Ring on the left hand on the ring finger 🥝

A ring is a very popular jewelry. For each person, it may have some meaning of its own. Some wear it as a talisman or amulet, the second - as a beautiful decoration, the third - with it, show others their social status. However, not everyone knows that the finger on this accessory plays an important role. But this is closely related to our energy. Let's figure out what the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means (on the left ring finger).

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The psychology of rings

The tradition of wearing these jewelry came to us from ancient times. For many centuries, various rings were worn without exception, regardless of religion, nationality, social status and age. From ancient times they believed that the rings were endowed with magical power and used them in various rituals.

Some of them have survived to the present day, for example, the exchange of rings during the marriage as a symbol of fidelity and sincere feelings. And even today, when the era of progress has come, these jewelry with its mystical properties have not lost their relevance.

Important! Experts in the field of psychology argue that if you pay attention to the finger on which a person wears jewelry, you can draw up his personal bioenergy portrait. These accessories, depending on which finger they are on, are able to influence their masters in certain areas of life, and this is a long-known scientific and psychological fact. Specialists who studied this issue with confidence claim that putting a given accessory on a finger, a person launches a certain program, a kind of mechanism that affects his fate.

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The healing properties of jewelry

Of no less importance are the metals from which the jewelry is made. Of course, if the ring is made of base material, such as aluminum, then it cannot play a special role in human energy. Such jewelry is more chosen for beauty and, rather, as a complement to a particular image.

Noble types of metals, unlike the rest, feel the person much more subtle. For example, it is advisable to wear silver to tired and irritated people who are often tormented by headaches, and gold items are more suitable for those who feel a breakdown and suffer from high blood pressure.

Important! Many people prefer to wear jewelry made of steel, tin, iron and copper. These metals also have healing properties.

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Wearing the ring finger

The ring finger of the left hand has a direct connection with the heart - it is believed that it has a special power. That is why an engagement ring is most often worn on this finger. However, the following can also be said about the features of wearing jewelry on this finger:

  • If you wear a ring on the ring finger of your left hand, it will bring you positive emotions, as well as contribute to the development of hidden creative abilities. If you have chosen the right hand, positive changes and optimism await you.
  • This finger is most often associated with the moon, and it, in turn, symbolizes devotion, beauty and purity. No wonder people in love wear jewelry on this finger. This is especially true for girls.
  • Suitable metals are gold and silver.As for precious stones, it is better to choose turquoise, amethyst and jade.
  • Wearing accessories on this finger will bring positive emotions to your life, as well as increase creativity.


Nameless left

In most cases, wedding rings are worn on this finger. Many are sure that this custom comes from the belief of the ancient Egyptians that blood flows through the veins from this finger directly to the heart. However, the decoration on this finger can also mean that a person is only about to enter into marriage (engagement party).

Wedding rings on this hand are worn in Italy, France, Ireland, Great Britain, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey, Sweden, Azerbaijan. And also in Korea, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Colombia, Mexico, USA, Canada, Cuba and other countries.

Important! According to tradition, the wedding rings in the CIS countries after the divorce are transferred to the ring finger of the left hand, and the widowers and widows wear two wedding rings (spouse and their own).

Right nameless

Although in most countries a wedding ring is usually worn on the left hand, there are countries where the right hand is used for these purposes. This applies to the Orthodox tradition and countries located in Central and Eastern Europe - Belarus, Russia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova. Also on the right hand are rings in Spain, Germany, Greece, Austria, Georgia, Norway, India, Chile, Kazakhstan and several other countries.

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Thus, the ring on the ring finger of the left hand, no matter women or men, is often a wedding accessory that symbolizes love, devotion and purity. Putting it on this finger, something new and positive can happen in your life.

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