DIY basket of flowers from ribbons

It is difficult to imagine any celebration without flowers. Compositions for various variations allow you to decorate the hall during the holiday and give a great mood. Beautifully designed baskets can be a great gift with or without. And what scope of imagination gives you the opportunity to try yourself as a florist and designer. Even yourself you can love your beloved at least every week, if you know how to make a basket with flowers from ribbons with your own hands. The production of such compositions requires a sense of style, artistic taste and a great desire to learn something new. In this article we will look at different ideas and variations that you can easily bring to life.

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Everything new is well forgotten old

Do-it-yourself hand-made baskets like these will seem to young girls a newfangled handmade. But our mothers and grandmothers know that these things come from the Soviet past. When you wanted to create coziness, and shops for this could offer only stamped tea sets and crystal for the sideboard. This art was passed from mouth to mouth, from hand to hand, complemented by its original ideas and ideas. Now in our hands are several ways to create such handmade masterpieces.

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DIY cart out of the box

At the heart of the first method, which we will consider, is a plastic box made of tooth powder. But you are unlikely to find such a rarity in modern stores of household chemicals. Therefore, it can be replaced with any other box or flat jar made of thin plastic, or even a piece of foam. The main thing is that the material is soft and can be punctured.

Materials for work

So, to create a basket of tapes with your own hands you will need:

  • Ribbon for the basket. It will need a lot - about 10 meters. It is better to take material 1.2-1.5 cm wide.
  • Wire - pick up not soft, but one that you can bend. 35 cm should be enough for you.
  • Plastic box for tooth powder or polystyrene.
  • Ordinary tailor pins with a loop on the end.
  • Pliers or nippers.
  • Compass.
  • Marker.

Foundation preparation

If you took polystyrene as the basis, then first you need to give it shape. This is done with a sharp knife, but very carefully so that there are no sharp corners and irregularities. Otherwise, our basket will be in a strange shape. Next, when the foundation is ready, follow this plan:

  1. Using a compass from the top of the base, we mark the pins. It should accurately repeat the shape of your future basket - this is an important point, and be 0.5 cm from the edge.
  2. Exactly the same layout, trying to combine the upper and lower points, we do on the bottom at a distance of 1 cm from the edge.
  3. In a circle, at a distance of about 0.5 cm from each other, we stick pins into the base. They should go to a depth of 1 cm.
  4. We repeat the same thing from the bottom.

Important! Please note: below, where the base of the basket will be, we retreat a little more from the edge. So our product will look more realistic.


Basket weaving

Now we begin to work with ribbons, creating a beautiful wrapper for our basket. At this stage, accuracy and concentration are very important. The ability to weave macrame is also useful:

  1. We bend one edge of the tape in half, fasten it with a pin.
  2. Draw the tape down, throw it on the bottom pin, folding it in half lengthwise, then pull it up.
  3. We again throw on the top pin, and so, with a snake, we continue to braid the base over its entire surface.
  4. Make sure that the fold of the tape is in one direction. Each time we make a figure eight.
  5. As soon as you finish braiding the side part without cutting the ribbon, we begin to wrap the pins in the upper part with it.
  6. The weave between the needles goes from left to right, making a revolution around one pin. Pass and tighten the tape from the inside.
  7. In order for the edges of the basket to have a finished look, you should braid the pins in three layers. Needles should not be visible at all.
  8. Cut the tape and fix its tip inside the future basket with a pin.
  9. We fix all the pins so that they are the same height and are located around the circumference.

Basket handle

With the help of nippers, with considerable force, we bend the wire - the base of our future handle and begin to braid it with the same ribbon that decorated the basket:

  1. We bend the right end of the tape in a semicircle and put it on top of the wire.
  2. The left one is lowered down, conducting over the right ribbon, from the back we pull into the formed loop to the right of the wire. Tighten the knot. Repeat so many times.
  3. If everything is done correctly, we should get a “spiral” of nodules.
  4. We tie the ribbon with a bow and cut it off. The ends of the tape must be melted with a lighter or candle fire so that they do not open.
  5. We attach the handle symmetrically to the basket, clamping the “ears” with pliers. We attach a ribbon to the ears and make bows.

Important! There is another simpler option on how to make a beautiful pen. Gently spiral down the blank of our future handle and attach it to the base. It will look no worse than wicker.

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Soap Basket

If you want your basket made of satin ribbons with your own hands to be not only beautiful, but exudes a pleasant aroma, then as a basis take a piece of oval-shaped soap. The basket will be smaller, but in the room where it will be, a pleasant smell will appear.

