DIY flower basket

A beautiful flower basket with your own hands will be a great gift for the holidays or interior decoration. The filling of the basket is selected individually - these are not necessarily fresh flowers. No less interesting and original look bouquets of sweets and toys, paper flowers and seasonal themed compositions. These interesting workshops will tell you how to make flower baskets for bouquets of any complexity yourself from start to finish.

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What to make a flower basket?

For floristic compositions use baskets of different sizes and materials. Moreover, they can be divided into:

  • Decorative bases made of artificial materials (polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, floral oasis). Flowers are stuck in a blank cut in the shape of a basket, so this option is more suitable for bouquets of sweets and artificial flowers.
  • Actually baskets and baskets. There are classic forms and original vases in the form of an umbrella, shoes, household items.

These options are quite capable of home craftsmen. And it is not at all necessary to look in the stores for the braid of the desired shape. Strong and light baskets can be made independently from:

  • paper;
  • cardboard boxes;
  • plastic containers;
  • natural materials (cones, branches).

The capacity should complement the flowers, depending on the size of the bouquet and its style.

Why do not fresh flowers fade and remain fresh in such compositions?

All thanks to the floristic sponge, which transfers moisture to the stems of the flowers:

  1. At the bottom of the container we put a plastic bag-substrate.
  2. After wetting the sponge, put it in the basket.
  3. Cut the stems of flowers and stick them in an oasis.
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We select plants

Different flowers are taken depending on the size of the basket:

  • For large - roses, chrysanthemums, gladiolus, carnations.
  • Medium - mini-roses, daisies, forget-me-nots.

Important! Large leaves, cereals and climbing plants complement the flowers in the bouquet.

Let us consider in more detail the options for self-making baskets with flowers from different materials.

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Mini basket with paper flowers

This miniature basket with flowers made of paper with your own hands is made from a reel of tape and colored paper. The simplicity of making the composition will appeal to children, and adults will be able to create more complex options based on this master class:

  1. Cut a circle from a piece of cardboard and glue it to the bobbin, cutting off the excess edges.
  2. Cut a sheet of brown paper into strips.
  3. Having placed them along and across, braid the coil from the adhesive tape.
  4. Put crumpled green paper inside.
  5. Make flowers from colored paper. We twist the strips 5-7 mm wide into tight spirals. Paste them with paper tapes cut into fringe.
  6. Glue the flowers inside the basket.
  7. Cut out a strip of 1 cm from cardboard, glue it or wrap it with brown paper.

A large gift bouquet will not fit in such a basket, but for small gift compositions by March 8, Teacher's Day, New Year, they will be just right. For large bouquets, make a basket from a wide round box, covered with a cloth or applique.

Important! Based on this idea, make a small bouquet basket with small flowers - lilies of the valley, tulips, forget-me-nots, tea roses.

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Kraft paper basket

This option is suitable for those who do not know how to elegantly arrange a basket of flowers in eco-style. Pay attention to kraft wrapping paper. It is dense enough to maintain its shape and support the weight of flowers.

Operating procedure:

  • Cut the paper into wide and long strips.
  • Fold them in half and sew along the edges.
  • Lay out 8 strips (4 horizontally, 4 vertically) in front of you.
  • Pass the upper vertical tape through the horizontal, through one.
  • Repeat for all other strips.

Important! To make the weave even, fasten the ribbons with pins to the table and fasten the edges with paper clips.

  • When the bottom is woven, go to the walls. Bend the strips along the edge of the weave and braid the corners.
  • Then continue weaving the walls to the desired height.
  • Decorate the edges of the paper basket with a strip of paper.

Important! This basket is suitable for large flowers. Place the oasis inside, decorate it with peonies, roses. The combination of tender petals and rough paper will create an interesting composition.

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Christmas basket of cones

This basket is suitable for New Year's compositions on a festive table. For a small basket you will need about 50 cones, for a large one - 200-300 pcs.

This will be the order of your creative work:

  1. Make rings of different sizes from cones wound at the base with wire.
  2. Fold rings from smaller to larger. After passing the wire between the rows, pull it off.
  3. Inside, make the bottom of 3-4 large cones fastened with wire. But it is better to glue the bottom out of cardboard.
  4. Make a handle out of cones. This time, leave the ponytails from each end of the chain of cones, wrap them 2-3 times. In addition, glue with glue.
  5. We attach the handle to the bowl, and the basket is ready!

What to put in such a basket? Needles, juniper, Christmas plants - poinsettia, mistletoe branches, hippeastrum, plus decorate with small Christmas toys, garlands.

Important! To make the cones unfold and become fluffy, put them in a colander and hold them over the steam. Then fix the flakes in the opened state with varnish or wood glue.

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Round newspaper basket

A round basket of newspaper tubes is very similar to a wicker from a vine, but it weighs less and is not so difficult to do with your own hands. The material is easy to find - these are newspapers and magazines that are cut into pieces, folded on a spoke and glued. From these tubes a basket is woven.

Important! Paint the wood stain or ocher-colored acrylics before weaving the straws so that the basket looks like a wicker from a real vine.

