DIY basket of vines

A basket woven independently is a great help in the household. With it, you can go to the forest for mushrooms, to the market for fruits or vegetables. Stylish and elegant basket is perfect for going to the store. Wicker items for storing linen, for umbrellas look original. In addition, having achieved a high level of skill, weaving can be turned into a source of income. The topic of today's article is a do-it-yourself basket of vines. This is not so difficult at all. Only simple tools and materials are needed - it is also very easy to get them. Well, and of course, a little patience.

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According to experienced craftswomen, willow and blackberry branches are best suited for weaving baskets from vines with their own hands. The bark of willow branches suitable for weaving has a reddish, purple or orange hue. Lozines bend well at right angles without breaking. For weaving, dried rods are used. Before starting work, they are soaked, which makes them more flexible.

Important! If the bark remains on the rods intended for weaving, then they need to be soaked for about a week so that the bark can be removed more easily.

Before you make a basket of vines, prepare raw materials, that is, these same branches:

  • Bars for the bottom crosspiece - 8 pcs., With a diameter of 7 mm and a length of 200-250 mm.
  • For stiffness of the walls - 15 pcs. 250-300 mm in diameter 5-7 mm.
  • Braid vine - 20-30 pcs. meter length. The maximum diameter of the rods intended for braiding is 4-5 mm.

In addition to lozins of different lengths and diameters, you will need:

  • Secateurs.
  • Awl.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Pliers.
  • Round pliers.
  • Elastic band or rope for tightening.
  • Cargo for fixing the product in place.
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How to make a basket of vines with your own hands - get to work

The first step is to make the bottom of the basket:

  • Take 8 twigs.
  • In four, make a center incision of approximately 3 cm.
  • Insert the remaining 4 bars into the resulting cut.
  • Start braiding 4 lozines for the bottom base using the rope technique. All you need to do 2 rows.
  • Divide the elements of the cross in 2 and continue weaving.
  • Make the number of rays of the base odd (use a side cutter to cut one of the rods. Now braid each of the rays individually.

Important! Make sure they are evenly spaced. Only in this case will the bottom be even and correct.

  • Continue weaving until all beams are braided. Cut off the excess tips.


The bottom is ready!

The next stage is weaving the walls:

  1. Attach 15 racks to the bottom of the basket, bend them at a right angle, and tie the upper ends with a rope or elastic band. Braid the border between the walls and the bottom of the product in 3 rods.
  2. Take 3 branches and insert the thin ends into the bottom near each of the racks arranged in series.
  3. Go around the leftmost bar 2 racks to the right, go inside the 3rd rack and take out 4 racks outside. Braid the other two slogans using the same algorithm.
  4. Weave in the specified sequence 2-3 rows.
  5. Weave the walls of the product in the usual way (one vine behind the counter, the other before). The number of rows depends on how high the product you want to make.
  6. Cut off the excess rods-racks, and hide the braiding rods in the product.
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A pen:

  1. Take a thick rod and bend it as the handle of the finished basket should look.
  2. Now sharpen the ends of the thick branch and insert on both sides of the product.
  3. Insert six thin rods next to the thick and braid the handle.
  4. If necessary, fasten with tape.
  5. Insert the same 6 bars on the opposite side and braid the handle again.
  6. Hide the ends of the rods in the weave.
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As you can see, weaving a basket with your own hands from a rod is not very difficult. Of course, you need to train to get real masterpieces.

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