Bedbug Combat

Bed bugs are very old unpleasant “neighbors” of a person. Since parasites feed on human blood, they also settle closer to places of night rest for people. As soon as you find the first signs of the presence of bugs: bites on the body, small red dots on the bed, an unpleasant smell in the apartment - immediately take measures to combat parasites. The speed in this process is very important, as the bugs reproduce very actively, so the later you start processing, the more difficult it will be to cope with the problem. The most popular and effective drug for the destruction of bloodsuckers is “Combat from bugs”.

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Combat - a remedy for bedbugs

Noticing the appearance of parasites in the house, many decide to cope with the problem on their own, without calling the pest control service. Today in stores there are a large number of funds designed to combat bloodsuckers.

Henkel (Korea) proposes to use the insecticide “Combat from bugs” in the following options:

  1. SuperSpray Kombat is a highly targeted tool designed to eliminate crawling parasites. It can be used both to get rid of bedbugs, and from cockroaches, domestic ants. The drug is available in aerosol containers with a capacity of 500 ml. The main color of the container design is golden.

Important! SuperSpray Plus combo is by far the most effective spray for the destruction of any crawling insects, bed bugs, as well as fleas.

  1. Multispray bedbug combo is a universal tool with a wider scope. Using MultiSpray, you can destroy all insects that live next to humans, including flying and crawling: cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, wasps, etc. The product is available in 400 ml aerosol cans. The main tone of the design is red.

Important! Both types of Combat products do not require prior preparation. They do not need to be diluted with water, unlike concentrates. The product is ready to use immediately after purchase.

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Composition of Combat preparations

Bedbug CombatSuperSpray contains 2 effective insecticides:

  • Ciphenotrin.
  • Imiprotrin.

Important! These components have an effective intestinal contact effect on parasites. In contact with the cover of the body of bugs, insecticides cause rapid paralysis and death.

The following insecticides are part of MultiSpray:

  • Tetramethrin.
  • Permethrin.

These components also have a similar effect on pests.

Important! Aerosols SuperSpray and SuperSpray Plus have a more pronounced effect on bed bugs, because the insecticides included in the composition are designed specifically to combat bed bugs. In addition, from consumer reviews, MultiSpray has a strong specific odor.

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Benefits of Combat

The advantages and undoubted advantages of Kombat aerosols include:

  • Ease of use. The aerosol spray is easy to use on your own: distribute the spray evenly over the surfaces.
  • Ready to use immediately after purchase. It is enough to shake the balloon several times and the drug is ready.
  • Fragrances are added to the composition of the product, so it does not have such an unpleasant odor as other insecticides.
  • Aerosol “Combat from bugs” has antibacterial and antifungal effects (pathogens and fungi often accompany bed bugs).

Important! To confirm the disinfecting effect of SuperSpray aerosol, special tests were carried out: the causative agents of fungal and bacterial infections were placed on linoleum, tile and wood, and then SuperSpray Combat was sprayed. 15 minutes after treatment, more than 90% of harmful microorganisms died.

  • Profitability in use. Thanks to the flexible nozzle, the aerosol can be sprayed in hard-to-reach places: behind skirting boards, paintings, in cracks in the floor and walls.
  • The product does not stain wallpaper, upholstery.
  • Impact effectiveness.

Important! The drug does not have the lowest price, but the ease of use and sufficient effectiveness of the drug compensate for this minus.

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How to use Combat from bedbugs?

Before using the drug to destroy bugs, prepare the room:

  1. Slide the furniture from the walls and open access to the skirting boards.
  2. Disassemble the beds and sofas so that you have access to the wooden frame.
  3. Empty cabinets, pack clothes in bags.
  4. Cover the aquarium with thick glass and turn off the compressor.
  5. Laundry and wash at the highest temperature.

Important! If there are a lot of bugs in the house, then the parasites also probably settled in the closets, so treat all clothing in accessible ways: wash, scald with steam from the steam generator or hang it in the cold (if possible).

  1. Remove carpets, tapestries, as well as paintings, photographs, etc. from the walls, since it is precisely behind these products that bedbug nests are often found.
  2. Remove pets and household members from the apartment.
  3. Cover all available electronics as well as direct use items.

