car in a specialized company, then you should ask whether it is possible to decorate the car yourself. That there was no surprise in the form of a machine on which it is impossible to fix the tape.
  • If you order a whole tuple, it is recommended to choose them in one color. It looks more luxurious and stylish.
  • The decoration should on the car should be a contrasting color to the car. White cars look luxurious on black cars. And light needs bright spots in the form of various decorative elements.
  • Decorations should be well fixed so that they are not carried away into the blue distance or the torn decor does not block the view of the driver at the wrong time.
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Now you have an idea of ​​how to make a decoration for a wedding car yourself. Do it, it’s so touching and especially nice to do something with your own hands for the most important solemn day in the life of every person!

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