DIY toy basket

A beautiful and roomy toy basket with your own hands will help to unload the nursery, because over time many different toys accumulate in the child’s room, for which it is quite difficult to find a free place. In children's stores you can see a wide selection of different baskets for toys, but not every one of them can be called high-quality, and the price of some is too high. Therefore, you can do such a thing yourself. This article is about this.

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Varieties of toy baskets

The number of types of toy baskets is surprising - there is a solution for every taste. When choosing a particular model, you should consider the features of the interior and your individual preferences.

Types of baskets in shape and material

In form they are:

  • In the shape of a box.
  • In the form of a pipe.
  • In the shape of a bag.
  • Nested.
  • Compact mounted.
  • With or without lid.
  • With or without a pen.

Types of baskets according to the sewing technique and material:

  • From scraps of fabric in the style of patchwork.
  • From denim.
  • Weaving from fabric strips.
  • From cotton fabric.
  • With pockets and elements for the development of the child.
  • Combined with a film - transparent.


Which model to choose?

When choosing a bag or basket for toys, some points must be taken into account:

  • With soft edges. This model is easier to sew, since less materials are used and there is no need to insert a dense material into the product walls or somehow strengthen it. Such a basket will be appropriate for storing rubber and soft toys, perfect for balls.

Important! Hard toys will change its shape, making it ugly.

  • With tight edges. It’s a bit more difficult to make compared to the previous model, but the result is a universal product suitable for both hard and soft toys.
  • With transparent walls. For its manufacture, it is necessary to find a transparent material, which does not always work. However, it will be convenient to use in that the desired toy will be easier to find without dumping all the contents on the floor.
  • With a lid and with handles. Such baskets are good because they can be worn. This is convenient when, for example, two nurseries or a child often plays in different rooms.
  • With pockets and elements for the development of the child. Good for those mothers who want to develop the baby to the maximum. In the pockets of such a product, you can put small cubes that the baby will be able to get himself.

Important! Additional elements can be sewn onto the walls of the basket - fasteners, locks, buttons, buckles, small toys or beads. Thus, the child will study these subjects - to close and open locks, to fasten buttons. All this perfectly develops fine motor skills.

  • Mounted. As a rule, such models are small and are used for small soft toys. Such baskets save space in small nurseries.
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Pigtail toy basket

To make a DIY toy basket from fabric braids, you need the following:

  • A cut of fleece or terry cloth (the fabric should be soft and supple).
  • Strong threads.
  • Pins
  • Scissors.
  • 4 cringles.


  • Cut the entire fabric into long strips whose width does not exceed 15 cm.
  • Twist the strips and wind them out of the balls (for convenience).
  • Take 3 identical strips of fabric and weave a tight braid out of them.

Important! To keep it as such, fasten it with a pin on one side.

  • When you will braid the braid, sew 3 new strips to each of the ends of the fabric cuts.
  • So, gradually braiding and sewing, you should get one long pigtail.
  • Now it needs to be folded in a special way: first, end one end with a spiral, while the pigtail hangs on the sides.
  • As a result, the laid out braid should form the bottom of the basket.
  • Now you need to put the pigtail perpendicularly and also sew on the sides - this is how the walls turn out.
  • Weave the walls of the basket until you realize that its height has reached the required level.
  • At a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the almost finished product, insert the eyelets, 2 on each side.
  • Insert the handles from the same braids into the finished holes. And from the inside, tie or sew them.

Important! The larger the piece of fabric taken, the larger the basket.

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Toy basket

To sew a DIY toy basket out of fabric, you need the following:

  • Thick fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Centimeter.
  • sewing machine or thread with a needle.
  • Pins
  • Iron and ironing board.
  • A large round object as a template (pan cover or large plate).


  • Lay the fabric on the table with the wrong side up.
  • Circle the lid or plate, marking the circle on the fabric.
  • Cut along the intended line and measure the length of the resulting circle with a centimeter.
  • Prepare a fabric for sewing. The length of the web should be equal to a circumference of +5 cm per seam. The width can be chosen at your discretion. The height of the product will depend on the width of the web.

Important! Do not forget to leave an allowance so that it is possible to tuck the upper edge of the fabric several times, and then sew. The more times you turn the edge, the stiffer your design will be.

  • Fold the cooked cloth twice inside out. Tuck the edges several times, pin them with pins.
  • Try to keep the bottom clearly in place. If necessary, slightly change the width of the overlap and sew on a typewriter.
  • Lock the bottom with pins.
  • Sew the hem all around.
  • If you want the basket to be more rigid, you can make it a two-layer one. To do this, repeat all the steps first, making another cover.
  • Turn the outer cover outward with the front side, and the inner front one inward.
  • Insert the inner case into the outer one, aligning their edges.
  • Tighten and secure them with pins several times.

Important! If necessary, pre-iron the bends with a hot iron so that the fabric does not puff.

  • Sew the hem.

Important! An empty basket may not hold its shape, however, everything will change when you fill it with toys.

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DIY toy basket is a very useful thing in any children's room. Having made it yourself, you will get a wonderful thing that will help optimize the usable space in your child’s room.


