Ring finger of the right hand 🥝 women and men, which means wearing on the left, photo

Having looked at a beautiful little ring in a jewelry store or received a precious present from a loved one, many are wondering: on which finger should it be worn and does it make any difference. Since ancient times, rings are not only elegant accessories, they emphasize the tenderness of women's hands, bear a symbolic meaning. Rings on different fingers can influence fate or reveal hidden talents in people. Jewels on the right hand can activate the personality, and the ring on the middle finger of the left hand can protect against negativity and pacify internal disagreement. Let’s talk about this in more detail.
to contents ↑A little about the energy of the rings
The tradition of wearing jewelry such as rings is rooted in antiquity. The ring is a special decoration that has long been credited with magical power and associated with various rituals. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is a wedding ceremony in which people entering into a marriage exchange wedding rings as a sign of love, fidelity.
For most people, a ring is just a beautiful accessory that can be matched to an image and changed like gloves. But some people consider these jewelry amulets or talismans.
to contents ↑Important! Chirologists and psychologists agree that the rings have something to tell about their master, moreover, not only the jewelry itself is important, but also the finger on which it is worn.
Rings and rings on large fingers, deserve special attention. The following can be said about such people:
- A person who wears a ring on the thumb of his left hand, as a rule, turns out to be an emotional, energetic, expansive person. These are stubborn, straightforward, at times aggressive, quick-tempered, warlike personalities. At the same time, such people are well aware of their shortcomings and advantages, which is why, putting the jewelry on this finger, they seem to intuitively try to pacify, curb their hot temperament.
- On the other hand, psychologists are confident that the ring on the thumb is a sign that at the moment the goal of a person is self-affirmation by any means and methods, and self-affirmation in the first place comes in the first place.
- Decoration on the thumb is also a symbol of lesbianism. If such a girl has a ringed thumb of her right hand, this means that she has a companion, and her left hand is a free girl looking for new acquaintances and relationships.
The ring on the index finger of the left hand is called the ring of "power." It was on this finger that many prominent historical figures wore jewelry - Cardinal Richelieu, Julius Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII. Also about people who prefer to wear jewelry on their index finger, we can say the following:
- A decorated index finger can be a sign of pride, a thirst for power, as well as a strong-willed, strong character.
- Jewels on the right hand speak of prudence, and on the left - arrogance, megalomania, pride, and a penchant for hysteria.
- Palmists and astrologers recommend that indecisive and shy people wear rings on their index fingers - this will give them decisiveness, insight, and bring success and good fortune to their lives.
to contents ↑Important! Tin and gold jewelry have a particularly positive energy effect.
It is customary to wear family jewels on this finger, emphasizing the connection with the ancestors, the influence of fate, faith in karma, and the highest purpose:
- The ring on the middle finger of the left hand may indicate that its owner is confident in his irresistibility, superiority, and also that he is prone to narcissism. The more massive the stone and the ring itself, the more clearly these qualities are manifested in a person.
- The generic ring on the middle finger can smooth out the negative effects of rock, help to cope with difficulties and get the support of ancestors.
- Overcome the endless “black stripes” and obstacles will help decoration on the middle finger. This method is perfect for chronic losers.
- Also, wearing jewelry on this finger is recommended to people who engage in spiritual practices.
to contents ↑Important! If the middle fingers of both hands are ringed, this may indicate a certain detachment from reality and a high degree of fatalism.
Decorating the ring finger, first of all, indicates marital status. This tradition appeared even among the ancient Egyptians, in accordance with the conviction of which, the "artery of love" leading to the heart, began precisely from this finger. You can also say the following:
- The decoration on this finger (with the exception of the engagement rings) emphasizes the love of his master for luxury, refinement and art. As a rule, they are in the hands of actors, artists, musicians and, in general, people of creative professions.
- A ring on the ring finger gives out a voluptuous nature, which seeks pleasure, a pleasant pastime and sensual pleasure.
- It also speaks of a dreamy and romantic nature.
- A small ring indicates a calm, harmonious, self-confident person, while a larger one indicates a person’s passion and a tendency to violent behavior.
to contents ↑Important! Decorating the ring finger is recommended in order to strive for wealth and glory.
Little finger
Decorating the little finger will benefit those who need flexibility of mind, sleight of hand and eloquence:
- The little ring located on the little finger helps its owners find a common language with people and establish business contacts.
- Psychologists believe that adornment on the little finger often appears in dexterous, quirky natures, which are prone to adventures, intrigues and betrayals.
- In a woman, the decoration of this finger emphasizes narcissism, the variability of nature and coquetry.
- Also, the ringed little finger may indicate a willingness to flirt and a love of gambling.
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Thus, before you put the ring on any of the fingers, you should understand the nuances of the values of the rings on the fingers. Each of them carries some kind of meaning that can bring both positive and negative things into your life.
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