Bedbug CombatAfter you have finished the preparation, proceed to the treatment of the room with the drug “Combat from bugs”:

  1. Wear protective equipment: glasses, gloves, and a respirator.
  2. Shake the container several times before use.
  3. Spend the rear walls of the sofa, bed and other furniture, interior structures, as well as furniture mechanisms. Work places behind pictures, cracks on the walls. Pay special attention to skirting boards and wall joints with ceilings.

Important! Spray the product at a certain distance from yourself (20-30 cm).

  1. Walk through the doorways and window frames.
  2. Spray the product onto sewer and heating pipes.
  3. After the treatment is completed, leave the room for 2 hours.
  4. Ventilate the apartment well by opening the windows and thoroughly clean the room with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Wet the next day, and do not wipe hard-to-reach areas and furniture frames. It will not bring harm to health, but against insects it will work perfectly.
  6. Run animals into the apartment only after wet cleaning.

Helpful hints:

  • Processing with the drug “Combat from bugs” is enough to destroy most of the parasites and their larvae. However, from the remaining egg clutches, new individuals may appear, so we recommend that you re-process after 2 weeks to completely get rid of bloodsuckers.
  • Processing in one room at home will not give the desired effect, so you need to process all the rooms at once. If we are talking about an apartment building, then disinsection is necessary in all infected apartments at the same time.
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Safety of the drug for humans and animals

When choosing a drug for controlling insects, it is necessary to consider not only its effectiveness, but also its safety for humans and pets. SuperSpray Bedbug Aerosol Spray belongs to hazard class 3 (i.e., a moderately hazardous product).

Important! In total there are 4 hazard classes: the first includes the most dangerous, toxic substances, and the fourth - practically safe for people and animals.

In its composition, the drug has a new generation of insecticides from the group of perteroids. A characteristic feature of these substances is the combination of high toxicity to insects and low harmfulness to warm-blooded creatures (humans and animals).

Important! Even if it enters a human or animal, harmful substances are rapidly excreted by the excretory system.

Toxic effects on domestic animals are characterized by doses of periteroids.If a small amount of the drug inadvertently enters the dog’s body when licking the treated surface or inhaling vapors, then it will not harm the animal, and for the cat and smaller animals (hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.) this dose may be significant.

Universal safety rules for the use of insecticides:

  1. Treat the drug using personal protective equipment.
  2. Avoid contact with skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
  3. Remove children and animals from the treated area.
  4. Wash the treated textiles thoroughly.
  5. If you have any symptoms of poisoning? As a result of using the drug from bedbugs, consult a doctor immediately.
  6. After processing, be sure to carry out wet cleaning.
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What is the difference between spray and bed bugs from aerosol?

Spray and aerosol from parasites are not fundamentally different from each other, since both drugs are a liquid solution of an insecticidal substance. When spraying the drug in the room, the drug enters the airways of the bugs, from which they die.

Sprays and aerosols differ from each other in the form of release and the degree of readiness for use, in particular:

  • Sprays are usually not sold in ready-to-use form, but are concentrates. The product is packaged in small bottles of 50-100 ml (for home use) and canisters (for industrial use). For room treatment, the concentrate must be diluted with water and sprayed using special devices. Professional services use cold fog generators or aerosol plants, and in everyday life simple spray guns are used for processing.

Important! Many insect sprays use professional pest control. As a rule, sprays are more effective, economical than aerosols and the more effective insecticides used in them are not always safe, easy to use.

  • Bedbug aerosols are ready-made insecticide solutions diluted to the desired concentration. These solutions are poured under high pressure into spray bottles and equipped with a valve. The tool does not require any preliminary preparation, as it works on the principle of “bought and use”.

Important! Aerosols against parasites are household products. They are manufactured with ease of use and safety in mind. Means are optimally suited for the destruction of bugs in houses, apartments by the forces of the residents themselves. Aerosols are minimally toxic to humans, so they are recommended for use in schools, hospitals, and kindergartens.

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The drug “Combat from bugs” is convenient and effective enough for the destruction of parasites. However, if the room is severely infected, then several treatments will be required. The problem of insects getting used to modern insecticides is very serious today. For example, according to American researchers, only 6% of pest control companies say they will get rid of bed bugs in one visit, and more than 60% of companies guarantee the destruction of insects after only a few visits. Good luck in the fight!

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