Ring for marriage proposal

To receive from your beloved an offer to get married, which will be a chic start to a life together, is the dream of any girl. Traditions will never lose their relevance. Moreover, this moment will remain in the memory of both for life. So, you want to surprise and please your beloved, have you already figured out in what environment you will take this important step? Here the decision is yours - surrounded by friends or secluded from everyone. The time to choose the most important accessory for this moment is the ring for the marriage proposal. It is with this that we will help you with useful tips in this article.

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Engagement is an important step

A few decades ago, the proposal to marry for the inhabitants of our country was nothing more than a picture from foreign series. Today, young people are increasingly realizing the ideas observed in the films, and before setting the date for the wedding, they give their beloved girl a treasured box with an engagement ring.

Beautiful legend from Europe

It is believed that this tradition appeared in the Middle Ages in Europe. The Austrian Duke Maximilian chose Maria of Burgundy, who was considered the first European beauty, to be his wife. It was true love, and not just a politically profitable party, so the young man was afraid of rejection. The parents of the young were not against this union, but it was still far from the cherished date. Fearing that the bride would fall in love with another, the Duke decided to send her a diamond ring with the letter “M”, which every day would remind Mary of her chosen one.

Old Russian foundations

Since the time of Kievan Rus, engagement was considered a more important rite than a wedding. The groom gave the engagement ring when he made an offer, that is, before the ceremony in the church. The metal from which the ring is made did not matter, the main thing is that it should be decorated with a large stone. Refusing to put it on her finger, the girl rejected the offer.

Modern tradition

Today this tradition is returning again, and its meaning is the same. What is the name of the ring when they make an offer - there is no need to guess: the engagement party. When the future spouse gives it to the girl, she expects consent from her. Having received it, both are confident in the seriousness of their intentions and that they are ready for such a serious step as marriage.

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Engagement Ring Selection

We’ll warn you right away: choosing an engagement ring is not so simple. It is necessary that it was not only beautiful, in your stern masculine look, but should become for your beloved dream ring! A correctly selected gift will show how well you know your future wife. And it will add to your solidity in the eyes of the girl’s parents.

Issue Price:

  • In the West, the issue of finance regarding the purchase of such a ring is solved simply. Its value should be equal to the salary for two months. This is a kind of indicator of financial well-being, because after marriage, it is the responsibility of maintaining the family.
  • In our country with the economic situation, not everything is as safe as in Europe. And revenues are significantly lower. Therefore, here the purchase price of the engagement ring is proportional to half the monthly salary. Your future wife will not consider you stingy in this case, on the contrary - this will show your ability to properly manage finances.

Important! When making an offer, they usually give a ring weighing from 3 grams. Plus, the cost of the insert is from $ 8 for a small stone of 0.25 carats.

Gold or silver?

With what ring do they propose to a girl? Gold is considered an ideal option. And it is not greed at all. Your future wife will wear this jewelry for decades. And only this precious metal has all the characteristics for long wear - even after years it will look like new.

But here you need to know the following:

  • Gold items are not pure gold. For the production of jewelry, various impurities are added to it. The sample as a percentage shows how much pure precious metal is in the product. For example, jewelry 585 contains 58.5% pure gold, the rest is impurities.
  • Gold alloy exists in several versions - from white to red. It all depends on the amount of additives. White gold is considered to be the most noble, because it is added to gold another precious metal - silver.

Important! Our sincere advice to you: do not chase the dearest. First look at what your girlfriend is wearing now. Maybe she likes red or lemon gold rings? Or is her jewelry made entirely of silver? The engagement ring should be chosen to match the jewelry of your chosen one, so that in the future the girl can combine the novelty with the already beloved accessories.

An excellent option, which will give a 100% hit, will be a ring of two metals. For example, an ornament of red and white gold. An ideal symbol of the union of two people and two destinies. In addition, it is quite practical, it can be worn with products from any metal.