Let's figure out step by step how to make a small flower basket in this technique:

  1. Fold each other 3 tubes horizontally and 4 vertically.
  2. Fold the extreme vertical stand and interlace the adjacent horizontal ones, passing through one.
  3. Continue wrapping the central vines in a circle. If the tube ends, stick the next one to it, inserting one into the other.
  4. Align the center posts to get the beams.
  5. Finish the base, put the shape inside.
  6. Lift up racks and fix them with an elastic band. We continue weaving, making sure that it is not very tight and that the mold freely leaves the basket.
  7. Weaving the desired height, tuck and hide a part of the slots inside the basket, gluing them to the walls.
  8. Leave 2 racks opposite each other for a handle. Connect them to glue. If the handle is too high, cut on one side.
  9. Glue 2 tubes near the base of the handle - one on each side. Stitch the handle racks crosswise. After braiding, cut and glue the vine.

Important! Using bowls, pots, jars of different sizes for the form, you can make small and large baskets in this way.If you need a curly bow or vase with a transition from the wide to the narrow part, then changing the shape of the base, you can get the desired shape. A bouquet in such a basket, made by yourself, looks especially elegant, because a wicker basket and flowers are a classic composition in floristry.

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Basket of plastic container

From different containers and food substrates, you can make nice interior baskets:

  1. We take the burlap and wrap it in a plastic container, fixing the edge of the fabric with a glue gun.
  2. Glue white lace outside.
  3. Wrap the wire with twine, bend and fix the handles on the body.
  4. From the remnants of wire, lace and rope coiled into a spiral, we make flowers.

Important! Flat baskets from low capacities are suitable for romantic bouquets. The whole charm of such baskets is in high handles, so it’s them who should pay attention and refuse additional decor.

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Foam basket

A light and shiny basket in the shape of a woman’s handbag can be used as a gift for decorating a wedding and birthday.

Important! This basket is designed for artificial decor, but in the middle you can make a recess under the floral sponge. Sizes of the finished basket with flowers 40 * 40 cm.

The order of the creative process:

  1. Cut 2 trapeziums from foam. Sizes of a figure: 16 * 16 * 22 cm.
  2. From the wrong side at the base of the basket, cut a recess where the load will be placed for stability of the composition.
  3. Glue both parts and sand the edges with sandpaper.
  4. Wrap the entire part with gray corrugated paper. Secure the paper and foam with a hot glue gun.
  5. Make a pen from a soft plastic tube decorated with a silver ribbon. Attach wire studs to the ends of the tube.
  6. Wrap the basket with lace, and glue the twisted cord around the bottom edge.
  7. Stick the pens in the upper part and decorate with flowers.

Important! A variety of forms for topiary, Christmas wreaths and compositions for the interior can be made from polystyrene and its varieties.

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Master class: a bouquet of fresh flowers to the basket

The main difficulty in drawing up a bouquet basket is that you need to be able to show the beauty of the flowers and correctly use the shape of the basket in which they are located.

Depending on the size of the buds and the length of the stem, the composition may be:

  • symmetrical - with the exact center in which the most noticeable flowers are located,
  • asymmetric, located a wave from large flowers to smaller ones.

This workshop will tell you how to make a basket with fresh flowers with your own hands:

  1. Cut the oasis with a knife to the size of the basket.
  2. We put it in a bowl of water, allowing it to completely saturated with moisture.
  3. We take flowers with a hard handle (roses, matthiols) and cut the stem.
  4. We protect the inside of the basket from water with a film, put a sponge on it.
  5. To keep the floristic oasis evenly in the basket, fasten it with a teyp tape (green paper tape).
  6. We decorate the edges of the basket with leaves, then we stick roses in a circle. In the center we place large buds.

Important! In flowers, before composing a bouquet, you need to trim the petiole obliquely. Weak stems are reinforced with wire inserted inside and tape.

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Master class: a bouquet of roses from paper

Learn how to make a basket of flowers with your own hands from jammed paper. This is a very popular trend in needlework. Learning how to make paper roses and peonies, you can make candy gift bouquets, as well as decorate holiday decorations. Therefore, let us dwell on the very manufacture of flowers, and take the basket ready or do it according to the previous lessons:

  • Cut the red paper into strips of 5 cm.
  • We cut each ribbon into 6 parts - 120 petal blanks come out.
  • Round off the top of the rose petals.
  • Cut 27 strips 1 cm wide by 20 cm long for winding the stems.
  • For sepals, cut 8 strips 6 cm wide. Make a serrated edge on the strip.
  • We take the candy, glue it on a double-sided tape to the barbecue stick.
  • Lubricate the lower edge of the first petal with hot glue.
  • Wrap the candy, forming the inner bud.

Important! To make the edge wrapped, like a real flower, we twist the edges onto the stick. For one candy rose you need 8-10 petals. For a bud - no more than 3.

  • Glue the sepals on the bottom of the flower.
  • Wrap the skewer in narrow green paper and fix it. Get 9 buds and 18 lush roses with a candy in the middle.
  • Cut squares from organza or tulle, fold.
  • Glue the fabric around the corner to the skewer - it will be green to fill the voids in the bouquet.
  • We put a piece of polystyrene in the basket, mask it with a green filler from paper or sisal.
  • In a circle we stick greens from tulle, filling the entire space.
  • We stick open roses in the center, and buds around the edge.

Important! Complete the composition with golden fern leaves, decorate the handle with a ribbon and a string of beads, add a bow to the basket for the finished holiday composition.

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A gift basket with flowers made of paper or a bouquet of fresh flowers is a great present for any holiday. Based on these ideas, you can create an exquisite floral arrangement for friends and loved ones in unique and most unexpected variations. Be sure your work will not go in vain!