Choosing this method, you should know a couple of points:

  • The marking for pins is best applied not on the soap itself, but on a piece of paper that will repeat the shape.
  • If the ribbons slip when braiding the side, then they can be slightly moistened and laid as needed. After drying, the ribbon will not move.
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Basket in an original braid from baubles

This method is often used in elementary grades in labor lessons. It develops fine motor skills well, as a result, excellent gifts for mothers are obtained. From this it follows that this method is one of the easiest.

Materials for work

We will need:

  • 2 satin ribbons, 1 cm wide and 6 meters long each. It is better to take contrasting colors - this will be more effective in the end and easier in the process. Take the blue and yellow colors as an example.
  • Thick cardboard in the color of one of the tapes.
  • A box of ordinary noodles for instant cooking.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.

Step-by-step master class

Getting to work, remember how in adolescence weaved baubles. If memory does not fail, then you will quickly master this technique:

  • Taking one end, bend the ribbon 10 cm, forming a loop. With another blank, do the same and lay the ribbons on top of each other.
  • Now we bend the upper blue loop, as if we were tying a knot. We make a full circle. The loop returned to its place, but became small.
  • Then we take the yellow loop and pass it through the little blue. Pull on the short end of the blue loop, but do not over tighten.
  • Make a loop of blue ribbon and pass it through the yellow loop. Tighten the yellow loop a little.
  • Then make a loop of yellow ribbon, thread the blue loop with it and tighten the blue one.
  • Thus, we continue weaving a loop into a loop.

Important! Keep the squares even. You can not tighten it much, but you do not need to leave it weak.

  • Continue weaving a bauble until its length is equal to the circumference of the workpiece. As soon as we reach the desired size, we gently tighten the tapes with each other, and cut off the excess.
  • In order to paste over the whole box, we need several tapes. The longest bauble will go to the upper part, the shortest to the lower. Another strip will go to the handle. Glue it to a strip of cardboard and fix it on the sides.

The original basket is ready!

Useful Tips

A few secrets that come in handy when creating baubles:

  • During weaving, the loops do not need to be tightened too much. They should be a little free, then you will achieve beautiful symmetry.
  • If the first time it was not possible to weave a beautiful bauble, do not rush to throw away materials. Just uncoil the strip and start over.
  • If the tapes slip out during operation and the loop falls apart, secure them with a pin. When you gain experience, everything will turn out on weight.
  • Having finished work, the rest of the tape can be tied in a knot, or you can leave it free. Here you choose only.
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Basket decoration

As you have already seen, a basket of satin ribbons with your own hands is not such a difficult task. Having implemented at least one of these options, you cannot stop. You will want to finish the composition by adding flowers, ribbons, large beads to it. This is where the master class on creating beautiful roses from ribbons comes in handy.

Satin ribbon roses

For creativity, we need:

  • Satin ribbon 4 cm wide in white and red.
  • A few sheets of newspaper.
  • Glue gun or glue with a thin tip.
  • The most common toothpicks.

To start, we will prepare the tapes. In our bouquet for a small basket there will be 15 roses - 9 red and 6 white. Each flower will take 1 meter of length. Then we perform the following steps:

  1. We take the tape and bend its edge at an acute angle.
  2. We make two tight turns - this will be the core of our rose.
  3. Each turn we fix a small drop of glue at the base.
  4. Bend the tape away from you. The working part of the tape should not be lower than the bud itself.
  5. We twist the ribbon from ourselves and begin to form a rose flower. It is important to observe the shape of the flower. It should not be convex or hollow.
  6. After making the required number of turns, turn the rose over and cut off the excess edge of the ribbon, singeing it with fire.
  7. Without turning the bud over, stick a toothpick in the middle of the flower.

Now you need to prepare the basket:

  1. We put several sheets of newspaper in a ball the size of the basket, and fill the interior space flush with the edges.
  2. Then we take a red rose and stick it with a toothpick in the middle of the basket. The connection can be fixed with a drop of glue.
  3. Around it we have 6 white buds.
  4. The next circle is red flowers again.

The chic composition will be complemented by a wide bow on the handle of the basket.

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Stock footage

People are already so fed up with stampings that things made by themselves are again especially appreciated. They do not look like standard store souvenirs, sometimes of very dubious quality. Such DIY baskets of ribbons are unique and unique. They keep in themselves the warmth of the hands of the master and his personality. Such a gift that will decorate any interior will be glad both your mother and close friend. And at work, such a composition will cheer up the whole team. Good creative ideas!

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