DIY piggy bank

Few people have no piggy banks at home. Someone uses it for its intended purpose and collects a trifle there, for someone, the piggy bank serves as an element of decor. But few people know that the history of this subject originates in ancient China, where donations were collected. The first prototypes of modern pigs to collect little things had the shape of a regular cup on the lock. At such a piggy bank it was necessarily indicated what the collected funds would go to. Then the piggy banks appeared in Russia and in Europe. The piggy bank symbolizes prosperity and prosperity among all nations. So, among the Germans, the desire for wealth sounds like “pig happiness”. Let's try to make such a “pig happiness” with our own hands. There are many ways, following which you can get a very original piggy bank from a can with your own hands, as well as from a plastic bottle, a cardboard box. All options can not be counted. Let us dwell on the most interesting in our opinion.

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Piggy bank pig from a plastic bottle

You will need:

  • a bottle of plastic;
  • spray paint;
  • toy eyes;
  • scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut off the middle part of the plastic bottle.
  2. Put the lower part on the upper, for better grip they can be glued together.
  3. Paint the craft with spray paint in several layers. The color can be any that you like.
  4. When dry, you can glue the eyes. They can be borrowed from some unnecessary toy. Cut the ears from the remaining middle part of the bottle or from the cardboard, paint them in light pink and glue them.
  5. The bottle cap can be painted with a marker black, and you get a pretty nice piglet.
  6. Make a small hole on top so that you can push a trifle and paper bills through it. This can be done with a knife.
  7. Legs for mumps can be made of plastic or bottle caps.

Your piggy piggy bank is ready! You can feed her, and we wish you “pig happiness”

Important! The first piggy piggy bank appeared in medieval England, it was there that the first specimens of pigs were released. Well, the Japanese, as always distinguished themselves and released a kamikaze piggy bank. Her goal is not only to raise money, but also to teach young people to be responsible and punctual. If you do not drop a coin at a certain time, then it will crumble.

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Piggy bank in the style of Superman or Batman

If your son is a fan of superheroes, you can make with him a piggy bank in the style of Superman or any other hero, which can be easily made from a can. How to make such a superhero piggy bank with your own hands from a can? Very simple:

  1. Find a beautiful can with a metal lid.
  2. Paint it from an aerosol in several layers in a color suitable for your superhero and let it dry well.
  3. Cut the logo out of colored paper, or you can simply print the one you want on a color printer.
  4. Glue the picture to the jar.
  5. In the hole, cut the desired size with a knife.
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Making a piggy bank from a glass jar

Take a regular glass jar of the appropriate size and screw the lid onto it. On this cover, make a slot for money. In principle, the piggy bank itself is already ready from a glass jar. It remains to decorate it.

For greater originality, we will make a piggy bank of a square shape. For this we need cardboard:

  • Cut out two strips of cardboard.One strip is the width of the can. The second - 1 height + diagonal of the can + 1 height.
  • These two strips must be combined with each other in the place where the bottom of the can is, and fastened together using a stapler. This is the first blank for the frame.
  • We make the second workpiece. To do this, put on the cardboard the first blank and circle, adding 1 cm to the allowances from the sides. It does not need to be made so long, leave 3 cm on each side. Cut the second workpiece.
  • In the center of the second workpiece, draw a circle equal to the diameter of the lid and cut it out.
  • Now you need to put both blanks on the jar. We put the jar in the center of the first workpiece and raise the edges, and on top of the lid we put on the second workpiece and fasten them together with a stapler.
  • For strength, you can fasten the entire structure with tape.
  • We dilute PVA glue in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Cut paper towels into strips. Dip the strips in glue and lay them in waves on the base. Thus, we decorate the jar from all sides, preferably in several layers.

Important! Before applying a new coat, the old one must completely dry.

  • Each layer must be painted with acrylic paints. You can choose the color to your liking.

Important! Paint the first coat in a darker color without gaps. The next layers are painted with lighter tones.

  • Now take the glue “Titan” or “Moment”, coat them with the neck and places where the workpiece ends. Lay the packing cord, woolen thread or burlap in a circle on the glue. Use the same glue and rope to decorate the cover.

Important! On the side you can decorate the piggy bank with bows or buttons or other decorative elements.

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Other ways to create piggy banks with your own hands:

  • Do you still have empty coffee cans? Do not throw them away, because you can use them for making piggy banks. How to decorate such a piggy bank? Find on the Internet a beautiful ornament, flower designs or other picture you like and print the picture on a color printer. Cut out the pattern based on the size of the jar and glue it.

Important! From above it is possible to decorate a piggy bank in addition with pastes, beads, buttons, bows or flowers.

  • You can make a box of cardboard and colored threads. Just make a sketch of the box, cut it out of cardboard and fasten all the parts with colored threads. You can download the finished blank from the Internet, print it and use it as a stencil. Make a hole for coins on the lid.
  • Cut the plastic bottle to the height you need and sew the cover on the drawstring, which can be released or tightened back. Put it on top of the bottle. Inside you can put anything: money or just small items.
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All the ideas suggested in this article are not the ultimate fantasy. You can take them as a basic concept and create your own unique design piggy bank from a can, bottle and any other improvised material, then you will have more interest to fill it.

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