DIY basket with flowers from sweets - master class

Homemade gifts returned to fashion again. Having minimal skills in needlework, you can create real masterpieces from the usual materials and objects. If you want to surprise your friends with an extraordinary present, then you will surely like the created basket with flowers from sweets with your own hands. The master class will allow you to show all your imagination, to really surprise loved ones with useful gifts. After spending just a few evenings, you really get carried away by this hobby. Step-by-step instructions for creating all the elements and creative ideas for their design are presented in our article.
to contents ↑What will be required for work?
The most important step in creating any such masterpiece, of course, is thorough preparation. A do-it-yourself candy basket should only be created with a certain mood and inspiration. Therefore, first stock up on sweets, preferably in bright wrappers, with all materials suitable for creativity. Looking through ready-made handicrafts on the Internet, one can distinguish several mandatory individual decorative elements and floral arrangements. Bouquets are made from separately prepared parts according to the principle of manufacturing these compositions. You will need very few materials for this.
A sample list of everything you need looks like this:
- The most favorite sweets of the person to whom the gift is intended.
- Colored and corrugated paper, foil, organza, ribbons for decoration. You can also purchase satin ribbons, beads, ready-made figures and cords.
- Mesh, packaging or piece of fabric for decoration of the bouquet.
- Toothpicks or barbecue sticks.
- Polyfoam or foam rubber for fastening. You can also use already frozen mounting foam.
- Glue gun.
- For fixing color, paper and transparent tape.
- Ready containers: flower pots, vases, decorative dishes.
- Scissors.
- Small pliers.
- Paper glue.
- Wire.
to contents ↑Important! If you plan to create a bouquet of sweets in a basket with your own hands using wire, then think in advance how you will disguise it. In addition to the above materials, if you wish, you can come up with some kind of original design. For example, with the help of paper butterflies, bows, small soft toys.
Gift bouquets of sweets for beginners
So that you get a really original basket with your own sweets, it’s better to make some trial options. Practice creating simple elements and individual flowers. They are simply classified, for this standard models and names are used, similar to the standards, fantasy flowers. Next, we describe the step-by-step creation of the simplest compositions that even a beginner can handle.
Caramel Bouquet
Do you want to spend a minimum of time and create a beautiful bouquet that can be remembered for a long time? Then use caramels of the same shape to work. The list of necessary tools we have already presented above.
A bouquet is created according to the following scheme:
- Take wooden skewers, attach the caramels to the sharp edge with a thin transparent tape or thread.
Important! The more blanks you make, the more magnificent you get a bouquet.
- We make leaflets.Use corrugated paper, because it is convenient to use, with its help you can simulate real sheets. Cut the paper into long strips so that they stretch along. Fold the strip, depending on the size of the leaves you wish to receive. Cut the petals to get a kind of garland.
- Spread out all the petals, stretch the paper. Give them a curved shape by simply twisting each of them onto a shaft from a regular handle.
- Tape the base near the sweets with ordinary tape. Gradually wrap the leaves around the candy, gently spreading them. Fix everything with a thread, wrap the stalk with green corrugated paper.
- Repeat all steps with all prepared skewers and form a bouquet.
Gift bouquet of sweet roses
Next, we will present another master class - a bouquet of chocolates a basket with roses with your own hands. A step-by-step description will help you do all the work clearly. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment. In addition to basic tools and materials, you will also need chocolates in foil.
Instructions for making a basket of roses:
- Cut corrugated paper of several colors into rectangles and squares.
- Fold each element to the width of the petal, make cuts on it of different depths and shapes.
- Expand the petals, with the help of toothpicks give them a shape, twisting a little.
- Cut a square from the baking film. Wrap each candy in such a way that at the bottom you can fix the film with a gold thread.
- Take one petal and gradually wrap candy around them. It is important that the first layer is not too open, in which case the paper will cover the candy completely.
- Fasten the most magnificent petals.
- Make at your discretion several roses so that they have different sizes.
- Form a bouquet of flowers. It is better to fix the buds with the help of skewers, using a wire frame, mounting foam or a foam ball.
Depending on the parameters of the details, you can create wedding bouquets or decorations for the interior.
Bouquet of tulips from sweets
It is difficult to find a person who would not like tulips, in our time they are given at any time of the year, delicious gifts also complement them. You can arrange such flowers from sweets in a basket with your own hands beautifully and originally.
Technology for creating a bouquet with tulips:
- Make flower blanks. From colored corrugated paper, cut long, neat strips. With curly scissors cut one edge, the other - should be cut perfectly evenly. So, for the manufacture of one flower you will need three blanks of petals and two - leaves.
- Thread each candy with thread or tape to the skewer. Then wrap the three elements of the workpiece around one candy, secure them with glue or thread.
- Lift the lower edges of the petals, stretch them a little and glue them on the sides to the bottom layer to fix everything securely.
- Wrap the skewers with tape, glue the leaves.
- Gather flowers in a bouquet, wrap with a net or gift wrapping, tie a bow using a satin ribbon.
to contents ↑Important! A gift basket made of sweets with your own hands, created using similar technology, can complement such a composition. You can use for this flower pots, decorative dishes, vases, decorated with various elements of paper, ribbons, beads, stones, laces, bows. Everything is much simpler here, because it is enough to wrap the container with beautiful paper, decorate and place an already prepared bouquet in it.
Helpful hints and tips from professionals
You have learned how to make sweet bouquets, but other information will definitely come in handy for you. In this matter, as in any other, there are some nuances and secrets. Many needlewomen learn about them from their own experience, so it will not hurt you to familiarize yourself with them.
The main tricks of creating neat and beautiful homemade bouquets of sweets:
- The use of corrugated paper allows you to manually give products the necessary shape, contour.It is enough for this to straighten the place of the bend or bulge with your fingers. In addition, the edge of the paper can be twisted with a pencil to smooth the contours, or perform a similar curl with knitting needles.
- Attach flowers to the stems better with a special decorative tape. If not, you can use a slightly damp strip of corrugated paper. If you push a little, then you can achieve the most dense fasteners.
- So that the basis for the composition is as stable as possible, but not too heavy, since sweets that weigh a lot will still fall into it. The ideal option is polystyrene glued to cardboard.
Important! If you plan to work with polyurethane foam, it is better to make a contour from cardboard or paper in advance for its placement.
- For the manufacture of curly crafts, it is recommended to pre-cut shapes from foam or foam, wrap their visible parts with corrugated paper or foil.
- Autumn bouquets are best complemented with real leaves, pre-processed with melted paraffin. Due to such processing, they will not lose their shape for a long time.
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When choosing components for work, do not focus on one type of candy. You can freely combine several types of sweets. For example, if you are interested in how to decorate a basket with flowers from sweets, then you will definitely like the idea of using multi-colored pieces of marmalade. With flat chocolate bars, you can build whole sweet homes. You can give such a gift not only to a child, but also to an adult who is not indifferent to sweets.
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