A ring with a diamond

The most luxurious option for decorating a ring is a diamond. Bright, durable, iridescent. Some representatives of the stronger sex think that the larger the stone, the better, richer. But we hasten to upset you. From experience, any girl will say that a ring with large stones is completely impractical. It constantly clings to clothes and there is a great risk that one day a diamond will simply fall out. Therefore:

  • The main thing - choosing this gem, pay attention to cut and cleanliness. Learn carat weight last.
  • A beautiful stone shimmering in the sun speaks of its large number of faces. The brighter it sparkles, the better.
  • Shine is also affected by cleanliness. The most expensive is considered a pure water diamond. If it is not visible in a glass of water, then you have chosen the best.
  • A ring with small diamonds and sapphire will look very original. Such a combination is preferred by persons from royal families, because it is the embodiment of luxury and elegance.
  • Time-tested classic - an elegant ring with one shining stone. This win-win option will help out if there are difficulties with choosing a ring.

Important! For those who choose rings to offer their hands, there is a great option - a romantic ring with an eternal symbol of love - the heart. It is enough to say the main words, and everything else this decoration will say for you.

Sapphires, emeralds, rubies

Not everyone can afford to give an engagement ring with a diamond. But don't be upset. In this case, almost every jewelry store can offer you many options with zircons or artificially grown semiprecious Swarovski stones. They will look no worse.

Here it is worth considering several points:

  1. If the bride has green eyes, then an emerald ring will be a great solution.
  2. An option for blue-eyed beauties is a decoration with turquoise. In addition, this stone is considered the stone of love and fidelity.
  3. Ring with pearls is not advised to give popular beliefs. According to them, such an engagement decoration will bring tears and sorrow to the owner.

Important! Choose a jewelry that will match the beauty and character of the bride:

  • Passionate nature can give stones of dark colors, ruby, agate and others are suitable.
  • A gentle and affectionate nature will prefer a light stone and a model of a ring with smooth weaves.


For lovers of originality

When wondering how to choose a ring for the proposal, you can consider another original option that modern designers offer - paired rings for both with engraving on the outer or inner rim.

Most often in such cases, future spouses choose their names.

Important! Promises that you promise never to break look very touching on such jewelry. For example: an oath of allegiance or devotion. There is only one limitation - the length of your phrase.

Rings as a heirloom

Some families have a tradition of passing the engagement ring, which was worn by great-grandmothers and grandmothers, from generation to generation. These unusual rings for the proposal are, of course, the most desirable, because their future owner can be firmly confident in the intentions of the man giving her a family heirloom. This option also simplifies your task.

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Ring size

The most difficult thing you may encounter is not the choice of stones or metal. Guessing the size of the ring is the puzzle. Today, almost all jewelry stores offer a service such as reducing or enlarging a ring. But you must admit, the need for a subsequent fitting of the accessory will spoil your surprise. Therefore, it is worth applying all your cunning and ingenuity to find out the size of the finger. And here are some tips to help you:

  • Measuring her ring on your finger is the easiest way. True, there is a high probability of mistaken assumptions.
  • If you live with a girl together, then make a soap cast of the rim of the ring. Or use plasticine for these purposes. Even simpler is to draw a ring on paper.
  • You can consult with her friends, sister or mother, and first take from them a promise to keep everything a secret.
  • Another trick is to give the girl a ring in honor of some event in her or your common life. For example, she graduated from a university or you have an anniversary dating. Go together to the nearest jewelry, and then when choosing an engagement ring you are guaranteed success.
  • The worst option is to ask the girl directly. With the size you get to the point, but the surprise will be ruined.
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Which finger to wear the ring?

  • In Europe, it is customary to wear an engagement ring on the ring finger of the left hand, not only before the wedding, but also after it, combining with the engagement. Therefore, it is important that the jewelry is combined in the style and color of the metal, complement each other and look harmonious.
  • In the countries of the CIS and the East, the engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. However, there are no clear guidelines on how to wear jewelry after the wedding. Most often, the girl replaces the engagement ring with a wedding one, that is, changes the status of the bride to the status of the wife. As a rule, after the wedding, she decides how she will wear the jewelry.
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Choosing a ring to offer a hand is very important. You must know her tastes, preferences and interests. Well, then - as your imagination and financial capabilities suggest. Do not forget that it is necessary to find the very cherished words, upon hearing which, the girl will understand that she is desired, loved and irresistible. By the way, there is one omen on this score: engagement rings can be of any shape, size and originality, the main thing is that the engagement rings are smooth, then life will be even and smooth.

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